Geagea Says Syria, Hizbullah Waging Elimination War against LF with 'Aoun as Cover', Regrets Communicating with 'Liars'
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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Thursday accused the Syrian regime and Hizbullah of waging a “new elimination war” against his party, pointing out that Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun is only a cover for this attack.
“The LF is exposed to a new elimination war similar to what happened in 1989, and it is using again the same tools used back then,” Geagea stated in a press conference during which he responded to attacks against his party after it withdrew its support for the Orthodox Gathering's draft electoral law.
He explained: “The LF's stance towards the Arab Spring is the reason behind the Syrian regime's attack on it. The regime will not forgive us for our support for the revolution.”
The second reason for the attack, Geagea added, is because his party “stands as an obstacle in front of Hizbullah's plans.”
"Hizbullah invented a Christian-Christian situation to attack us and has mobilized its media outlets to serve this purpose.”
He noted: “There is an attempt to isolate the LF waged by Hizbullah, Aoun and their allies. But this will not take them anywhere.”
The LF leader expressed that his “only mistake was communicating with liars in the first place.”
"Aoun is trying to justify his failure by attacking us,” Geagea said, responding to the wave of March 8-affiliated media reports criticizing the Lebanese Forces for withdrawing its support for the Orthodox draft.
"Betrayal is a character of those who betrayed the cause and those talking about betrayal are the same who withdrew the Orange Book from the market.”
“My only mistake was that I agreed to communicate with them. It is unwise of you to think that I can betray Christians.”
"They are attacking us in matters that are not related to the vote on the Orthodox draft.”
Commenting on the vote on the electoral law, Geagea revealed that Aoun wants the adoption of the 1960's law, adding that “his statements are a proof of this .”
"I remind you that he was the one who said if the Orthodox proposal did not pass, he will go back to the 1960's law. But I am telling you the 1960's law will not be adopted in the upcoming elections.”
"They noticed that the LF is the number one party among Christians and they are trying to change that in the elections."
Geagea asked: “Why did he (Aoun) call for adopting a law based on proportional representation and that divides Lebanon into one district, or for adopting the cabinet's proposal if he so keen on Christians' rights?”
"Did the 2006 war secure Christians' rights? Is there an interest for Christians in Aoun's alliance with an extremist party that has encouraged establishing other similar groups?" Geagea remarked.
Speaker Nabih Berri postponed on Wednesday a parliamentary session that was set to discuss the so-called Orthodox Gathering proposal for lack of quorum, after Al-Mustaqbal and the LF struck a last-minute deal on the hybrid proposal which was also backed by Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat's National Struggle Front and March 14's independent Christian MPs.
The Orthodox draft that considers Lebanon a single district and stipulates that each sect elects its own MPs under on a proportional representation system, is strongly backed by Hizbullah and the FPM.
Meanwhile, the proposal of the March 14 alliance, excluding the Phalange party, calls for 54 MPs to be elected under the winner-takes-all system and 46 percent via the proportional representation system.
The country would be divided into six governorates.
16 May 2013, 17:02
Geagea: I remind you that Aoun was the one who said if the Orthodox proposal did not pass he will go back to the 1960's law. But I am telling you the 1960's law will not be adopted in the upcoming elections.
16 May 2013, 16:58
Geagea to Aoun: Did the 2006 war secure Christians' rights? Did your alliance with Hizbullah reassure them? Is there an interest for Christians in your alliance with an extremist party that has encouraged finding other similar groups?
16 May 2013, 16:55
Geagea: Aoun attacked the Intelligence Bureau but then the cabinet he is part of legalized it. He replaced employees that are supporters of the LF with his supporters.
16 May 2013, 16:53
Geagea to Aoun: What did you do regarding the Labenese University, or regarding cabinet Secretary General Suheil Bouji?
16 May 2013, 16:50
Geagea: They noticed that the LF has become the number one party among Christians and they wanted to even that in the elections.
16 May 2013, 16:49
Geagea on the electoral law: Aoun wants the adoption of the 1960's law and his statements are a proof of this. Why did Aoun call from adopting a law based on proportional representation and Lebanon as one district, or the adoption of the cabinet's proposal if he so keen on Christians' rights?
16 May 2013, 16:48
Geagea: The LF is exposed to a new Elimination War similar to what happened in 1989 and this war is using again the same tools. There is an attempt to isolate the party by Hizbullah, Aoun and his allies. But this will not take them anywhere.
16 May 2013, 16:46
Geagea: The second reason for the attack is because the LF stands as an obstacle in front of Hizbullah's plans. Hizbullah invented a Christian-Christian situation to attack us and has mobilized its media outlets to serve this purpose.
16 May 2013, 16:45
Geagea: The LF's stance towards the Arab Spring is the reason behind the Syrian regime's attack on it. The regime will not forgive the party for its support to the revolution.
16 May 2013, 16:44
Geagea: It is a matter of LF's role and presence on ground. The party is being attacked by the Syrian regime and by Hizbullah. Aoun is only the cover.
16 May 2013, 16:43
Geagea to Aoun: You cover your failure by attacking the Lebanese Forces.
16 May 2013, 16:41
Geagea: My only mistake was that I agreed to communicate with them in the first place. It is unwise of you to think that I can betray Christians.
16 May 2013, 16:40
Geagea: They are attacking us in matters that are not related to the vote on the Orthodox draft.
16 May 2013, 16:39
Geagea: Those talking about betrayal are the same who withdrew the Orange Book from the market.
16 May 2013, 16:38
Geagea talking about the FPM: Betrayal is a character of those who betrayed the cause.
16 May 2013, 16:37
Geagea: The SSNP-affiliated al-Binaa newspaper, that is against the Orthodox draft, wondered how much we received for selling the Orthodox draft.
16 May 2013, 16:34
Geagea: Al-Akhbar newspaper talked about a LF coup and an article written by Ghassan Saoud said our party killed the Orthodox proposal.
16 May 2013, 16:34
Geagea: As Safir newspaper said FPM leader Michel Aoun is a victim of betrayal. All pro-March 8 media outlets dealt with the issue in the same manner.
16 May 2013, 16:32
Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea during a press conference from Maarab: In Wednesday's newscast on al-Manar television, they said LF broke the consent reached in Bkirki and that we sold the Orthodox draft.

