Karam Announces Electoral Campaign: No Weapons Can Rise above those of Army
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةThe Lebanese Forces’ candidate for al-Koura by-elections Fadi Karam announced on Sunday his electoral program, which emphasized the importance of the freedom and sovereignty of the state.
He said during a press conference: “Along with my colleagues in the LF, I believe in the rise of a democratic nation ... and an army who weapons cannot be overshadowed by any other.”
“We believe in an army that exists under the authority of the state and which derives its power from the people,” he continued.
“We believe in a Koura region that harbors all sects and caters to its youths in order for them to live in prosperity,” he continued.
By-elections to replace late MP Farid Habib will be held on July 15.
Lebanese Forces bloc MP Farid Habib, representative of the northern Koura district, passed away on May 31 after a battle with illness.
He was elected in 2005 for one of the Greek Orthodox seats of the second electorate in the North.
He was reelected in 2009 as a representative of the Koura district.
Greek Orthodox should get the foreign ministry portfolio. not only some koura seat. They are the best representative to Lebanon abroad, whether vis a vis the west or the arabs. They are historically close with the arabs, plus as inhabitants of the lebanese coastal cities, they are more open to the west. Orthodox gave Lebanon Charles Malek, Fouad Boutros, Elie Salem, Ghassan Tueni... I think we all agree that these are the ones that give the best image of Lebanon abroad. Why are we shunning greek orthodox out and not benefiting from this asset we have?
Orthodox also gave Lebanon Michel el Murr, Elias el Murr, Moutran Audeh (a guy who changes his views depending on the source of money flowing to his coffers), I can go and on, but I'll stop here.
The point is to show that there are good and bad seeds in any following.
Which means that giving governmental positions to people based on their religion is ludicrous.
After all, the maronites have the presidency and the last 3 presidents have been nothing but weaklings and stooges.
Many of maronite leaders are warlords with tons of blood on their hands.
Same goes for Shiites, Catholics, Sunnis, etc.
Any ministry should be given to the one who deserves it more.
@lebanon_first: Those figures you mention are just few of many and many others. I believe not just the foreign ministry portfolio should be a rotative position but any other role in the political system should be free and open to all religions.
I dont think the foreign ministry portfolio should rotate, or even other portfolios. I beleive it should be given to a greek orthodox. The agriculture portfolio should definitely go to a chiite because chiites are close to the land and understand it better than their partners in Lebanon. Maronites should get industry, most industrial success stories in lebanon are maronite led. Sunnites, known for their thrift should get finance. (We could like or dislike sinioura, but he did build institutions). Druze should get interior ministry (look how well they preserved the chouf). We should capitalize on the competitive advantage of each sect to build a strong partnership in Lebanon. Instead of using the sects as an excuse to fight.
First Lebanese Presidetn was Christian Orthodox. Thanks to the Vatican it was taken away from us and given exclusivitiy only to the Maronites. The Presidency should be for all Christians!
blah blah blah blah. The bottom line is this: we stand behind Dr. Moukhashkhash WmouDeryen.
@FT, I agree this thinking is backwards 100%... But it is pragamatic... Look at the catastrophic results of greek orthodox as interior minister (michel el murr). Look at the bad position that chiite foreign minisiters have put Lebanon in. Before the war, each sect was doing his job, and the result was symbiosis. Now, each sect wants to control the whole country. Hezbollah's ministers should not do foreign affairs. Chou fahhamon bilforeign affairs? They should control the ministry of defense, they have discipline and they are good with weapons. Aoun would be a good Justice minister since he is zero tolerance with corruption. But he shouldnt claim to control everything! Even not-so-honest Sinioura has his place... Who else could have succeeded to introducing the VAT to Lebanon? 3ti wizartak lal khebbeiz wlaw akal nosso.
Michel el Murr is a cameleon, who made a lot of money, and misused power for his own benefit, but is not a criminal like the dahye refugee , Hassan Nasrallah !
you cant be rational with a hater like Flame. He's just a factory worker with a punch card and access to the internet. He does not posses any negotiating skills and has the mental intelligence of a teen boy. people like flame ruin our identity as a western sophisticated people surrounded by backward arab countries.
Which Lebanese sect breeds the best plumbers? I took a number 2 this morning and things are really backed up.
I believe that the captains of industry were all Maronite Lebanese before they immigrated to the United States and became industrious busy bees. This is more evidence to support confessionalism. Surely someone who uses business terms like comparative advantage is a learned business person who is steeped in the science of statistics and can back his argument with real statistics aside from naming a few persons. Otherwise, using the same logic, one can draw conclusions like some Leb families breed better leaders. This is how we perpetuate the status quo/backwardness.