Report: Hariri May Return to Lebanon Given March 14 Accord with Berri
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Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri may return to Lebanon in light of the agreement reached between the March 14 opposition and Speaker Nabih Berri over the resumption of parliamentary subcommittee meetings, reported the daily Ad Diyar on Tuesday.
A mediator between Berri and Hariri told the daily: “The former premier is seriously considering returning to Lebanon within two months of the time that the opposition had agreed to resuming contacts with the speaker.”
The mediator had informed Berri of Hariri's consent for the opposition to return to the parliamentary subcommittee meetings aimed at tackling a new electoral law.
The March 14 alliance had announced a boycott of government-related work in light of the assassination of Internal Security Forces Intelligence Bureau chief Brigadier General Wissam al-Hasan on October 19.
It accused Syria of being behind the crime and blamed the government of covering up for the criminals, demanding its resignation as a condition to ending its boycott.
On Monday, however the opposition announced that it would return to the subcommittee meetings in order to reach an agreement over a parliamentary electoral law ahead of the elections that are scheduled for June 9.
Hariri had traveled to France in 2011 out of security fears over his life, various media reports said.

Merry Chrstmas to you too I guess mister former prime minister.

March 14 and Lebanon First Some Twenty-Two Damn Years Late, cheikh Saad al-Haribi Telteyn al-Marajil said, and I believe every word a pampered baby says, that he shall return to Lebanon like a conquerer through Damascus airport. This only means one thing: cheikh al-Haribi won't be back anytime soon because I believe every word a pampered baby says, and we all know how innocent babies are. But then I could be wrong because it is STILL POSSIBLE that the Assad regime MIGHT fall in 2012 as Dr. Arreet 7akeh told his followers at the symposium of Drs. Arreeteen Satleh. Again, this only means one thing: time is running out on... well... umm... duh... Dr. Arreet 7akeh and Drs. Arreeteen Satleh. Happy New Predictions, March 14 warriors.

One way return for this monkey. The American's will NOT allow it. The West has a new M14 bunch of stooges...Jumblatt, MIkati & Sleiman. The days of Hariri & his gang are over.

Jajajaja I wonder if you believe what you type or if it's just what you're paid to do.

one thing i could only suggest,,,he'd better be with one big political figure from M8 wherever he goes,,eat with the same food at all times even mankoushi,,,and he,ll be safe...welcome back.

Joy<Joy,Joy! Slaughter the fatted calf for the Prodigal Son "may" return to Lebanon if,if and when? Maybe. Don't hold your breath.

This is the time where Mr. Berri would do and/or say anything to keep his chair. I hope M14 won't full in this trap for the 3rd time.

An agreement with Berri provides Hariri with safety and enables his return? Am I reading this right? OMG.

Lebanon needs berri and hariri for stability. I hope sunis and she3as make the historic peace and musla7a that we desperately need. I do not want to see lebanon torn between suni and she3a fundamentalists. Merry Xmas.

if hariri is planning to come back he should wear battle gear and come back with a sizable military backup. it is about high time for him and for all the m14 political leaders to learn and after losing so many compatriots the essential golden rule for doing political business in lebanon: know your ennemy and know how to safeguard youself accordingly.