Soaid on Hariri Murder Anniversary: We Must Build State without Conditions Imposed by Militias

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March 14 General Secretariat coordinator Fares Soaid warned on Thursday that Lebanon is in danger because of the spread of arms in the country and attempts to link it to the developments in Syria.

He said: “Those destroying the state must return to it so we can build it without conditions imposed by militias.”

He made his remarks during a ceremony marking the eighth anniversary of the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

Soaid added: “Lebanon is in danger because those in power today have not learned from the mistakes of the past.”

“They are trying to link the country to the Baath regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad,” he continued.

“Lebanon is in danger because of the swift collapse of its state and its inability to apply the law and provide security to the people,” he noted.

“Lebanon has been transformed into what appears to be a failed state,” he said.

He emphasized the need to return to the Taef accord that “ensures the rights of all components of society.”

“Our hand is extended to those with honest intentions in order to restore the authority of the state,” stressed Soaid.

“We urge them to work together to halt our fall towards the unknown,” he remarked.

He called for an end to attempts to ignite strife in Lebanon, adding: “Some sides are banking on the collapse of the March 14 camp, but experience has taught us since the assassination of Hariri, that we are capable of moving mountains if we are united.”

“The majority of the people do not want the return to violence and wars and this is the responsibility of the state and the March 14 forces,” he declared.

“The state must liberate itself from sectarian interests and instead be based on civil ones. Politics must be stripped of sectarian interests, starting with the March 14 camp,” he stressed.

“Given these dangers, there can be no salvation except through returning to the values of the Cedar Revolution when the people broke down sectarian boundaries and overcame their fears,” said the March 14 General Secretariat coordinator.

The March 14 opposition alliance commemorated Hariri's assassination anniversary in a rally at the BIEL exhibition center in downtown Beirut, in the absence of key leaders.

Four Hizbullah members have been named suspects by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon in the Beirut truck bombing that killed Hariri and 21 others on February 14 , 2005.

The party denies the charges and has refused to hand over the suspects.

  • 14 February 2013, 18:07

    Soaid: Given these dangers, there can be no salvation except through returning to the values of the Cedar Revolution when the people broke down sectarian boundaries and overcame their fears.

  • 14 February 2013, 18:05

    Soaid: Some sides are banking on the collapse of the March 14 camp, but experience has taught us since the assassination of Hariri, that we are capable of moving mountains if we are united.

  • 14 February 2013, 18:05

    Soaid: The state must liberate itself from sectarian interests and instead be based on civil ones. Politics must be stripped of sectarian interests, starting with the March 14 camp.

  • 14 February 2013, 18:03

    Soaid: We must build the state away from interests of a certain sect and that of a certain militia.

  • 14 February 2013, 18:03

    Soaid: The war in Lebanon did not end in 1990, but it ended with the end of statelets and militias in the country.

  • 14 February 2013, 18:02

    Soaid: We must put an end to the threat of civil strife.

  • 14 February 2013, 18:02

    Soaid: We must return to the Taef accord and set it as an example for countries that are suffering from our problems. This accord provides the rights of all components of society.

  • 14 February 2013, 18:01

    Soaid: We extend our hands to all those with honest intentions. We urge them to work together to halt our fall towards the unknown.

  • 14 February 2013, 18:00

    Soaid: We must protect ourselves and the country. The majority of the people do not want the return to violence and wars and this is the responsibility of the state and the March 14 forces.

  • 14 February 2013, 17:59

    Soaid: Lebanon is in danger because it is the last front of a regional axis that has lost its power in the region.

  • 14 February 2013, 17:58

    Soaid: Lebanon is in danger because those in rule have not learned from the past as they are still linking the fate of the country to that of the Baath regime.

  • 14 February 2013, 17:56

    March 14 General Secretariat coordinator Fares Soaid during Hariri murder anniversary at BIEL: We salute late PM Hariri and the martyrs of the Cedar Revolution.

Comments 7
Missing allouchi 14 February 2013, 19:12

Sheikh Rafic Hariri was working to improve the lives of all Lebanese no exceptions even his enemies and eventually his murderers..may he rest in peace...long live M14...

Thumb primesuspect 14 February 2013, 19:59

RIP Rafik. You're missed. Lebanon took the wrong turn since his political and physical assassination.

Missing people-power 14 February 2013, 23:00

STFU Douch-bag, have some respect

Missing peace 15 February 2013, 00:28

M8? respect? it s a word they never heard of like dignity or honor!

Default-user-icon Shellac Payntin (Guest) 15 February 2013, 02:39

My compatriots of anti-March 8 and their buddies, how about building a state without pathetic statements by a nobody who no longer became a member of the parliament since the Syrians left him without their shoes to shine? Now that would be a probable beginning despite the difficulty of Lebanon Never First and their rears (aka March 14) building a state in about 5 years of running the show on behalf of all of Lebanon's enemies, not to count the 15 or so years of Syria's best Rafic's bullyship.

Default-user-icon Fran Sah (Guest) 15 February 2013, 08:10

We live and bet our future on statements and false hopes. As to actions and reality, we shall leave these to those living an illusion. So let's continue to be amazed by statements that only the enlightened few are capable of weaving.

Missing ssnp4ever 15 February 2013, 13:01

Ft bashir is gone dude ,just be greatful we have people like Habib in Lebanon.