Aoun est un imbassil.... À part se remplir les poches et rêver d'être élu par personne comme président... C'est le désert total, je dirai même le désert social.
Benzona en farncais! tu m'impressione petit. mais j'aimerais bien connaitre ton opinion sur la trahison Geageaienne:
1- pourquoi a la derniere minute
2- pourquoi perdre 20 deputes chretiens
3- pourquoi cette division illogique du mont Liban et pas du nord ou de la bekaa
4- pourquoi il n'a rien ose explique aujourd'hui et s'est contente d'attaquer le general

Peace t'a répondu. Et puis, il y avait un ultimatum.... Comme quoi certaines personnes sont plus productives sous la menace. Geagea n'a jamais caché sa préférence pour la loi hybride s'il y avait consensus et, justement, consensus il y a eu à la dernière minute. Faut-il faire des concessions pour exister avec d'autres communautés? La réponses est indéniablement oui. Cette loi dite hybride n'est d'ailleurs pas irréversible, si dans l'avenir, proche ou non, il y a consensus pour la remplacer, ca sera fait.... Mais aujourd'hui il y a urgence, on a des élections en vue pour juin. Personne n'est mort pour la cause, et il n'y a qu'un seul gagnant, le LIBAN.
1-Geagea a clairement dit: si les allies du general votent pour l'orthodox nous le ferons aussi, malheureusement Judas est un menteur pathologique d'ou le resultat.mais a la derniere minute st venus les valises de USD et les promesses de presidence...
2-en fait selon Rabih el haber, les phalanges... c'est 25 deputes que ns perdons. et pourquoi les perdres: pe le salut du monde!!! primo ce n'est pas a Judas de decider du sort des chretiens mais a eux tous reunis, deuxio mon ptit benzona si pour atteindre la paix je dois laisser le voleur me voler ta conception de la paix et de la justice est serieusement tordue, ajoute bien sur a tout ca que vu qu'aucune loi n'a ete unanimement acceptee choisisons celle qui a ete accepte par ts les chretiens et plus de la moitie des Musulmans (chiites, une grde partie des druze et des sunnites..)

