Saqr Challenges Foes to Prove Involvement in Arms Trade as he Broadcasts Original Tapes
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةAl-Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc MP Oqab Saqr challenged the Syrian government and his Lebanese foes on Thursday to prove that he was providing rebels with weapons after he broadcast the original tapes in which reports said he was striking a deal to arm the fighters.
OTV and al-Akhbar newspaper, both close to the Hizbullah-led March 8 majority coalition, broadcast and printed a three-part series of the recordings in which the lawmaker allegedly discussed arrangements to ship arms supplies to the Syrian opposition.
But during a press conference he held in Istanbul on Thursday, Saqr said the audiotapes were stolen from two computers and only partially broadcast.
The MP broadcast instead several of the original tapes. In one of them he told a rebel identified as Abu Nehman that he supported the Syrian revolution but did not provide arms to the rebels after the man asked for “iron.”
Saqr said he was negotiating with Abu Nehman the release of the remaining Lebanese pilgrims kidnapped in Syria's Aazaz but OTV and al-Akhbar cut the recordings to accuse him that he was striking an arms deal.
Nine Lebanese remain kidnapped in Syria since May after two of them were released in August and September.
The MP said at the press conference that he along with al-Mustaqbal movement leader ex-PM Saad Hariri and Saudi officials were supplying Syrians with milk and blankets.
Mockingly, he told reporters: “We distribute milk for Syria's children” and not arms as the media outlets have claimed.
The lawmaker promised reporters attending the conference to hand them copies of the tapes, saying they could analyze them in the best labs in the world.
Describing OTV, which is owned by the Free Patriotic Movement, and the pro-Hizbullah al-Akhbar as "fools" and the “Shabeeha” of the Assad regime, he said the March 8 coalition had “fallen into the trap and would not be able to come out of it.”
Addressing FPM chief Michel Aoun without naming him, he said “you are a liar” and "you worship the seat” of the presidency.
“You no longer have legitimacy,” Saqr told the March 8 alliance.
“A recording neither ruins me nor Hariri,” he said, adding his foes “needed a bigger explosive device than the one that killed” Internal Security Forces Intelligence Bureau chief Wissam al-Hasan to get rid of him.
Al-Hasan was killed in a car bomb blast in Ashrafiyeh's Beirut district on Oct. 19.
“I am not afraid of you,” he said.
Saqr also challenged the Syrian judiciary to prepare a case against him a day after Syria's Speaker, Mohammed Lahham, said in a statement that the assembly in collaboration with judicial authorities will prosecute the MP and those who allegedly participated with him and provided the political cover for the alleged arms transfer.
Lebanon's General Prosecutor Judge Hatem Madi also tasked on Tuesday the Central Criminal Investigations Bureau with examining the recordings.
Addressing the issue of Lebanese men killed in Syria's border town of Tall Kalakh, the MP said the Salafists were lured there to be slain and then to accuse him of inciting them to fight in the neighboring country.
Around 14 men were killed and three others were captured when they were ambushed by Syrian regime forces as they infiltrated Tall Kalakh to fight alongside the rebel Free Syrian Army.
"The Syrian revolution will emerge victorious," Saqr said, adding "Those who distance themselves from the Syrian crisis are criminals."
The MP also revealed that he has been the target of assassination plots. “Three groups have been sent to Turkey to kill me,” he said without giving further details.

No problem. But you should prosecute Syrians who were involved in Lebanon during the civil war and after.

Farsi Motormouth aka BSThrower. Go preach elsewhere. Garbage in garbage out as always. Pathetic Farsi still comes back for more abuse. By now you would think he would learn that his sewage is not being bought here.

ya khayye stunt or not, he told them to continue the legal complaint. its the syrian and lebanese government's rights.
however i heard there were full recordings played to prove the accusations wrong. i didnt listen to his recordings because well, i have better things to do. but i am sure he wouldnt play a recording that implicates him.
so now both sides have audio recordings to back up their claim. let them all play it out legally as they should, and the result will indeed prove who is the liar and criminal

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LOL... accusations based on alakhbar, a media close to hezbollah... lol thanks for the piece of news, it says it all on its objectivity!!!

you are still confusing the tapes with each other.... short attention span...

