Protesters in North Block Syrian Fuel Tankers from Entering Syria

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The residents of northern border towns blocked the roads that lead to Syria on Wednesday to prevent fuel tanker trucks from crossing into the country, the state-run National News Agency reported.

NNA said protesters from the town of Arida that has a crossing with Syria blocked the international highway with rocks and barbed wires in the morning over the alleged smuggling of oil and diesel. They reopened it around 2:00 pm after MP Moeen al-Merehbi negotiated with them.

The road of al-Abboudiyeh border crossing was also blocked in both directions, it said. But it was opened later in the day for only trucks carrying food products.

The protest came a day after the energy ministry said the reported smuggling was a fabrication made for political objectives.

It denied that the oil and diesel exported to Syria were from the refineries controlled by the ministry in northern and southern Lebanon.

“The tankers so far have only been filled by private companies,” it said in a statement.

The ministry said the government is not committed to the international sanctions imposed on Syria.

"The numerous trucks transporting different kinds of goods on the border are a proof that these sanctions are not binding,” it added.

Comments 9
Thumb jcamerican 13 February 2013, 11:10

I agree with you about the prices. Politics aside, this fuel belongs to the Lebanese, not for re-export.

Thumb jcamerican 13 February 2013, 11:20

What is your point exactly? All Sunnis are bad, all shiites are good or all christians are good. If your statement was true, Bashar would have lasted one day. Plus Bashar was never famous for being a fair leader. He is like his dad ruthless and a butcher. These are the facts and have nothing to do with politics.

Missing greatpierro 13 February 2013, 12:34

Josh your problem is Wahhabism. Fine. Many would agree with you about the danger of Wahhabism for a multi-confession society. It does not mean we should reject all the Sunni community in Lebanon, seek alliance with hizbullah, Iran and Syria to fight the Sunnis in Lebanon. The Sunnis in Lebanon are moderate. We need to Iive with them en bonne intelligence. If we go along rejecting them then they will reject the Christians. So better show them how we can live side by side

Missing allouchi 13 February 2013, 14:45

FT, no one beleives that...private companies are only fronts and most are Hizbala controlled, you JUST REFUSE TO SEE...

Missing 13 February 2013, 15:50

This is the first road blocking I have ever supported. It is necessary to deprive the assad regime from refuelling his tanks.

Missing mohammad_ca 13 February 2013, 17:15

excellent work by residents of the North, keep the pressure up! These oil shipments are illegal under international sanctions on ASSad.

Missing mohammad_ca 13 February 2013, 17:17

Fuel is federally regulated in Lebanon, as are exports and abiding by international sanctions. Private companies canNOT override those regulations...they would need government blessing.

Missing peace 13 February 2013, 23:11

lebanese are compelled by international laws and the arab league to boycott syria...
why isn t the gvt forcing these trucks back? M8 double standards i guess....

Missing greatpierro 13 February 2013, 23:33

should there be not an embargo on fuel export? The answer is YES but the M8 government is allowing it.