Ban 'Strongly Deplores' Fatal Shootings from Syria into Lebanon, Turkey

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U.N. leader Ban Ki-moon on Monday “strongly” deplored the fatal cross-border shootings from Syria into Lebanon and Turkey earlier in the day, U.N. spokesman Martin Nesirky said in a statement.

Ban also made a final plea for President Bashar al-Assad to halt attacks on civilians ahead of a Tuesday deadline to withdraw troops and heavy guns from Syria's cities.

"The secretary general reiterates his demand that the government of Syria immediately cease all military actions against civilians and fulfill all of its commitments made through joint special envoy Kofi Annan," said Nesirky.

Syria had accepted Annan's plan for government troops and weapons to be withdrawn from cities by Tuesday but put up last minute conditions that opposition groups must make a written guarantee that they would lay down their arms.

Comments 1
Thumb cedar 10 April 2012, 06:31

Please, the united nations is not a credible institution in the first place - its structure makes it weak.