Jumblat Says Orthodox Gathering Proposal Chapter Closed

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President Michel Suleiman and the independent MPs of the March 14 opposition alliance closed the chapter of the dispute on the so-called Orthodox Gathering proposal, Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat said.

In remarks to As Safir daily published Thursday, Jumblat praised Suleiman and the independent Christian lawmakers for obstructing the “suicidal proposal” which calls for a single district and allows each sect to vote for its own MPs under a proportional representation system.

The proposal has been approved by the joint parliamentary committees, the last step before Speaker Nabih Berri calls for a parliamentary session to approve it.

But Berri stressed on several occasions that he wouldn't invite for a National Assembly if there is lack of agreement between the major factions on an electoral draft-law that would govern this year's polls.

After al-Mustaqbal bloc's acceptance to combine the winner-takes-all and proportional representation systems, it is now possible to discuss a draft-law proposed by the government by introducing some amendments to it mainly the transfer of seats from one district to the other, he said.

The draft calls for 13 districts under a proportional representation system.

The latest consultations between the major factions are focusing on the government’s proposal and Berri is at the center of the talks, Jumblat told As Safir.

Berri withdrew on Wednesday his hybrid proposal after it became a point of contention between the March 8 majority and the March 14 opposition alliances.

In his remarks to As Safir, Jumblat denied that he had asked for a meeting with Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

But he reiterated that he would ask for it if he saw that such a meeting between them was necessary.

According to An Nahar daily, Suleiman, Prime Minister Najib Miqati and Jumblat attended a dinner banquet at the house of Economy Minister Nicolas Nahhas on Tuesday night.

The officials discussed the electoral draft-law, in addition to the security situation in the country, it said.

Jumblat stressed in his remarks published Thursday that he and Suleiman insist on forming the authority that would oversee the elections and reject the postponement of the polls.

Comments 13
Default-user-icon osama (Guest) 28 February 2013, 08:34

look at the back ground of the photo.. this is Mou-tai a very potent Chinese rice spirit... but this is the cheap variety.. lol

Missing ssnp4ever 28 February 2013, 09:25

How long did it take you to think of such smart comment.

Default-user-icon Xulai Bing (Guest) 28 February 2013, 08:47

Call this wishful thinking by one nervous low life piece of scum feudal warlord who knows that the days of Mafia Hariri and Mafia Joumblat are numbered. Decent Lebanese, REJOICE. We have had way more than enough of their filth and rot.

Missing ssnp4ever 28 February 2013, 10:24

Dream on .

Missing ssnp4ever 28 February 2013, 09:04

Karim nobody kicked the Christians out ,blame the LF for coming on the back of the Israeli tanks to atack the Druze .The Christians are free to come back anytime they feel like dude.

Missing lappeaudecouille 28 February 2013, 11:20

ssnp4ever you are right the Christians are free to come back to broken villages and destroyed houses? The money allocated for the refugees (sandou2 el mouhajjarin) was under jumblat's control who indeed stole 80% of it and the rest was used to help druze restablish themselves, fix their houses etc etc so dont tell me they are free to come back. We already know this side of the story. By the way both LF and PSP did horrible things to each other during the war.

Missing ssnp4ever 28 February 2013, 12:37

Well said whyaskwhy.I'm neither M8 nor M14 ,however those people live in the past & we all know who attacked who after the Jews invaded Lebanon& LF came on the back of their masters tanks to drive the Druze people out of their homes,no body should blame the PSP for defending their land & their people 7 kick the LF out .Lebanon is for all Lebanese .
Ta7ya Souria..

Missing lappeaudecouille 28 February 2013, 13:02

whyaskwhy i do not really know why you ended with the conclusion that i'm sendng out anti-Lebanese Iranian vibes. Weird. I was just stating facts. Money was raised for all refugees that had their homes and most assets destroyed in the Chouf. The money was controlled by Mr. Jumblat. No Christian has ever seen a penny out of this fund except for the ones with whom Jumblat had special interests with. This is a basic human rights/anti corruption cry out and if you see it differently then i'm sorry for you and as you can see from ssnp4ever's comments he's the one holding on to the past and blaming LF. They are both to blame for their ongoing stupidity over the years costing families thousands of lives.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 28 February 2013, 14:21

of course the money should be controlled by walid beik,walid beik was attacked by the LF/ISRAELIS at that time, the LF attacked walid beik in the chouf area, he didnt go to kesrouan. NOW LETS SEE IF THE ADMINISTRATOR CAN PUT THIS COMMENT.

Thumb primesuspect 28 February 2013, 14:22

time to abolish religion in lebanon. forbid anyone from practising his duty towards Allah.

Missing Cyanide 28 February 2013, 16:43

where do you get your info from??

Thumb kanaandian 01 March 2013, 02:24

will this flip flopping war criminal ever shut his yap for once

Default-user-icon Majid (Guest) 01 March 2013, 08:26

I'm converting to Orthodoxy....whether this law passes or not. Orthodoxy wa bass. The rest can go to hell with their M14 and PSP supporters and those sad case m14 independent Christians.