Report: U.S. Unblocks Military Aid to Lebanon

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The Obama administration decided to resume its military assistance to Lebanon although by Thursday there was not yet any official confirmation about the decision, As Safir daily said.

The chairman of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Howard Berman, suspended a $100 million assistance to the Lebanese army in August 2010 over concerns that Hizbullah may have influence over the country's army and American-supplied weapons could be used to threaten Israel.

But As Safir said Thursday that the Obama administration in consultation with the House of Representatives agreed to send weapons and military equipment to Lebanon.

The first batch of light and medium-sized weapons could reach Lebanon soon given that the decision is only waiting for bureaucratic procedures, it said.

The newspaper added that the U.S. will also provide Lebanon with heavy weaponry at a later stage.

But As Safir stressed that by the time the daily was sent for print, there was no official confirmation or denial about the decision.

Following the 2006 summer war between Israel and Hizbullah, the army deployed in southern Lebanon — Hizbullah's heartland — for the first time in decades, with the help of U.N. peacekeepers. Since then, the U.S. has stepped up its military assistance to the Lebanese army.

It has since 2006 provided over $720 million in military aid, including assault rifles, Humvee vehicles, missile and grenade launchers and night vision goggles, in addition to training.

Comments 21
Thumb cedar 22 March 2012, 09:46

USA should triple its military aid to lebanon

Default-user-icon Leo (Guest) 22 March 2012, 13:09


Default-user-icon Haifa (Guest) 22 March 2012, 09:48

Lebanon should not be a rubbish tip for their useless weapon against their ally

Missing ulpianus 22 March 2012, 14:38

I think this rububish weapons is what Lebanon needs. I mean, we dont even have night vision for example :-) So it´s a good start.

The weapons are not to be used against Hizb. but if we one day, "god forbid" ( ironic) again have an army with trustable weapons, then we will have no need for Hezb (weapons), and we can tell them that. We dont have any bargain now when they say " eh lets give up our weapons, who will defend jnoub"?

Default-user-icon arnab (Guest) 22 March 2012, 09:59

the USA should not ship one single bullet to lebanon until and unless all illegal weapons are under state control and the army's command is purged of hizb of terror officers!

Default-user-icon Wéwé (Guest) 22 March 2012, 13:29

so if all weapons are under state control, we will still have "Heavy Weaponary"???? our weapons are rusting and the USA are afraid to send us good and modern weapons for fear they end up with Hizb!! like the hizb is really interested in having those weapons!!!!! God bless our beloved army,it's the only public institutions worth trusting and we really hope all the weapons are under the state control,and i mean ALL weapons should be under state control

Thumb jabalamel 23 March 2012, 16:14

same retarded zionist just under guest nickname

Default-user-icon Wéwé (Guest) 22 March 2012, 13:31

so if all weapons are under state control, we will still have "Heavy Weaponary"???? our weapons are rusting and the USA are afraid to send us good and modern weapons for fear they end up with Hizb!! like the hizb is really interested in having those weapons!!!!! God bless our beloved army,it's the only public institutions worth trusting and we really hope all the weapons are under the state control,and i mean ALL weapons should be under state control not just Hizb

Missing anonymoustxusa 22 March 2012, 14:16

To Haifa & Wewe
Lebanon is not paying for any of these weapons - beggers can't be choosers ok. In any case, any weapon given to the army is better than no weapon. If you want to blame someone, blame our dear politicians from 1990 onward for bankrupting our state to fatten their pockets.

Missing anonymoustxusa 22 March 2012, 14:19

To wiseguy Arnab
And how do you suggest to bring these illegal weapons comes to be under state control - do you think the holders of these Illegal weapons will simply volunteer/donate them to the state. Wake up Kid - the army should be strenghened first so as it can confront any illegal weapon holders.

Missing anonymoustxusa 22 March 2012, 14:31

As i see it here is the equation:
USA is donating its weapons to Lebanon on the sole condition that Lebanon doesn't use them to attack Israel, i.e. when Israel or USA attack Iran's nuclear sites - Lebanon would stay out, doesn't interfere or take part in any military reprisal against Israel.
On the Other hand, Iran is donating its weapons to Hizbullah, on condition that Hizbullah attacks Israel if Israel or USA attack Iran's nuclear sites.
Hmmm...i think i like USA conditions better...cause i don't see why we should be launching any war on behalf of Iran.