I just fell on this post, and I have one question for you? ...
lets assume that thats true : y is huzalla and the little waffy aoun allowed to approve and help the Syrian government and this guy not allowed to help the opposition ?
Unless you really support the butchery that the Syrian government is applying to his own people .. And going back in history you're totally cool with the rapes and killing the Syrian army did in Lebanon east and west Beirut ( specially west : with rapes and killings ) ..
I might understand Hezbollah's point trying to bring this part of the world to " the grand Syria" formed by the triangle of those ..

...3 countries and feeling the urge to protect the future dictatorial government of the"delta" land. As much as i understand the other ideology of forming independent democratic states where human rights are applied fairly even if divisions have to happen ( israel_ Palestine) sacrificing the "getting more land" greed For peace and mutuals understandings..
So If this story about saqr is correct, and i get back to my question, y can 8 march help the government and others can't help the opposition ?

You will hang for this you criminal. You have shamed the Lebanese by supplying arms & supporting the terrorists in Syria. Yes the Tayyar would be privilidged to have the presidency...the presidency which you prick will never have the opportunity to see nor understand what it means and the values it holds. The Lebanese thirst for the day to see his Excellency President General Aoun return to Baabda. This day will be a priviledge to the real patriots of Lebanon and Lebanese.

FT, Sakr confirmed the authenticity of the recordings and said he is proud to support the Syrian revolution, learn, please, an education is a valuable thing.

that quote does NOT confirm that he sent weapons by the way. reread it ya educated.

Yap Mowaten: I use to see Jesus everywhere, now I see FT, even in my wildest dreams. Mouahaha. I've got a nose and a little finger, they always tell me the truth, I know how to spot an impostor ^^.

Who wants an 80 year old schizophrenic, mentally retarded president, who will soon start using a walker?

Oh well... we knew Aoun's people were good with photoshop...they seem also gifted with itunes or something :)

FT... Come on man...what are you 9? Arrr... you can do better than that...

Mais mon cher mowaten, meme quand Hassouna confessait son intervention en Syrie tu continuais a la nier... c'est l'hopital qui se fout de la chartité! hahahaha...

More like the syrian heroes will come to lebanon to hang your leaders.

I do not back either side on this one, as we are yet to receive the final analysis on the authenticity of the tapes.
Though one thing is for certain this game of chess will end in a very clear checkmate! This will destroy the legitimacy of either Saqr or Aoun as they will both have to take full responsibility for their accusations and counter accusations when the final verdict is out.

we distribute milk for Syria's children.” and armes for terrorists rebels

"so saqr is an arms dealer, responsible for the bloody mess and the thousands of innocents that the islamists are killing"
that is only an assumption of a hezbi boy... why don t you wait for the full investigation to complete before throwing baseless stupidities? why don t you wait for true evidence from the judiciary and stop using what journalists want you to see to manipulate you?
i thought you believed in facts and evidence LOL!
seems only when it suits you... apply your sayings everytime if you are truly honest lol!

He should admit to the truth and be proud of providing weapons and ammo to the revolutionaries. There's nothing wrong in that.

nousralla should take off his black turban...shame on religious liars and killers...Why is he wearing a black turban anyways??? he's not from "ahl albeit" so he claims....again a liar...

The ASSistence.....constantly being voted DOWN big time the loser he is....always coming back for another verbal whipping. Mishmakoul what an idiot! No wonder he belongs with the group of rats.

ASSistance....well you just let the cat out of the bag Farsi moron BSThrower aka Motormouth. These are the exact words Motormouth posted few days ago "You can never argue about the topic at hand and automatically revert to topic changes or personal attacks!" but today we see it coming from the ASS himself turban head alias!
What a pathetic individual to have to resort to few aliases BEGGING all to accept his BS and love for murderers! Ain't happening ya mustool. Go play with your barbie doll!

m8 and especially aoun and orange TV as well as akhbar newspaper have proven who they are: traitors and fabricators working under the orders of assad.
saqr blew your plans off.
you are nothing and you are proving it every day more.
when bashar will be out, you better hide under a rock and never come out because your end will be worse than saddam and kadhafi.

yes dont you know that paul.. when Aoun says the uprising will be over in in june last year.. you have to interpret that he means this is going to last a long time... he is full of wisdom.. but like Confucius.. you normal people just cant understand
reality: Aouns political calculations have always been comparable to feces.. worthless.

