U.S. Says Syria Bombing Lebanon 'Absolutely Unacceptable', Violates Sovereignty

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U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland condemned on Monday the Syrian bombing of Lebanese border regions, stating that “this step violates the country's sovereignty and is absolutely unacceptable”.

“Syrian warplanes Monday bombed northern Lebanon for the first time,” Nuland confirmed to reporters, denouncing the move as "a significant escalation" of the conflict.

She elaborated: "We can confirm... that regime jets and helicopters did fire rockets into northern Lebanon, impacting Wadi al-Khayl, near the border town of Arsal".

"This constitutes a significant escalation in the violations of Lebanese sovereignty that the Syrian regime has been guilty of. These kinds of violations of sovereignty are absolutely unacceptable".

She reminded Damascus that U.N. resolutions called for the strict respect of the sovereignty and territory of Lebanon.

Lebanon has publicly committed itself to staying neutral in the violence engulfing Syria, but the conflict has already exacerbated tensions and there are growing fears it could spill over into the country.

U.S. ambassador to Lebanon, Maura Connelly, has been in contact with the Lebanese government, Nuland added.

A high-ranking Lebanese army official told Agence France Presse four missiles had been fired by Syrian warplanes in a mountainous, desert area, which observers say is ideal for the smuggling of arms and the flow of fighters across the border.

Comments 10
Thumb Elemental 18 March 2013, 21:03

..don't forget Israel's CONSTANT violations of our airspace, such double standards...

Missing biglebanese 19 March 2013, 00:47

Hey dude I don’t like the Jews ,but I know they are scum and filth & would not except anything better from them Jews ,however Syria speak the same language eat the same food as us ,how could they justify attacking another Arab country ,why don’t they liberate their occupied Land instead of stealing from Lebanon /killing our people .I have no respect for any Lebanese person who looks at Syria’s action against our people as a good thing ,..,

Missing biglebanese 19 March 2013, 00:48

I meant to say Syrians..,

Default-user-icon Truedemocracy (Guest) 18 March 2013, 22:20

Yep, and the Lebanese are too busy fighting among each other to notice.

Such a shame.

Thumb jabal10452 18 March 2013, 23:51

See, now the West can use Syria's violation of the UN resolutions regarding Lebanese sovereignty as a pretext to initiate military action against Syria. Bokra betshoufo.

Missing biglebanese 19 March 2013, 00:40

Israel is our main enemy & Syria meaning the regime want to control our country with the help of their loyal dogs in Lebanon ,our country is the envy of the whole of the Arab world & the Jews as well.God bless Lebanon ,.,

Default-user-icon Roxsheba (Guest) 19 March 2013, 04:12

Stop the BS America, first give us an example with your Jewish fly-byes over Lebanon. Stop them from entering our airspace, Syria at the moment is not a threat and never will be except for the multi coloured jihadist you are arming at this point. These scums you are helping will turn the very weapons you are supplying against your state and Europe in the near future, then what? Blame it on Lebanon? Is it on your menu? Go F your selves, look what you did in Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mali, Sudan, Tunisia, Egypt, so on and so on. Russia and china has a right to be worried you Americans are screwing almost every single country on earth without success. Stop mingerling with the Arab affairs you will all get burnt..

Missing roxsheba 19 March 2013, 05:50

These Americans take us as fools. Thanks for defending our nation against foreign attacks, but we would appreciate if the U.S remarks are also targeting Israel for violating our airspace as well as our land and our people first so that we would respect their opinion . To me all it sounds like a dog barking at night, all for nothing. Go F yourselves U.S you always like to root from behind especially when a country is sedated and weak.

Default-user-icon muhamada (Guest) 19 March 2013, 07:31

Syrian regime and Zionist regime both war criminals destroying the future of Middle East.

Missing biglebanese 19 March 2013, 11:02
