Syrian Troops Kill Lebanese Man Near Arsal

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

A Lebanese man was killed and five others were injured after Syrian troops opened fire on them near the eastern border town of Arsal at dawn Tuesday.

Abdul Ghani al-Jebbawi was shot dead by Syrian soldiers while he was hunting for rabbits at a farm on the Lebanese-Syrian border, Arsal municipal chief Ali al-Hujairi said.

At least five other people were wounded in the attack, the National News Agency reported. It identified three of them as Nayef and Abdullah Audeh, and Hassan al-Jebbawi.

Al-Hujairi told Agence France Presse that the men came under attack inside the Lebanese territories after being “ambushed” by the Syrian troops.

Al-Jebbawi’s body was taken to his hometown of Arsal where he will be laid to rest on Tuesday.

Comments 26
Default-user-icon Horus (Guest) 29 May 2012, 10:42

If this was the Israeli army who had shot the Lebanese man it would have had a different response from the militia HA and the followers of the militia and also the dormant government.

Missing lebcan 29 May 2012, 11:12

Ya Mowaten! If it was me I would NOT go hunting near the boarder at a time like this... But could you please enlighten us on where you got your info that these guys were really not hunting? I mean you seem really sure that they have the weapons you say they have. Ya what ever!!!

Thumb jabal10452 29 May 2012, 11:17

The fact that a Lebanese citizen was gunned down by a foreign army on Lebanese soil does not seem to bother you at all. And you call yourselves patriots?

Thumb jabal10452 29 May 2012, 12:35

Wlek ya mowaten sma3né shouai: I DONT KNOW if those people are HA operatives or not. But IF THEY WERE, then they are basically foreign combatants on foreign territory. They are at the mercy of the whoever is in control of that country. This is not to be compared with Syrian troops killing our citizen inside of our country. The Lebanese "Govermnent" will probably not do anything about this. Low lives.

Missing lebanese88 29 May 2012, 12:11

That is such an LF thing to say "you should be shot on a wall". Sadly, many were shot in this way, its truly a bad thing to say as it brings back bad memories to those who had relatives killed in this way by the LF. Shameful militia mentality. Im glad the LF do not have the strength of hezballah, even though im not m8 because if they/you did, then God help us all. Hezballah has not even done 1 % of what the LF would have.

Thumb geha 29 May 2012, 12:14

each day you confirm you are a sectarian through your comments, and you twist anything in a way that serves your beliefs.
why not take tings the way they are and respect human life for a change?
or are you that twisted to only support the actions of your non lebanese masters?

Missing lebanese88 29 May 2012, 13:18

Same goes for me what? Im not the one saying people should be shot against a wall. Your LF attacked basicly everyone actually, not only those who sided with the syrians/PLO. The LF themselves sided with the syrians at one point when they were murdering other lebanese. But that is not the issue here. The issue is about using such irresponsible terms that remind people of such harsh days. Besides, regardless of who one sides with, nobody has the right to murder civilians or threaten people with murder. Only those that cause physical harm should be dealt with with such force. Someone who is not harming anyone physicly, such as a naharnet commentor is not a justified target so leave the militia mentality somewhere else please.

Thumb shab 29 May 2012, 13:24

Syrian Zionist army

Thumb lebneneh 29 May 2012, 13:32

Guys you all just proved each other wrong...although you are on different sides of the camp, you all have the same hateful mentality that is destroying the country...if you only remember that we are all Lebanese and that we should be protecting each other than anyone else then this country would have been much better off....unfortunately 90% of Lebanese think like you!

Thumb Bandoul 29 May 2012, 22:39

yep sure, whatever, but only one camps has illegal weapons pointed at our head and forcing us against our will.

Default-user-icon NoName (Guest) 29 May 2012, 14:53

What about all the people in houses and villages on the Syrian border. Are they no longer entitled to leave their homes and work their land because the Syrian Army might shoot them dead?

The entire story: A Lebanese man got killed in Lebanese territory by foreign soldiers who infiltrated Lebanon.