Political calculations are not based on short term ya fat7al. He had power before his exit from lebanon. If short term power grabs are what he is after. Then I stand corrected and more power to him. Hopes he enjoys it while it lasts.

ooops.... and the plot thickens... kbeer ya Okab... kbeer ya Saqr.

yalla za7it you twinkie embarrassed yourself enough...
never has so much been owed to so few.. hahahahahahahaha
you are priceless.. all websites need comical relief like you around... have a wonderful day!!!

It was me who made the suggestion and, YES, much much better!!! Amazingly along the same lines I was thinking of with the two two French and Canadian flags inside the Lebanese flag but what you did is much better. Kudos!

Make the Canadian flags background color white and you will be set.

An al Akhbar scoop is like a scoop of ice cream it melts and evaporates the moment someone put heat to it leaving behind a disgusting stain.

Hahaha ill take that as a compliment coming from you FT. Bet you sleep hugging the keyboard. We can all see how much of the good life you're living. Didn't I already wipe the floor with you? MANY times? Wait your turn. It'll come back round. Don't deny resistance his bash. Its the first one I got on him. Unlike you.

"sorry to burst ur bubble arzak, not everybody hugs a keyboard like you do"
wow.. arnt you the king of comebacks...
7abeebi.. just by you mentioning all those things tells me it is b.s. you are the kind of person who lives in their parents basement...
ma7ada 2reeneh? i told you before.. im not here to have a popularity contest... just put suckers like you down...and it looks like you go out of your way to ti2reeneh...
d3eeef ya sgheer... d3eef...

As I previously stated and that's why Al-Manure would not touch the tapes with a ten foot Ashura stick, and bumbling Bibo Al-Amine used a less legitimate (yes that is possible) outlet in the Oh! TV.

I do not back either side on this one, as we are yet to receive the final analysis on the authenticity of the tapes.
Though one thing is for certain this game of chess will end in a very clear checkmate! This will destroy the legitimacy of either Saqr or Aoun as they will both have to take full responsibility for their accusations and counter accusations when the final verdict is out.

Hey all, maybe you need to wait for documented investigations before making judgment. Otherwise it too easy to accuse the other who is in the opposite camp. Too easy and destructive.

Mr. Saqr is an HONEST courageous hero and if Mustaqbal is not supplying arms to the FSA, they should and in the open...Mr. Saqr is our new Speaker of parliament "inshallah"...Aoun the clown will be gone with the hizbeez and way ticket to Iran to enjoy tea with mullahs for eternity...

What happened about "innocent until proven guilty" and "Lebanese law" that you stated on your post about Smaha? why the double standards? why keeping a blind eye on criminal activities that target M14? Your leaders are acting just like a mafia without an honor code...

"FT, he is one of the few intellects on this site." lol
Obviously you're not... An "intellect" lol

Well I stand corrected again. It appears FT DOESN'T sleep hugging the keyboard. Every butch has to have a b_____

I am impressed, turns out the senile coward army deserter and Adobe Photoshop enthusiast is also a SoundForge enthusiast, I would have rather bet on Adobe Audition instead. At least he's channeling his frustration of constantly losing sight of "The Chair" into something creative. Still, I have a feeling he might get an electric one with a nice wired crown for his empty big combed over head (BTW do they make wired turbans, I'm shopping a nice Christmas gift for a special one, maybe something that goes with his brown dress).

Let's wait and see.
Give the guy the benefit of the doubt until we see his info.

No matter what side you're on, that guy is at the same time cool and obnoxious. You must give him credit for that :)

Yeah...and so is Nasrallah, but he's pure obnoxious.
Only you think you are cool because you follow him.

