Charbel Says Security Threats Targeting Rival Officials, Stresses Ties with Gulf 'Not Deteriorating'

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Interior Minister Marwan Charbel warned on Friday that officials affiliated with the March 14 and 8 coalitions are simultaneously exposed to assassination attempts, pointing out that the ties between Lebanon and the Gulf countries are “not deteriorating.”

“The security agencies are coordinating with the figures who are under threat,” Charbel said in comments published in the Kuwaiti al-Seyassah newspaper.

He stressed that these officials are taking the required precautions and the situation is under control.

“We are constantly monitoring the situation,” Charbel noted.

Media reports have continuously warned that Speaker Nabih Berri, Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat and several other senior Lebanese officials might be the target of a security threat by terrorist groups.

Concerning the ties between Lebanon and the Gulf Cooperation Council states, the minister stated that the stance undertaken by the government is clear.

“Our relations are excellent with all the Arab countries, in particular, with the Gulf countries,” Charbel said.

The cabinet has recently said that Lebanon is keen to maintain its ties with the GCC countries, rejecting any attempt to meddle in their internal affairs.

A crisis broke out last week after Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun criticized the international community and the Arab League for their lack of support for Bahraini protesters.

Bahrain's majority Shiites are seeking a greater political voice in the Sunni-ruled kingdom.

Aoun's criticism prompted Bahrain to summon Lebanese charge d'affaires Ibrahim Assaf after accusing the FPM chief of meddling in its internal affairs.

Comments 1
Thumb andre.jabbour 22 February 2013, 14:06

M8 are never targeted. What a liar this man is!