Nine Charged with Seeking to Carry out Terrorist Attacks in Lebanon
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Nine people were charged on Friday with enlisting in an armed group to carry out terrorist attacks, said the National News Agency.
State Commissioner to the Military Court Judge Saqr Saqr charged two Lebanese people and seven Syrian and Palestinian nationals with enlisting in the armed group and committing crimes against people.
The suspects prepared explosives in the Miyeh Miyeh, Khaldeh, and al-Rihab Palestinian refugee camps.
They also transported the explosives from the camps in order to attack certain targets that were not revealed.
The case was referred to the first military investigating judge.
The army announced on Thursday that it has broken up a cell, detained its members and confiscated a quantity of detonators and explosives.
It said that it is pursuing the rest of the cell's members.
Al-Joumhouria newspaper reported Thursday that the army busted an al-Qaida cell recently plotting to carry out terrorist acts to destabilize Lebanon and its security.

Spreading chaos and sending terrorists has been the master trade of the Syrian and Iranian regimes. Although the Islamists are fighting the Regime in Syria they are still serving as they did before the purpose of inflaming sectarian dissents and scaring non Sunnis to ask for iranian and Syrian protection.
When will the lebanese learn?

Of course they are lebanese. If every lebanese who believes in sick crazy stuff isen't lebanese then probably 95 % of the lebanese population would no longer be lebanese.

Loooooool it's funny, cos it could be true ... Loooooooooooooooool