Why didn't Saqr explain all this before??? Because what was said was true the first time ... and now he is scrambling to save his posterior.
As far as threats look to Saad Hariri ... Who besides Hariri is the biggest loser in this mess.
Instead of denying the tapes Saqr foolishly admitted to the tapes and implicated Hariri as well ...
The behavior of the Future Movement and LF just gets more bizarre everyday.

Sakr:"AlAkhbar only published partial, edited truth, out of contest".. humm were did I hear this before.. lemme see.. OH now I remember from Mohammad "Horsy" Khalife, Assteez Nabih, Farid "Hey Booboo" El Khazen, Brabheem "am a lawyer!" Kanaan, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera..

Wow Resistance and FT in disguise. You really are propagandists. He issued an open challenge to you to take his tapes to the best labs in the world. Oh wait, despite the proven evidence of Canadian investigators in the STL who confirmed the findings of an honest officer, Alleh yarhamo, Magic Hassan found a video to explain it all. I wonder what the orange general will come up with next???

al ekhbar and otv lied, even Mike Feghaly would have predicted that.

What is wrong with supporting the rebels? They may not all be completely innocent, but there is nothing wrong with supporting a group seeking to oust a tyrant, a tyrant that refused to step down even if his presence led to a civil war in his own country. Why don't people just come out and admit that they are supporting the rebels?
Saqr, seriously? They cut the tapes? That's the excuse? Why not admit it and feel noble about it? There is nothing cowardly about supporting the rebels, in my mind.

I agree with you but the man revealed the truth. He showed the full tape and gave copies out. If he stated otherwise he would be lying.

easy with today s technology to fabricate things...he may have acknoledge it was him on the tapes but can t the discussion be a whole fabrication?
seems lots here know better than anyone else!

I agree with you that anything is possible these days. It could have been staged and M8 fell for the trap. However, OTV and Al-Akhbar's actions are clear. they did a big no no and got caught with their pants down.

Why would anyone hold a press conference in Turkey, to explain himself
last time I checked he was a lebanese MP.
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty by a court of justice not a court of Media. A.K Michele Samaha

because his life is in danger? Have you been following the news of the assassination

I bet half of the people commenting here didn't even hear the tapes... but of course they keep on defending their "ze3ama" so blindly... I hope you get to taste some of his milk at least

March 14, my compatriots, Lebanon First Liars and phonies balonies, now we have two versions of Saqr's recordings. I am sure you agree with me unless you choose to just disagree as you are unable to agree with anyone who disagrees with you. In Saqr's recordings, we hear less, much less than in the other recordings. The missing parts seem to be even more incriminating and of a lot of parties. I bet you know already the answer: the missing parts of the recordings are not missing. They were never there to begin with and were fabricated. How clever! March 14, you never cease to amaze me with your brilliance and how you cannot be easily fooled, unlike the camp of evil doers and of the Wilayat al-Faqih nonsense! God bless you, March 14. The war is ongoing and more fighting is still needed. So get set, my compatriots. Get ready. And go, go, go, go, go intelligent warriors! 3alehom.

when it comes to accuse M8 people suspected of illegal things , their m8 sheep here tell the others to wait for the justice to do its job...
why aren t they applying that rule to themselves? LOL

There is nothing that is putting a bigger smile on my face than reading these comments. All I see are a bunch of M8 people acting like little kids who got lying and trying with all their will to wish what just happened to go away. they are trying so hard to convince people they were not caught lying, they are developing herneas as we speak. The full tape has been released and the people of Lebanon all have heard it. Anyone who was on the fence about their credibility has no doubt now! Liar is as liar does.

oh give it up! you got caught lying red handed. All you are doing right now is insulting everyone's intelligence.
As for your second comment- If I could arm the rebells myself, I would. I have not and will not shy away from my beleifs (unlike your general). The fact of the matter is your OTV, with the full consent of your no shame tiny general, deliberatly manupulated a tape to try and discredit someone else and got caught red handed. End of story!

