Suleiman Supports Amending Constitution to Include Neutrality Article
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President Michel Suleiman voiced on Monday his support to an initiative proposed by the Phalange party, which focuses on introducing a constitutional amendment, which calls for neutrality and dissociate the country from the conflicts surrounding it.
“The initiative became a necessity during the current developments in the region,” Suleiman said after talks with a Phalage party delegation at the Baabda Palace.
The delegation comprised of MPs Sami Gemayel, Nadim Gemayel, Elie Marouni, Samer Saadeh and Fadi el-Haber discussed the initiative with Suleiman and requested an amendment to the preamble of the constitution to stipulate Lebanon's neutrality towards regional conflicts to the president.
“The Baabda Declaration must be adopted in the constitution and in the laws so that no one can act against it. It will be considered illegal if the declaration is breached,” the Phalange party said last week.
The Baabda Declaration was unanimously adopted during a national dialogue session in June 2012. It calls for Lebanon to disassociate itself from regional crises, most notably the one in Syria.
Meanwhile, Suleiman condemned the twin bomb attacks in the Turkish border town of Reyhanli.
He called for “punishing” the culprits whatever their affiliations where.
The violence of the conflict in Syria has spilled over into Syria's neighbors, with Turkey accusing Damascus of being behind car bombings near the border that killed 48 people on Saturday.
The Syrian government denied involvement in the twin car bombs that sowed death in Reyhanli on Saturday but Ankara said it was holding suspects who had confessed and accused Damascus of dragging Turkey into its civil war.
Suleiman also held talks with Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati, Caretaker Interior Minister Marwan Charbel and General Security Chief Abbas Ibrahim.

m8 will oppose this: they are under foreign orders, thus they do not decide for themselves.
these foreign agents are not Lebanese and should be treated as traitors to Lebanon.
hizbushaitan and aoun will have a lot to answer for.
is this how aoun is preserving the interests of Christians? is it by engulfing Lebanon in the middle of a regional conflict for the benefit of his Iranian masters?

once more trying to divert attention ft?
whatever you say or do everone now realizes what a traitor aoun is acting against the interests of Lebanese in general and Christians in particular: he is just an executor of the Iranian policies and answers for his master nasrallah :)

if so what will it change? will they jail hezbis if they are fighting in syria? i doubt it, iranman will never tolerate it and would rather trigger a war...
will they jail tripoli salafis if caught? i doubt it too... so he can amend the constitution if he likes but the lebanese extremists will not answer... didn t nasrallah say that the lebanese gvt means nothing to him?