Missing ulpianus 22 March 2012, 14:53

Anonym. Well I agree with you, Lebanon has done enough fighting others wars.
..and actually we were the ones suffering most as we gave up a beautiful, modern country. The result we see today:-)
Question is though, even if Hezb. would give up their weapons, will the international community let Lebanon purchase advanced weapons again? Even only defensive ones...
Seems unlikely, taking in consideration that the embargo, actually made the Lebanese army weak(er) during the 90:s, and was one of the heavy factors that let Hezb. get so strong.

Lastly, I think any scenario like the one you describe, will result in chaos in Lebanon. If it developes to a total war, Palestinian weopons will get out of the camps heading to the south, for sure.

Hopefully, this time the other Lebanese can stay united and the army will stay to protect the christians and the sunnis and any others that will not take part in any war.

Missing anonymoustxusa 22 March 2012, 15:09

@ Ulpianus
Will International community allow Lebanon to purchase advanced weapons?
Assuming Lebanon will have some money to pay for them...Yes of course it can
Let me clarify something to you, There isn't any UN Embargo on Lebanon, i don't know where you got that Idea.
Now there is a US embargo, which other NATO states, and most western nations follow as well for Israel concern. But that leaves Russia, China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Switzerland, and multiple other countries that produce weaponry, which do not share US concern toward Israel.
Let's be frank, they may not be as advanced as US ones, but still pretty advanced for what the Lebanese army has right now.

Missing ulpianus 22 March 2012, 15:30

I didnt say anything about any UN embargo.

It follows from the US one that other countries would not go into that mess.

Russia has great interests with the US so has China. None of these countries would jeopardize on these interests for the sake of "selling" weapons to Lebanon. China even has a great relationship with israel with a billion dollar industry in import/export between them.

We only have Iran,North Korea, Cuba, and venezuela that would sell any weapons to Lebanon ( kidding).

Anyway, this scenario is to far away to even be discussed today.

Default-user-icon Roy sfeir (Guest) 22 March 2012, 15:14

The americans are hypocrites!!! Where were they when Israel was occupying the south? They didn't bother giving us anything. Once Hezbollah liberated us, now they decided to arm us. Why is that? Because they do not want us to fight Israel that would be bad for Israel. They want us to fight ourselves so our country can never pick its self up and Israel can be the banking and tourism jewel of the middle east. Their policies are bad for us! I think we should tell good ol Hillary to shove her guns up her snatch because god knows Clinton isn't shoving his gun in there!!

Missing anonymoustxusa 22 March 2012, 16:00

@ Alpianus
You were saying: We dont have any bargain now when they say " eh lets give up our weapons, who will defend jnoub"?
HA can easily hand over its Anti-Aircraft, Anti-Tank weapons, bunkers/tunnels as well as their Missiles to Lebanese Army, the Lebanese Army will then make sure that it is put to good use in defense of the Nation, and will be able to protect the Jnoub even better than Hizbullah is doing now.
Plus, because the Lebanese National Army would be defending Lebanon, All of Lebanon's civil society will back its army when confronting Israel.
Where as now - with the level of hate toward Hizbullah by Lebanese, if Israel & Hizbullah get into a fight, most Lebanese will not lift a finger to help Hizbullah (some might even help Israel).

Missing ulpianus 22 March 2012, 17:03

Here I totally agree with you. I could even see Hizb:s military wing merge with the Lebanese Army, as they have people knowing the south, and knowing how to fight there. Like some kind of South Lebanon division.
The "only" difference is that,it will be under state control and other "parts" of the country would fight as you say in case of an attack.

I think Samir Geagea or somebody suggest this a couple of years ago..

Thumb jabalamel 23 March 2012, 16:16

yes yes agree with zionist idiot...

Default-user-icon Rodolfo (Guest) 22 March 2012, 21:33

Default-user-icon Arz10452 (Guest) 22 March 2012, 23:27

The best Guarantee for Lebanon's independance and strength is "no weapons" and "no army" just a merger of internal security and army to become the security force in Lebanon. This cannot happen before disarming Hizballah and the Palestiniens. If you think about it, how many times has the army engaged both of our neighbors with any success?? - all problems that the army faces are internal, if we remove that threat, there will be no need for an army.

Thumb jabalamel 23 March 2012, 16:17

shut up zionist scum