Arslan Urges Politicians to Help Berri Garner Deal on Vote Law
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Lebanese Democratic Party leader MP Talal Arslan threw his weight behind Speaker Nabih Berri on Saturday, saying politicians should also back all the efforts exerted by the head of the Amal movement to agree on a vote law.
Following talks with Berri in Ain el-Tineh, Arslan told reporters that all parties “should work on Berri's initiative to reach the required results.”
The speaker has called for a parliamentary session starting Wednesday to agree on a new electoral law. He said he will put the so-called Orthodox Gathering proposal up for vote if the rival blocs failed to reach consensus.
Arslan praised Berri for being the only politician who sought to fortify the local situation. He said he will coordinate his stance with Berri during the session.
He also hoped that no one would try to circumvent Berri's call for Wednesday's plenary to reach common ground.
The lawmaker also slammed the political rivalries that he said were harming the country's civil peace and unity, and increasing divisions.
He blamed Premier-designate Tammam Salam for allegedly not coordinating with Berri to form the new government.
“This is a big political mistake,” he said.
Among Berri's other visitors on Saturday were caretaker Premier Najib Miqati and Army chief Gen. Jean Qahwaji.

He blamed Premier-designate Tammam Salam for allegedly not coordinating with Berri to form the new government................
Go fly a kite Chubby cheeks Arsalan and take Mr. Berri with you. Who does Berri consult when he makes big decisions such as closing the Parliament, allowing and disallowing committees at his whim. Literates in Lebanon become Engineers and Doctors (or leave abroad for opportunities), stupid ones who often fail in school become our leaders and sell out to outsiders.