This is acceptable to some people here. They deserve the same fate.

Default-user-icon Mike (Guest) 29 May 2012, 15:58

hy guys I intented to visit lebanon this summer but the situation got extremly dangerous right ? Are there any dangers for me as a tourist ?

Missing forces 30 May 2012, 14:27

what makes you say that mike. the syrian,israeli, tripoli, beirut thing is an everyday occurrance here in sunny libnan. You can go clubbing, visit the mountains, beaches, historical places without any problems, seriously you might be more in danger of getting run over by a polititans entourage than be in any danger from these things

Thumb bigsami 29 May 2012, 16:24

Motormouth more manure as usual from your mouth. Been hunting all my life and one hunts at day break and fall....idiot!

Missing peace 29 May 2012, 16:41

second time M8 supporters still defending the syrian army and accusing the lebanese ... we see clearly where their loyalty goes to...!

why didn t they say that the shia who crossed syria by bus at this time knowing the dangers in syria got what they deserved too?

funny how they say that lebanese killed inside lebanon it s their fault!!!

Default-user-icon Greenie (Guest) 29 May 2012, 17:50

Mouwate and FT ,assuming he was carrying a M16 and An RPG does this gives the Syrians the right to shoot him inside the lebanese territory??
Walla ma 3am efham ,how can a lebanese sink as low as you and Ft and defend a regime that slaughtered and keep slaughtering thousands of lebanese,Bas try to convince me.

Default-user-icon Greenie (Guest) 29 May 2012, 17:52

BTW Where are abtal el jeish el lebneneh,yesterday they shot a guy in the head for failing to stop at a checkpoint,now they are doing nothing NADA when lebanese ppl are being shot at the borders.

Default-user-icon Greenie (Guest) 29 May 2012, 17:54

Not saying that Israel are better than Syria,but what would be your opinion Mouwate if an israeli soldier killed a lebanese man who was carrying an M16 inside the lebanon???
Be honest please and give me an answer capullo.

Default-user-icon bangbang (Guest) 29 May 2012, 21:31

another violation from the light headed syrian regime.these killings are preplaned by assad entourage for one reason and one reason only, draging lebanon into their war. but hopefully we wont fall for it

Missing tony74 30 May 2012, 09:38

The main problem is that HA still has arms and we must all accept the fact that HA will never surrender his arms le2anno kayeno hour sle7o. Without his arms HA is nothing. So pls all u guys should do like me leave this country cz its not for us anymore. HA and syria wants to control and dominate the country, we dont have arms we are fighting with no arms by only spirits so soon we will loose because they want to dominate lebanon.

Default-user-icon Greenie (Guest) 30 May 2012, 15:53

Mouwate,I called you capullo cause you are one,respect has to be earned.
You do not expect me to respect someone who defends a regime that slaughtered thousands of lebanese.I do understand your hatred for the LF and Harriri family,maybe you have had a bad experience with them ,it does not concern me ,what worries me ya Mouwate IE:Capullo is your constant defense of the Syrian regime.
And about your Hizbollah whining ,Short memory you have,you forgot how you were begging Qatar (your enemy at present) for help ,how you used to queue up lal 2i3ashe and for places to stay ,but anyway you wont see any wrongdoing in that,el Sh7ade is in your culture.
You know what i mean Capullo ??

Default-user-icon Greenie (Guest) 30 May 2012, 15:55

By the way Capullo ,The Al JAdeed camera man had only a Cam on him not an M16 and RPG .

Thumb jabal10452 30 May 2012, 22:16

Shou hai capullo? Ana mesh féhém...

Thumb Bandoul 30 May 2012, 22:57

@jabal10452, aren't you a bit curious what happened to our deleted posts?

Thumb jabal10452 30 May 2012, 23:28

@bandoul, yes I realized that. I have a feeling this forum is being hacked. Too many suspicious thumbs up on some posts, of late...

Default-user-icon Greenie (Guest) 31 May 2012, 00:09

Jabal Wallaw?you can say M8 in English And Capullo in spanish.