Iran Condemns Anti-Islam Film, Protest Planned

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Iran has condemned a film insulting Islam that sparked a deadly protest in Libya killing the U.S. ambassador, while Iranian media reported an anti-U.S. protest over the movie would take place in Tehran on Thursday.

A foreign ministry statement slammed the film, an amateur production made in the United States, as "repulsive" and said the U.S. government's "silence" encouraged such offences to Islam.

The Iranian statement made no mention of the attacks on U.S. diplomatic compounds in Egypt and Libya by ultra-conservative Muslims protesting the film.

In the Libya attack, U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other U.S. officials were killed when a mob stormed the consulate in the eastern city of Benghazi.

Iranian media, including news agencies ISNA, Fars and Mehr, all reported that a protest over the movie would take place in Tehran on Thursday around 12:00 pm (0730 GMT) in front of the Swiss embassy, which hosts a U.S. interests section in the absence of Iran-U.S. diplomatic relations.

The news agencies said the demonstration was called by the Student Islamic Society, a hardline group active in Iran's universities that has held anti-Western rallies in the past.

"The members of this society along with other students will hold a gathering in front of the Swiss embassy, which holds the U.S. interests section, to protest and condemn this insulting action by the Americans against Muslim holy figures. We ask all Iranians to take part in this gathering," Fars quoted the group's secretary general, Abolfazl Chamandi, as saying.

Foreign journalists are barred from covering any protests in Iran, making it difficult to verify how many people attend or what action they take.

The foreign ministry statement on the film, issued by spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast, said: "The Islamic republic of Iran strongly condemns insults to Islamic sanctities and sympathizes with the hurt feelings of the Islamic Umma (community).

"The U.S. government's systematic and continued silence on such repulsive acts is the fundamental reason that they keep happening," and Washington "has the responsibility to stop this dangerous trend," state media quoted the statement as saying.

Comments 3
Default-user-icon Ayatollah Ali Bin Hypocrite (Guest) 12 September 2012, 20:11

Remember the film The Messiah funded by you assholes, it is offensive to Jesus Christ and most Christians.

Default-user-icon mohsen (Guest) 12 September 2012, 21:50

Down with USA & Israeil(kids killer)

Default-user-icon bndon (Guest) 12 September 2012, 22:40

God's curse on them