Syrian National Council to Tell Russia: No Transition until Assad Falls

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There can be no transition in Syria until President Bashar Assad falls, the Syrian National Council said in a statement on the eve of a visit to Moscow by the opposition group's chief.

"Our main goal is to continue on the path of the revolution and the demands of the Syrian people," the SNC said on Tuesday, emphasizing that its priority was to "work for the fall of the Assad regime and all its symbols."

The SNC statement came a day before the coalition's new leader Abdel Basset Sayda was due to travel to Moscow at the invitation of the Russian foreign ministry, it said.

The fall of the Assad regime was a prerequisite, the statement said, "of any negotiations to arrange a transfer of power and the start of a transitional phase."

Sayda, an outspoken critic of Moscow's policies towards Damascus, was due to visit Russia two days after top Syrian dissident Michel Kilo made a similar trip.

Russia, a close ally of Damascus, has repeatedly refused to back any international resolution on Syria calling for military intervention in the 16-month-old crisis.

The SNC said it would hold fast to its call on the international community to invoke Chapter VII of the U.N. Charter, which contemplates military action among other coercive measures.

Comments 2
Default-user-icon Xon Ju Lee (Guest) 10 July 2012, 14:35

And of course Russia will agree! No, it won't? Let's ask Dr. Samir al-Manfalouty bin Geagea. He knows everything, as events have proven!

Default-user-icon Mortadella Bfestok (Guest) 10 July 2012, 23:33

According to Dr. Samir Pagliaccio, the wait is almost over because according to the Grand Pagliaccio, the Assad regime MIGHT fall in 2012. Those who have been waiting since 2005 can wait a few more months, I suppose. By the way guys, has anyone heard of Gabby lately? He knows for sure when ASSad will fall.