Report: Experts Predict 200 Israeli Fatalities in War with Hizbullah, Iran
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The Israeli Defense Ministry estimated that if the country engaged in a war with Hizbullah and Iran some 200 Israeli civilians would die.
According to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, the number of fatalities could rise to 300 if Syria joins the war as well.
The Defense Ministry experts said that there would be “less than one fatality for every ballistic missile,” warning against Hizbullah’s arsenal that contains short and medium-range Katyusha rockets and hundreds of relatively accurate M-600 rockets.
The experts say that these rockets could strike the center of Israel.
The daily reported that a possible confrontation with Hizbullah depends much on the Air Force and Intelligence’s ability to strike long-range rockets on the ground before they are launched.
However, experts say that this will be harder than the 2006 war as Hizbullah has an estimated 60,000 rockets.
The ministry expert’s predictions come in accordance with statements issued by Defense Minister Ehud Barak a year ago.
He said in an interview with Israeli Army Radio in 2011 that in a war with Iran “far fewer than 500 (Israeli civilians) would die.”
Barak stated that predictions of thousands or tens of thousands of dead civilians were "hysterical" and groundless.
The report said the assumption is that Israel attacks the Iranian nuclear facilities and Tehran strikes back, without using its entire missile reservoir.
“Some of the missiles will fail to launch or will be hit on the ground by the Israeli Air Force. Others will miss and fall in open areas,” the report added.
The launched missiles are expected to hit the Dan region.
“The high number of protected spaces and shelters could reduce the number of casualties,” the experts say.
Another factor that would decrease the number of casualties is the American X-band radar, which gives a 15-minute alert before an Iranian missile is expected to land in the center of Israel.

You can guys can even predict casualties ? funny . how did you came up with 200 ?

Walaw! It's highly scientific! 100 per country. :)
It also says if Syria joins it would rise to 300. A simple but possibly effective way to give morale to their citzens

Applepie...don't you know they are god and know everything...on second maybe they forgot abt palestinians joing the war but they rnt afraid I guess....

Ok guys calm down if they do attack lebanon we are both gonna be losing btw it doesn't matter how many die anywhere bass then again let's say they attack hopefully the lebanese army will defeat them

bigsami you really think that in 2006 israel attacked because of HA? you are brainwashed. israel will always attack Lebanon to kill its economy.
right know we are arguying about the past while israel is sucking all natural resources found in the mediterranean sea.

Makes you wonder why arabs resort to terrorism. Fighting conventional war is useless these days, specially when one of them has technology superiority. War with Iran and HA will just increase the numbers of extremists and suicide bombers. There is not much an x or y band can do about that.

You are right about HA only targeted soldiers. Then the Israelis took the easy way of killing civilians instead of fighting, and destroying infrastructure. As the americans did in Hiroshima, they nuked the civilians, while the Japanese attacked military targets.

Motormouth aka BSThrower...delusional conditioned chimp is all you are!

@min-canada : israelis having respect for the citizen? pleaaaaase...
plus "200" is such a ridiculous number and fabricated so that they get the public opinion on their side if they were to strike iran.

Of course they do. They are willing to trade a 1000 prisoner for a dead body of their own. We don't value life, they do. Maybe it is a biblical thing, but it is a fact.

Guys akiid HA aimes at soldiers cuz they r the true enemy not civilians bass then again this is war and if they target our civilians then they are afraid

If a new war starts in Lebanon, I can't be for Israel no matter what but I can't be for Hezbollah after what they have done on the internal Lebanese scene. So I hope they both win in killing all the others and Lebanon will live happy ever after.

let them wage the war and after we see what the numbers will be. After the war the Israeli government will have to explain a lot to their citizens on bad and wrong calculations, like they always had to do. And if waging a war on others with the price of 200 of their citizens, why not sit down and speak to their "enemies" with 0 casualties from their citizens? Also if Israel are so sure an accurate on numbers, could they revel number of casualties they would inflict in Iran, Syria and Lebanon? Those numbers would be much higher then their own, but that they don't care about due to they are Arabs and Muslims, and they would for sure get a way with such crimes like they always previously did. Such statistics prove Israels false and murderous intentions. Israel free Middle East please:)

"why not sit down and speak to their "enemies"
Would Hizballah actually agree to sit down and talk with Israel. I very much doubt it. Remember over 20 years ago Lebanon and Israel reached an agreement for peace between them, but it was vetoed by Hizballah.
If Israel doesn't care about Arabs and Muslems, why do they have peace treaties with Jordan and Egypt?
If Israel doesn't care about Arabs and Muslems, how is it that there are Muslem Members of the Israeli Parliament, Judicial System, Police Officers, Senior Doctors etc.?

