Commander: Iranian Army Able to Destroy Israel 'Alone'

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Iran's army "alone" is able to destroy Israel, army commander General Ataollah Salehi said on Thursday, responding to boasts by the Jewish state that its military that could attack its archfoe on its own.

"Our message to this illegitimate regime (Israel) is the same, we do not need to utilize all of Iran's military forces," Salehi said on the sidelines of the Islamic republic's annual Army Day. "The army ... alone is able to destroy Israel."

His comments come after Israeli chief of staff Lieutenant General Benny Gantz on Tuesday said the Jewish state's military was capable of attacking Iran on its own without foreign support.

Asked in an interview on public radio if the military could wage attacks on Iran "alone" -- without the support of countries such as the United States -- Gantz replied: "Yes, absolutely."

Israel believes the Islamic republic, which has issued many bellicose statements about the Jewish state, is working to achieve a military nuclear capability and has not ruled out a military strike to prevent this happening.

Iran denies it is developing an atomic bomb and says it needs its nuclear program of uranium enrichment for peaceful medical and energy purposes.

Israel is widely believed to be the Middle East's sole nuclear-armed state, albeit undeclared.

Since the 1979 Islamic revolution Iran has had two military forces -- the regular army and the elite Revolutionary Guards Corps, which controls the ballistic missile program is believed by Western military experts to be the more powerful and the better equipped of the two.

During Thursday's military parade, Tehran displayed what it said were three newly-developed unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones.

"The Sarir (throne) drone is a stealth, with a long range flight capability and is equipped with a cameras and air-to-air missiles," air defense commander Brigadier General Farzad Esmaili said as the aircraft went on display along with two other new drones, the Hazem-3 (firm) and Mohajer-B (immigrant).

Iran says it is developing drones to be used for surveillance as well as for attacks.

The Islamic republic regularly boasts of advances in the military and scientific fields, but western military experts often cast doubt on its claims.

Comments 11
Thumb jcamerican 18 April 2013, 13:28

Able But? When are these people going to stop attacking each other. Making empty threats for the bored citizens.

Missing phillipo 18 April 2013, 17:58

Let them try. I wouldn't want to be a resident of Teheran 5 minutes after the launch of their first rocket.

Thumb jcamerican 18 April 2013, 13:28

Able But? When are these people going to stop attacking each other. Making empty threats for the bored citizens.

Thumb _citizen_ 18 April 2013, 13:53

heheheheh, yeah at it boy!

Missing maroun 18 April 2013, 13:54

sad thing is people believe them.

Missing phillipo 18 April 2013, 18:03

How does the saying go - "You can fool some of the people most of the time, most of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time." It's about time the Iranian leadership woke up from their long time dream.

Thumb benzona 18 April 2013, 15:36

WaouW. Impressive! I Bet they have a stealth bomber made in the Islamic Republic of Iran armed with nukes.

Thumb _citizen_ 18 April 2013, 16:31

He said "Army" alone:))

Missing phillipo 18 April 2013, 18:00

If I look correctly at a current map of the Middle East, wouldn't the Iranian ARMY need to cross Iraq and Jordan (at least) in order to reach Israel. I'm sure (ha ha) that these two countries would lay out the red carpet for them. Who do they think they are kidding.

Missing peace 18 April 2013, 17:35

that tell everything... destroy a whole country! lol!
it shows how these people think as if they were on another planet in their delirium...

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18 April 2013, 21:12

they are good for comic relief every now and then.