Gemayel Meets Salam: Interests of Political Powers Hinge on Salam's Success to Form Govt.

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel voiced on Tuesday his party's readiness to cooperate with Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam to ensure the success of his mission to form a new government.

He said after talks with the PM-designate: “The interests of all sides hinge on Salam's success.”

“All sides are obligated to cooperate with him for the sake of the nation,” he noted.

Furthermore, Gemayel stressed that all efforts will be exerted at parliament in order to reach an agreement over a parliamentary electoral law that appeases all political powers.

He revealed that the Phalange bloc will meet with Salam on Tuesday afternoon in order to present to him its vision of the new government.

The Phalange Party's politburo called on Monday for the formation of a “rescue cabinet” that can deal with regional and international developments.

It should safeguard the country by adhering to the Baabda Declaration that calls for Lebanon to disassociate itself from regional developments, most notably the Syrian crisis.

Moreover, the new cabinet needs to be able to face upcoming decisive stages such as the parliamentary elections, said the politburo.

Comments 1
Missing tomahawk 10 April 2013, 03:40

Thank allah for Hezz/ Aoun , if it wasn't for them then we will over run by your Wahibist - Jihadist boyfriends .