Al-Rahi Calls for Electoral Law that Does Not Fuel Sectarianism

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi hoped on Sunday that officials would succeed in reaching an agreement over a parliamentary electoral law that “revives real democracy” in Lebanon.

He therefore called on officials to reach an agreement over an electoral law that “does not fuel sectarianism.”

Furthermore, the patriarch stressed during his Sunday sermon that the new electoral law should also grant equality between Muslims and Christians.

“Citizens have the right to elect their representatives at parliament without the criteria being imposed on them by the people in power,” al-Rahi said.

“Each side is seeking to protect Lebanon's Christians and Muslims and therefore bolster coexistence in the country,” he noted.

The Orthodox Gathering proposal, which calls for each sect to elect its own lawmakers, has created divisions among various political factions in Lebanon.

A Christian four-party committee, comprised of the Phalange Party, FPM, Lebanese Forces, and Marada Movement, has advocated the law.

President Michel Suleiman, Prime Minister Najib Miqati, Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat, the Mustaqbal Movement, and independent MPs of the March 14 camp all rejected the proposal, saying it fuels sectarianism.

On the flow of Syrian refugees into Lebanon, al-Rahi stated: “Hosting them is a humanitarian obligation.”

“The Lebanese state should however control who enters Lebanon in order to prevent the entry of gunmen and other forces seeking to create strife,” he added.

“Lebanon should not be made to support more than it can in the refugee file,” declared the patriarch.

Comments 12
Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 20 January 2013, 16:23

civil marriage sayedna, CIVIL MARRIAGE!!!!!

Thumb mouallek 20 January 2013, 17:03

The Maronite Patriarch should be more explicit ! We were under the impression that he was in favour of the Orthodox Gathering Proposal.

Thumb chrisrushlau 20 January 2013, 17:56

So the one third of Lebanese who are Christian are equal to the two thirds who are Muslim: each group gets half of Parliamentary seats.
Let's do the math. One third equals one half, and two thirds equal one half. Let's add it up. Two sixths equal three sixths and four sixths equal three sixths, making two sixths equal four sixths. So there are twice as many people in Lebanon as there are people in Lebanon.

Thumb jabalamel 21 January 2013, 13:34

the filthy zionist scum trash worm never talks sense and never adds anything to this site, but he accuses other of being like him

plus insulting whole sect, i wander if naharnet editor will remove this

Thumb bananasplit 21 January 2013, 01:14

I look to the day when (a) religious men stick to religion and keep their noses out of politics and (b) saying that all LEBANESE are equal instead of "the new electoral law should grant equality between Muslims and Christians".

Thumb cedar 21 January 2013, 01:36

If all Lebanese are equal then the majority of Lebanese will vote Christian and the 95% of the seats in the government will be Christian and the Muslims won't agree. Because over 85% of the Lebanese population (both inside and outside Lebanon) are Christian.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 21 January 2013, 02:35

so why dont we go to a counting?

Default-user-icon Arsenal (Guest) 21 January 2013, 03:47

waw 85%. Off by only about 30%

Thumb jabalamel 21 January 2013, 13:35

lol 85???

keep hallucinating

Thumb jabalamel 21 January 2013, 14:21

the new is that you pretend to agree with something only because you know your friends in lebanon will lose their election in orthodox law.

what you don't know is that your friends will lose anyway

Missing gcb1 21 January 2013, 16:48

How about we elect representatives on the basis of their ideas and not on their sects? Isn't that what democracy really is? Anyone?

Thumb bananasplit 23 January 2013, 02:59

Here here, gcb1!