I try not to comment on articles relating to Samir Geagea but this is a very sad and desperate attack on what promised to be a rare time when Maronites and other christains were coming together. Whether they could all succeed in the orthodox law or not, it was nice to see an attempt to unite and try to work together. I wonder what the kataeb's response to this will be?
Very sad!

Let's not put the kataeb in the same boat yet. It is yet to be seen their response as they have so far refused to approve this hybrid law.
I personally didn't support the orthodox law as it was. Too sectarian and divisive. We need to move towards a secular state. However sometimes you need to take a step back to take 2 forward. It could of been amended it to appease those objecting through debate. But to unilaterally sign up to a law that has not be discussed by their "partners", the LF has also gone on the attack. All major christain parties including the LF, had agreed to the orthodox law and it was even supported by Hezbollah. There could have been a negotiated hybrid law but for some reason Geagea has reacted in this way!

I pray that Sami Gemayel lives up to his uncle's reputation. Sheik Bashir was hated by some Lebanese but was respected by all! He was killed when he refused to sell out! You know a true patriot when both foreign enemies wanted you dead.
Today I'm reminded of 1988, when Geagea met with Aoun in Feyadeyee. Hopes of unity, dashed! I hope that people can be told of an alternative instead of replying to nonsense with nonsense.
If only the fpm and kataeb could ally!

Ft you talk of paycheck. Since you're always taking the high moral ground when someone makes a claim without a proof, all I have to say is come up with your proof.
Put up or shut u :)
so instead of explaining the reasons behind his treasons to the christians the constitution and the unity he just attacks Aoun. very mature and wise indeed.

I swear I will vote for a Lebanese Jew if he or she is honest and serves the citizens needs...performance and integrity should be before creed...our loyalty should be to our country Lebanon and not our clans and sects...

"by how much did his bank account swell yesterday night, hours before the parliamentary quorum?"
you tell us as you seem to be well informed....
he tried and failed, but why didn't geagea do that when he and his allies were running the gvt and appointed jezzini?

And of he said the latter you would say he is back to his militia mentality blablablaaaaaaah
Are you starting to see the pattern of your behavior or no yet?

i guess aoun s conscience was not so relaxed as he also made two press conferences in two days! lol

poor FT ... always in denial mode when his lover is attacked... yes aoun dealt with the orthodow law in both conferences... if that is not the same? lol
u r not a genius but a brainless....

i didn t see but 12 posts here from FT to defend his clown ! waw desperate indeed... in need of rest !! hahaha!

I am a Confessional Federalist (try to wrap your head around this concept). Thus, I support the Orthodox law. I am also very disappointed to see the squandering of a precious opportunity for Christian unity.
The Orthodox law, while not perfect, is IMO the best law to give the Christians more influence in governing this country.

Exactly, why not?
The smaller the district, the more it represents the people in it and doesn't allow their votes to be drowned.
Won't that ensure a fairer representation still?

Excellent FT.Leave it at That ,now yalla 2a7et,go get your pay from Iran.
I do not understand what all this fuss about?i do not know who is right and who is wrong,but if you want democracy,well that is democracy ,or maybe you prefer to be like the Druze ,sunnis and the shias?wll run like ghanam ,i think devision is healthier than having Hassan Nassrallah,Walid Jumblat ,Harriri each leading his sect without solo .
The unhealthy bit is the personal attacks between the LF and FMP.

M11er, perhaps you should enlighten us with all your comments always contradictory and defiant to everything FT says. Who are you to always disagree without fully fledged sound facts. Every time one of the bozos from M14 or Mustahabal say or do something that sends Liban into the Abyss you are their to agree. You People are a joke. Libans brain washed goats and sheep led by thugs is a Joke. Aoun has more honor and integrity then all these thugs. General Aoun is the only honorable man to lead and unite all Christians. He is not receiving a paycheck from the good old boys of the Goofy Gulf states of the ignorant corrupt desert arabs.

oh! FT is losing his nerves! desperate and bad loser it seems wahahaha!

they used to call hezbis terrorists for years and suddenly in ONE year they allied with them.... so i guess they became terrorists too as they are now friends with "terrorists"! LOL
dc benzona avouons le: Juda savait tres bien que les chretiens voteraient contre lui et que consequement sans la grue sunnite il perdera les elections il a dc opte pour ses propres interets au detriment de ceux des chretiens et du liban. historique

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