Hariri: Lebanese Not Surprised that Govt. Doesn’t Care if Citizens Killed by Syrian Regime

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri slammed on Sunday the government for its “total disrespect of the lives of our citizens and our sovereignty” given the recent unrest in northern Lebanon.

He said via Twitter: “The Lebanese are not surprised their government doesn't care if our citizens are killed and sovereignty violated by Syrian regime.”

“The killing of two Lebanese citizens and injuring of ten others by Syrian regime forces in North Lebanon yesterday is unacceptable,” he stressed.

“The silence of the Lebanese government is even more unacceptable,” he said.

“The least any government should do is lodge a protest with the regime's ambassador in Lebanon, if not the Arab League and United Nations,” stated the former premier.

“In fact all Lebanese know this government was appointed to facilitate such crimes to begin with,” Hariri noted.

Three people were killed and another seven injured on Saturday as shells and Rocket Propelled Grenades landed on the northern area of Wadi Khaled from the Syrian side of the border.

The National News Agency said gunfire erupted near the northern and northeastern border with Lebanon between Syrian troops and gunmen at dawn and was followed by intense shelling.

Two Syrians were killed and two others injured when an RPG hit a center for refugees in the town of al-Hishe before noon.

More than 20 shells had reached Lebanese villages in Wadi Khaled between 1:15 am and 3:00 am which left 19-year-old Nadia al-Oaishi dead in al-Mhatta neighborhood and two children Ahmed and Mustafa al-Makhal injured, NNA said.

Comments 11
Thumb james 08 July 2012, 14:18

Two Lebanese are dead. Aoun has not even opened his mouth to comment on it. Nor has Nasrallah. It shows the patriotism of these two characters, and it shows how they are more willing to protect their allies than their own people. Michel Aoun made a big mistake in flip-flopping and becoming pro-syrian in 2005, if he didn't the Christians in Lebanon and the Lebanese in general could have had a greater chance at unity. Unity of the Christians is the first step of Lebanese unity. Together we stand, Muslims as Christians, as 1 group. Shaab el Lebnene!! Bahebak ya Loubnan!!!!

Default-user-icon guest (Guest) 09 July 2012, 08:44

Haram tonyfarris... he's really upset :)

Thumb geha 09 July 2012, 09:26

the continuous silence of fpmers on this issue and covering up (by witholding telecom data) for hizbushaitan murdor attemps, just do not give any credibility to yur comments.
the lebanese people, who do not share m8 ideas, consider you as traitors and murderors.
until we see a change in your actions, as your words mean nothing, this is what you are.

Missing ReaLeb 08 July 2012, 15:17

Where is the Islamic resistance?

Missing ghassanalrifai 08 July 2012, 19:27

Who cares where they are. I want to know where the mighty maronite resistence is? After all, you spend hours barking on naharnet about how our soverignity has been violated and then when two muslims are killed, you act as if you care when in reality, you are happy, hoping this will fuel more hate against the bloody syrian regime so that muslims will do the fighting instead of you. Who are you trying to fool? Go ahead and resist the syrian regime, dont just bark bark bark. You where nowhere to be seen on may 7th or on any other day muslims were attacked by amal, hezballah and the bashar el assad thugs, you only "resist" on naharnet and online but when it comes to actually defending the border or your so called muslim allies, you hide. So just shut up. Hypocrisy is a filthy habit.

Missing ReaLeb 08 July 2012, 21:17

Wow!!! I guess I can't have an opinion unless I kill someone. The more you guys talk, the less hope some of us have for a prosperous future. But don't get me wrong, I will fight if I have to.

Default-user-icon Tarabeesh (Guest) 08 July 2012, 15:44

But this is exactly what his father did, the low life who received the punishment that he deserved.

Default-user-icon Free (Guest) 08 July 2012, 18:49

Hezb are traitors and should be hanged. Filty evil organization.

Default-user-icon Trueself (Guest) 08 July 2012, 20:23

We all should admit that we made our country a bunch of diverging forces each fighting each other to win and prvail. We've never built a country on solid basis. Huzbullah is like other parties that held weapons in the past. At this time it has the upper hand like the other had at some point in the past. What we need at this time is an urgent caring for our unity. We should not label any party as evil because we all are Lebanese and our aim should be to reform our country in order to stress on the economy rather than on war and killing. I hope once the situation in Syria clears Lebanon would regain its independence and become a real country we would be proud of.

Thumb geha 09 July 2012, 09:29

I beg to disagree with your comment: these guys are true traitors to lebanon, as long as their agenda is a foreign ne, and they execute their lebanese political opponenets.
you can consider the current situation like an invasion period by iran through their executors: m8.

Default-user-icon Hala (Guest) 09 July 2012, 17:37

Were you concerned when you stole $11 billions? Or when you snuck in Fatah el Islam to provoke a civil war in lebanon: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2007/03/05/070305fa_fact_hersh?
Gen. Aoun is the only Arabic politician reported in the Wall Street journal that said every lost human life is a tragedy, regardless of national, religious or political belonging. I now common sense is not your strong point, but this means that a Lebanese citizen in the North is a sad loss too. Here's a quote from the Gen. Aoun's article in the Wall Street Journal in 2006: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB115429780106621697.html?mod=WSJ_article_comments#articleTabs%3Darticle . Quote of Gen. Aoun: "all human life is equal and priceless". The patriotic party proposed the 1st civil law of the middle east, upholding equal rights to all Lebanese. This is the part clan members like you can't digest: http://www.tayyar.org/Tayyar/Wap/NewsDetails.aspx?_GUID=%7BB0BF123A-FA61-4517-9389-AE0D39537652%7D&Lang=en-US.