3 Killed, 7 Wounded in Wadi Khaled Cross-Border Shelling

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Three people were killed and another seven injured on Saturday as shells and Rocket Propelled Grenades landed on the northern area of Wadi Khaled from the Syrian side of the border, the National News Agency reported.

NNA said gunfire erupted near the northern and northeastern border with Lebanon between Syrian troops and gunmen at dawn and was followed by intense shelling.

Two Syrians were killed and two others injured when an RPG hit a center for refugees in the town of al-Hishe before noon.

More than 20 shells had reached Lebanese villages in Wadi Khaled between 1:15 am and 3:00 am which left 19-year-old Nadia al-Oaishi dead in al-Mhatta neighborhood and two children Ahmed and Mustafa al-Makhal injured, NNA said.

The daughters of a man identified as Berri Shehade in the town of al-Awade were also injured after their house was hit with shells.

Around seven shells landed on the village of al-Kalkha, where a child identified as Abir Ali al-Makhal was wounded. The town’s mosque was also hit with a Hawn.

President Michel Suleiman expressed remorse for the victims in Wadi Khaled and contacted the competent agencies to be briefed on the results of the investigations.

He demanded the security agencies to take all the necessary measures to prevent civilian casualties at all costs.

“The security and safety of citizens are a priority,” he added.

The new security situation caused panic among Wadi Khaled residents who moved to areas and towns away from the Syrian border. By 5:00 am there was cautious calm in the area, the news agency said.

The army’s general command said the military was put on a high state of alert and took extra security measures in the area following the incidents.

It also said the army took the necessary measures to resolve any violation of the Lebanese-Syrian border.

The army later issued a statement confirming the death of a child in al-Hishe while her father, brothers and two other relatives were seriously injured when a suspected body exploded near the house of a citizen.

“At 11:20 on Saturday a suspicious object exploded near the house of a citizen in al-Hishe leading to the death of a child while her father, two brothers and two other relatives were seriously injured,” the statement said.

It added that “immediately an army unit arrived and cordoned off the scene, and launched a probe into the incident.”

There have been several incidents of cross-border shooting or shelling in addition to infiltration of Syrian troops and kidnapping of Lebanese in the past months which have killed and wounded people inside Lebanon.

Comments 19
Thumb Marwan34 07 July 2012, 07:53

What an awful loss my deepest condolences to the family. Where was the resistance , where was the army ? I guess they where looking for the zionist enemy .

Thumb geha 07 July 2012, 14:03

agree with your sarcasm :) but we are not like these guys. we believe in peace, however that does not mean we do not prepare to defend ourselves from these thugs.

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 07 July 2012, 09:14

where is the clowns of M8, where is the resistance, where is the government and the monkey in the orange suite? A bunch of hypocrites.

Thumb geha 07 July 2012, 10:39

the real responsibility lies on this government of traitors.

Thumb leblover 07 July 2012, 10:55

our goverment keep watching and enjoy until the akkarian people open the fire against the syrian army to give the syrian the rights to attack akkar and all north lebanon and it's the syrian army dream.

bad goverment Tfehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Thumb leblover 07 July 2012, 10:58

مش شاطرين الا يقولوا في معسكرات في عكار طيب وين؟
يروحوا يعملوا معسكرات او مخيمات يضبوا النازحين السورين يلي انتشروا بكل شمال لبنان و صارو عبئ على الامن و على الناس و ما في مين يطعميهم.

بلد اسوء من هيك ليسه ما صار و الله يستر ليسه شو في.

Missing abou7meid 07 July 2012, 13:15

مشكلة أهالي عكار و الشمال عموما أنّهم وقفوا وقفة إنسانية مع النازحين السوريين كما فعلوا سابقا مع النازحين من الجنوب... لا أكثر ولا أقل... إذا كانوا يريدو السلام فليتخلوا عن واجبهم الإنساني و يطردوا العزّل السوريين من أراضيهم و يتجردوا من إنسانيتهم حتى ترضى عنهم طغاة الخارج و الداخل, و يسلّموهم إلى أداة القتل و التفظيع... كسّر الله أيدي المجرمين في الداخل قبل الخارج...

Thumb jabal10452 07 July 2012, 13:33

In any country, ANY country, a government that remains indifferent to foreign military attacks against its territory and citizens is brought down and dragged to tribunal.

I am asking the "M8" citizens of this country and more specifically the M8 people who are frequently on Naharnet: do you feel the same sense of outrage and anger about this as the "M14" citizens? And please don't throw at me the lame argument that you don't mind because M14 wouldn't mind and Israeli attack on Lebanon.

Looking forward to a straight, honest answer.

Thumb normzz 07 July 2012, 16:36

have dug ourselves into.it really depress's me,i was born in australia, but lived in leb 2005-2010 and it was the greatest 5 years of my life,lebanon has huge potential but we keep fucking everything up. we are our own worst enemy. i believe the best thing is to stop voting for these same politicians.

Default-user-icon ram (Guest) 07 July 2012, 14:08

what are you idiots talking about. Lebanon is shipping over terrorists to syria to kill syrians on a daily basis . why are we allowing our borders as a base to kill syrian soldiers and civilians ?

Missing cedars 07 July 2012, 15:06

Impeach the government and president for not doing the same thing as the Turks.
What's the difference between the Israeli who kidnapped the Lebanese farmer the other day and those today and every day who are shelling the Northern towns?
Shell the other side of the border and mass the troops just like the Turks. All you have to remember is that those Syrian Generals are Alumni of Sa3Sa3 University.

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 07 July 2012, 15:34

the difference is that our government and M8 are nothing more then highly paid Syrian/Iranian slaves, plain and simple.

Thumb sasi 07 July 2012, 17:28

This is insane that the so called resistance or Lebanese government complain when Israel fly over to the UN and then we get shelled and people die in the north and nobody opens his mouth! what a bunch of losers with no respect to Lebanon or the Lebanese identity! Khalass X 3ala hek balad.

Missing youssefhaddad 07 July 2012, 18:47

The real enemies of Lebanon are the Syrian and Iranian regimes who have been violating the Lebanese sovereignty, killing the lebanese people, causing the destruction of lebanon and allowing extremists to sprawl everywhere in it.
Hopefully those lebanese who still support such regimes will see through the lies of their men in Lebanon and will clean their communities from their agents.

Missing kiserwanyaseel 07 July 2012, 19:57

the government and the army are syrian puppets and pussies! wa nookta ba3d el sutor.

Missing peace 07 July 2012, 22:34

still no comments of fpmers or hezbis when our sovereignty is at stake in the north... but always virgin cries when the same happens in the south...
double M8 standards as usual!

Missing samiam 07 July 2012, 23:30

The resistance is 'so called' because it chooses who it resists or who it claims to. Obviously, it gets its orders from Damascus and Tehran and has no regard for the interests of Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Art Hue (Guest) 07 July 2012, 23:48

Where's your backbone? Syria is shelling your kids, and you're going to 'investigate'? No army to protect you, eh?

Thumb thepatriot 09 July 2012, 17:25

Given the desastrous results of this government, I am surprised that no minister has had the decency to resign! Everything is basically worse: economy, communications, electricity, security, sovereignty, tourism...and the descent continues...