Hariri: Assassinations Won't Deter Us from Confronting Terrorist Plots

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Former prime minister Saad Hariri on Thursday expressed his grief and pain “because Eid al-Adha coincides this year with the assassination of Internal Security Forces Intelligence Bureau chief Wissam al-Hasan, who sacrificed his life to maintain the security of the Lebanese and their stability, and foil the plans of the enemies of Lebanon to ignite sectarian discord.”

“This terrorist crime, that also killed innocent victims and destroyed the houses and properties of many citizens in Ashrafiyeh, has deprived the Lebanese people of the usual joy of Eid and brought them back to the atmosphere of anxiety, fear of security risks and return of the specter of political assassinations that Lebanon witnessed before," said Hariri in a statement issued on the occasion of Eid al-Adha.

"But this will not deter us from continuing to face such terrorist plots with all our strength in order to consolidate the state project with its legitimate security and military forces, as the only project that guarantees the unity of Lebanon and the security of all the Lebanese without exception and prevents the attempts by some to bypass the state's role or replace it under any pretext or argument,” added Hariri.


“On this blessed occasion, we wish that when the next feast comes, all factors of anxiety and insecurity concerns would have gone, and that the hopes of the Lebanese people would have been realized, regarding achieving security, stability and peace in all parts of Lebanon under the control of the state,” Hariri hoped.

Hasan and two other people were killed in a powerful car bombing in the Beirut district of Ashrafiyeh on Friday. More than 100 people were wounded in the attack which gutted two apartment blocs.

The opposition March 14 camp and Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat accused Syria of the crime.

Comments 8
Thumb geha 25 October 2012, 17:46

Nothing will stop us from driving the criminal (hizbushaitan and the syrian regime) out of Lebanon.
we should not stop for any reason whatsoever.

Thumb makhaleh 25 October 2012, 18:15

Geha.....we never back down and never give up....a true lebanese heart time to get rid of them

Thumb bigsami 26 October 2012, 19:54

The Farsi ASSesistance crawled out of the sewer where his fellow brothers and leaders hide like cowards. Got back to your smelly hole you conditioned freak.

Default-user-icon khoury (Guest) 25 October 2012, 18:19

And go and bring then the Wahhabi's and th Salafis, and the Quataris, and be at the mercy of the Israelis.

Thumb primesuspect 25 October 2012, 18:54

God bless you Saad Rafiq Hariri... But I don't want you as PM because you're too soft.

Missing greatpierro 26 October 2012, 13:51

what do you gain at insulting other but shooing to others how bright you are

Default-user-icon Estompe Boukabsi (Guest) 25 October 2012, 23:51

March 14, we all stand behind every word by cheikh Saad. Assassinations won't deter March 14 from confronting terrorist plots especially under the leadership of cheikh Saad and from his headquarters on the gorgeous ski slopes of Europe or those on the smooth waves of the western Mediterranean! alnasrou atin ya chabibeh min 3ala soufou7 aljibal wa amwaj alba7r mahma za7latat aw 3alat. 3alehom warriors of March 14. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go warriors.

Missing greatpierro 26 October 2012, 13:53

you mean aoun speeches are so much better