March 14: Hizbullah's Recent Positions Justify Our Boycott of Dialogue

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The March 14 General Secretariat renewed on Wednesday its position to boycott the national dialogue “in light of Hizbullah's insistence to make light of the Baabda Declaration” and refusal to discuss its possession of arms.

It said in a statement after its weekly meeting: “Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's recent announcement that the party is willing to fire its rockets without consulting the Lebanese state only justifies our decision to boycott the dialogue.”

Furthermore, it noted that Nasrallah altered the purpose of the national dialogue, which was set up to tackle its possession of arms, and has now made it aimed at tackling the government crisis.

“We hope that President Michel Suleiman would create the appropriate conditions for dialogue through exerting efforts to ensure the resignation of the Hizbullah government as a necessary condition to resume the all-party talks,” said the March 14 General Secretariat.

Addressing the recent trip carried out by some March 14 officials to the Gaza Strip, the forces praised the “brave step”, which is an act of “moral and political” solidarity with Palestine.

“The trip also serves as an act of solidarity by Lebanon with Arab causes,” it remarked.

Nasrallah had declared on Sunday that tens of thousands of the party's rockets would rain down on the whole of Israel should a new war erupt between the two sides.

He also slammed “some sides' boycott of the national dialogue,” rejecting any preconditions being placed on the all-party talks.

He said in an indirect reference to the March 14-led opposition: “Some sides are approaching the dialogue in a condescending manner and we will adopt a similar approach to whoever adopts this attitude.”

“We are keen on stability, dialogue, and coexistence among all Lebanese as demonstrated by our actions,” he added.

The March 14 camp announced in October its boycott of government-related activity, including the national dialogue.

It started the boycott in protest against the assassination of Internal Security Forces Intelligence Bureau head Brigadier General Wissam al-Hasan on October 19.

Comments 16
Missing allouchi 28 November 2012, 14:49

Stay the course and no more empty talks with M8, we ALREADY all know what the problems are...The Nazi arrogant Noussrala will have to be cut down to size sooner or later...What happened about disarming Palestinian factions outside the camps that was agreed on but hizb still blocks its implementations???

Missing allouchi 28 November 2012, 15:57

Why are you here ya hableh...

Thumb Lebfrcan 28 November 2012, 15:03

They fear they will be asked next allouchi

Default-user-icon Jack (Guest) 28 November 2012, 15:13

I have to say M14 are an aboslute disgrace today to Lebanon & the Lebanese. A tool in the hands of the Zionist agenda...for those reading I suggest you look into Zionism & it's history prior to concluding your thoughts along with corporatocracy. M14 actions are paralysing the nation & doing no favours for the Lebanese people.

Default-user-icon The Ripper (Guest) 28 November 2012, 15:14

When Hezbollah was firing rockets between 1990 and 2005 M14 leaders were working with the Syrians to rebuild West Beirut or should I say Solidere, and stealing in the billions, you never gave a $hi7 about hezbollah and it's wars with Israel, not in 1996 nor in 2000. Let alone M14 couldn't care less about the Lebanese. Why all of a sudden? You can fool some but not all. You have disgraced yourselves. It would be more honorable for you to resign from Parliament but you won't because you know you will never return. Actually it may take you $2 BILLION (earmarked now for the next elections by Saudis & Qatari for the M14 thugs). That's way more than the $700 MILLION Saudi Arabia alone poured into your pockets just so you can get the bare majority in Parliament.

Thumb geha 28 November 2012, 15:31

m8 cabinet has paralyzed the country since they came to power. they have destroyed the economy without any help from anyone. they have brought the culture of stealing, killing, kidnapping, .... which are their culture of thugs.

Missing allouchi 28 November 2012, 15:53

geha, you are correct and they brought filth to downtown Beirut...

Thumb ado.australia 28 November 2012, 16:40

Geha... Why not try to be believable with your comments? The current government brought the culture of stealing and killing??

The mustaqbul party has controlled Lebanon from 1992 until 2003! Was there no stealing, corruption and killings in that period?

The Lebanese people are very sectarian,conveniently forgetful and scared... But they are not stupid.

There is no justification to their stupid position of boycotting diologue! Even if the throw rocks at the Israeli wall, they will not be believable!

Thumb geha 28 November 2012, 17:25

I refer you to official comments:
- when did we have a brother of a minister openly having a factory of drugs?
- when did we have a jinah askari to a family?
- when did we have abductions of foreigners after 2000?
- when did we have threats to Arabs after 2000?
- when did we have a brother of another minister selling fake medications?
- when did we have ministers battling n the streets through their guys?
- .....

Thumb geha 28 November 2012, 17:27

please do not forget 2 major things:
- samaha case
- immediate release of thugs trying to burn Al Jadeed TV and traitors at high level to Israel.

Missing lebcan 29 November 2012, 02:47

@ado.austarila ... You say ...The mustaqbul party has controlled Lebanon from 1992 until 2003! Was there no stealing, corruption and killings in that period?...
YES THERE WAS!!! UNDER THE SYRIAN OCCUPATION!!! ... Mustakbal party in control 1992 to ass!!!
The Syrians lost over 6 billion $ per year when they were forced out in 2005. Buddy that's how much they were steeling from Lebanon ... ie. the Syrians were making $5 per passenger at the airport...shall I go on...

Missing lebcan 29 November 2012, 02:37

M14 learned how to walk out boycott from M8 LOL... an eye for an eye ....

Missing allouchi 28 November 2012, 15:55

mowaten, selective M8 memories again and again...Your Berri close parliament and M8 ministers walked out...REMEMBER...

Thumb beiruti 28 November 2012, 16:04

What is to be lost by M14 attending the Dialogue, making its principled constitutional position clearly articulated, receiving the Hezbollah response, which parrots the Iranian position and then publically walking out on the session and conditioning their return on Hezbollah accepting submission to the requirements of the Lebanese Constitution when discussing all matters of public policy, including Hezbollah's control and custody of weapons and its maintenance of an organized military force on Lebanese soil outside of the command and control of the Lebanese defense establishment as established under the Lebanese constitution.
Such a walk out, rather than a boycott would hightlight the problem we all have with Hezbollah in a very clear manner.

Thumb geha 28 November 2012, 17:29

either way, the subject matter is highlighted.
what hizbushaitan want is to force their electoral law and nothing else through these talks and everyone knows this.
so why bother?

Thumb beiruti 28 November 2012, 16:05

What is to be lost by M14 attending the Dialogue, making its principled constitutional position clearly articulated, receiving the Hezbollah response, which parrots the Iranian position and then publically walking out on the session and conditioning their return on Hezbollah accepting submission to the requirements of the Lebanese Constitution when discussing all matters of public policy, including Hezbollah's control and custody of weapons and its maintenance of an organized military force on Lebanese soil outside of the command and control of the Lebanese defense establishment as established under the Lebanese constitution?
Such a walk out, rather than a boycott would hightlight the problem we all have with Hezbollah in a very clear manner.