there are a lot of Lebanese here :)
I do have a concern now after saqr showed what they were doing, as in lies and fact distortion, and his assassination attempt in Turkey (at least this one will be prosecuted properly and we will know the real details) plus the attempted bombing in Tariq jdideh today.
my concern is the following: m8 are losing it too fast and most of their plans are going down the drain, and worse they are having a worse effect on them: their goal was to discredit mutaqbal to change the popular vote as well as favor aoun in the Christian areas against geagea. it was clear through the attack of nasrallah on geagea.
now this has backfired and the people will rally even more with geagea and mustaqbal.
these guys are getting cornered with assad going down the drain,and they know they would lose any future election.
what will they do next?

will backfire on you, in courts, where aoun is winning."
lol !!!!! we are still waiting for the names he pretend he has in his possession! still waiting for his general audit! your puppet is only good at barking on tv but he is worth nothing when it comes to do things! lol!

waw! hey guys! let us send mowaten theresistance and FT to lead the investigation on sakr case! it seems they know it all already based on what they read in M8 press and what they chose to publish!
they are real experts!
i wonder why we have courts, justice, lawyers, judges if these three guys know it all already! i m impressed!
so funny people....!
PS: go and help solve all the M14 assassinations as you know it all, you ll spare millions from lebanese tax money! thanks!

we ll see, at least i don t bark like you, i wait for the judiciary to tell us if it s true or not based on hard evidence not on press assumptions! :)
the judge wants the recordings to see if they are fabricated or not but you already know they are not fabricated! see what i mean?
you assume that you are better than the lebanese judge!!! coz you know the truth before him!!! lol!!!

"Lebanon's General Prosecutor Judge Hatem Madi also tasked on Tuesday the Central Criminal Investigations Bureau with examining the recordings."
exactly what im saying: you know the truth even before the investigation bureau knows it! even before they examine the tapes...
so go and help them: tell them it is not fabricated as you already know it! why not spare them the task? LOL
so funny FT!!!

Oh peace you just reminded me of my teacher, Madame Madi in elemtary school in st Francois Hamra

I love the way you built on Sakr's admission that "those r my words & that's my voice "... I'm still laughing...

Between an Honest man and the bunch of liars , the kings of photoshop , whom do you believe ? ...
No need for a response .. aoun is a real judas , and his otv is the real garbage .

Well,whether he is or isn't involved in the weapon deal 1 thing to be said:NO SHAME for those who will help Lebanon get rid of this criminal regime,what's up with u 8march supporters haven't u got enough death and humiliation from this regime or r u so attached to it as it helps secure u weapons from iran!and for those who are pearching about not getting involved well 1 question:have u checked ur allies?they are sending troupes of (MO9EWMIN)there !!

whether he is or isn't involved in the weapon deal 1 thing to be said:NO SHAME for those who will help Lebanon get rid of this criminal regime,what's up with u 8march supporters haven't u got enough death and humiliation from this regime or r u so attached to it as it helps secure u weapons from iran!and for those who are pearching about not getting involved well 1 question:have u checked ur allies?they are sending troupes of (MO9EWMIN)there !!

The sad part about all this, if the tapes are authentic or not, nothing will change.
If it is proven that the tapes were doctored by M8 or Bashaar to discredit Harriri, what would be your position FT? would you change your affiliation?
We are a race born with an undying urge to worship, as long as we chant that our blood and soul are for the service of our leaders, as long as we jump to their defense and excuse their, Lebanon will never be a free democratic nation, and we will never have peace.
You are all born to be slaves and sheep.

"now kiss your daddy goodbye" yeah... threaten, murder, and kidnap...this is what you people do better...this is the Lebanon we don't want. Thanx for demo! You're a good padawan!

Ahhhh come on... we would miss the entertainment.... :)

أنا الغريق وما خوفي من البلل what else do they have to hang on to...

I admire your GRIP on the subject. keep tightenning your Grip.

well, some are here, but most are abroad...that's why the field is open for those incompetants ruling Lebanon.

Some people do not deserve prosperity. they just want to drag everyone else to their level of poverty, materially & mentally. we are going in Lebanon to a bankrupt moral & educational society... sadly