One Man Killed in Armed Dispute in Tripoli

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

A man was killed and another injured in an armed dispute in the northern city of Tripoli on Saturday between residents from Bab al-Tabbaneh and others from al-Badawi region.

The state-run National News Agency reported that Walid Bakri was killed in the dispute in al-Malloula road while Omar al-Arja sustained serious injuries and was transferred to the Islamic Hospital in the northern city.

The reasons for the clash remain unknown.

Comments 8
Thumb geha 06 April 2013, 17:59

stupidity continues.
all weapons should be under the state.

Thumb lebanon_first 06 April 2013, 20:18

a pen ya phoenix? who uses a pen? you mean a keyboard.

Thumb lebanon_first 06 April 2013, 20:23

Yet another proof that our problem is not a sectarian problem. IT IS A PROBLEM OF PROLIFERATION OF WEAPONS.
Also, I dont think Lebanese want sectarian wars. I think Lebanese are very united and war averse for us to have this relative stability IN SPITE of all the efforts of Assad to transfer his stupid war to our beloved lebanon.

Thumb lebanon_first 06 April 2013, 22:25

"-" FT "-" tu m'as mis l'eau a la bouche... I heard of this abou fadi... can you give me the google earth coordinates

Thumb primesuspect 07 April 2013, 05:53

google it, jajajajajaja :)

Thumb primesuspect 07 April 2013, 05:59

Kisserwani. about ur link BintJbeil...look what i read/
الشهيد المجاهد علي حيدر قاتل النواصب التكفيريين الذين ارادوا و يريدون هدم المقامات المقدسة .. لعنة الله على ابناء ابن تيمية الذين نصبوا العداء لآل البيت و استشهاد حيدر ما هو الا تكملة لمسيرة اهل البيت و تمهيد لعصر الظهور الذي اصبح قريباً ان شاء الله و بالنسبة لهيدا الواطي علي من فلسطين اقول له الخيانة في دمكم لقد خنتم بعضكم البعض و حنتم ارضكم و الآن خنتم الرئيس بشار ... يعني بالمختصر (غدارين ولاد حرام)

Missing rambo1 07 April 2013, 11:20

Tripoli the city of Filth .

Thumb tonymartin 09 April 2013, 15:24

Have any of you ever been to Tripoli? It doesn't feel like the rest of Lebanon, more like "little Kabul" very discusting City filled with Extremist.