Once war breaks out, predicting the number of dead becomes redundant. If the Israelis seriously believe that 200 to three hundred people will die, then they may not be the most intelligent nation in the world. This is war, and war brings death and destruction. As to how do we calculate the number of people who are going to die, We Do Not. We only can count the dead, wounded and destruction after the war is over and then we probably would not like the results. Grow up Israel!

"If I were an Iranian, I would be very fearful of the next 12 weeks," former Mossad Chief Efraim Halevy was quoted by the New York Times!!!!
Iran's khamenei is a propaganda maestro the same way saddam was. The world was so hesitating in attacking irak and within 3 days they were smashed!!!! Iran will have the same fate! just propaganda and more propaganda!

and as a full scale war, (contrary to the 2006 one) i really doubt hizballah will manage to make a difference! Poor Lebanon!! where are they dragging you into????

My Gosh, I can't believe to what length of lies and sanctimonious disinformation M8 hoodlums will go to, to cover up the fact that the Party of God launches its rocket attacks from populated civilian areas. It is the Party of God who has repeatedly displayed total disregard for human life and they were then, still are now, and will always be responsible for the death of 1200 innocent Lebanese civilians by starting an unauthorized war with illegitimate weapons and under the direct order of their maters in Iran. 3jino w'khbizo la tichba3o, you will never rewrite history and change the truth. May you enemies defeat you and eliminate you in an honorable and decisive way ya marad el saratan ento.

Mowaten, you are right in that not s single rocket was fired from Dahye. Hezb used christian towns and villages to fire rockets (wadi sha2hrour is one such example)..... this way you kill 2 birds in one stone. was reported in a dozen news reports BBC,aljazeera,naharnet...many more come on dude we all know they need assad for weapons...and iran said they will jump in to defend the assad regime ofcourse...then obama signed a secret contract now to help the rebels...only time man HA should of never sent a brigade there bro cuz it opened the door for other countries to play a role

it is nice to sit here and speculate on what will happen if a war broke out between the huzeb and Israel, Hezbollah has said there is occupied land needs to be liberated , well instead of speculation why does not Hezbollah start the war of liberation and that will end our speculations and we will see what will unfold right in front of ours eyes , i can tell you it will be a lot of death and distructions that will take us 30 years to fix

"Hezbollah has said there is occupied land needs to be liberated"
Even the UN Agencies concerned specifically state that the disputed areas of Shaba Farms are not Lebanese territory, but Syrian.
So exactly which occupied land does Hezbollah of Lebanon want to liberate, or are they becoming an international organisation, desiring to act for the Syrian regime.

Hezb came to our village and was shooting rockets from our roof during the 2006 war (Christian village). It's strange how this has not caught more attention among the Hezb supporters. They did not give a shit about us, as they very well knew Israel would return fire to the same spot. When we went home just after the war had ended, we could see apartment blocks where Israel had taken out single apartments and left the rest standing. Other places they had flattened rows of houses. They seemed to know what they were doing by the results of their targeting (we went through many villages and looked at the aftermath). However, Hizb was operating from populated areas (I expect to create sympathy from the International community from Lebanese loss of lives as well as blend in and hide).
Our village generally had nothing against Hezb before the 2006 war, but that naturally changed with their disregard for human life.

Actually, these assessments were accurate in 1991 during the Gulf War. The same type of assessments were calculated by officials to deal with Iraqi missile barrages. Rather than propaganda, they are actually for preparation. In the end, they are not successful because they cannot seize ground. So there is credibility to these numbers based on previous cases, including 2006.

In case you can't understand why so few Israeli civilians were killed in 2006, the answer is simple. They were instructed by their Civil Defence to stay close, or inside, the special shelters, and were safe from Hizballah rockets.
Unfortunately Hizballah couldn't case less about the Lebanese civilians and were even shooting rockts from inside schoolyards with not the slightest interest where their rockets landed. They even "succeeded" in killing Israeli muslems, but why should they care.

Bro haram...zionist israel not all of israel...its divided man jews want to live in peace with us and jews want our land...there's a video on youtube of a demonstration in new york with israelis insulting their country cuz of wats going on check it out

it's called democracy stupid. Here, we don't have civil wars. But when the time comes, we all pull together.