Geagea Calls for Parliament Session to Vote on Hybrid Draft, Urges FPM Lawmakers to Attend
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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stated on Saturday that the only solution for the current political deadlock is for the parliament to convene and vote on a electoral law, urging the Free Patriotic Movement's lawmakers to be present at the session.
“One of the options for an electoral law that can be discussed at the parliament is the hybrid proposal we came forward with three or four days ago,” Geagea said in a interview with Free Lebanon Radio.
He added: “Those who have comments on it can discuss them during the parliamentary session.”
“We cannot keep obstructing everything awaiting consensus between all Lebanese factions.”
Geagea urged the FPM MPs to attend the parliament's session, as “convening depends on their presence.”
“If they do not accept to attend the session, we are then in front of two options which are either adopting the 1960's law or extending the parliament's term,” the LF leader warned. “We do not support any of these two options.”
The electoral subcommittee adjourned on Saturday its meeting for further consultations over a new electoral law as the rival parties failed once again to reach common ground over the matter.
In its seventh round of talks the subcommittee reached a standstill after discussions reflected the sharp differences between lawmakers on the adoption of a consensual vote law.
The session, which was held under the auspices of Speaker Nabih Berri, was adjourned to Monday.

This is all a show. All of it. NONE of our politicians can actually make any decisions. They get their orders from abroad. Until those countries decide who they want in Lebanon, no elections will be held, these guys have just been ordered to do nothing

There will never be a time when Lebanese vote them out. M11, you try to be neither LF or fpm, but reality is that you must choose one or the other. The LF has become the fiefdom of geagea... All other voices are gone (aka tafiq Hindi). Aoun is the power broker of the fpm but when it comes to lies and broken promises, geagea is beginning to run out of excuses. The fpm are not liers, let's wait and see the kataeb's position. They will decide!

ado australia: the only thing to do is to abstain from voting those crooks!

whatever the law you will always find a side which is not satisfied with it!
so any electoral law should be made by an independant state commission that ALL parties should be obliged to obey!
the politicians are taking people for fools and meanwhile NO decisions on the future of this nation is taken!
but i guess as lebanese act like sheep and say nothing it means they do not care about the country... they have the politicians they deserve, sheperds and dogs...

i guess those who voted you down do not want anything about what you said.... they just prey for chaos it seems....

Peace,yes absolutely.its the mindset,this sort of mindset is everywhere in the world globally not just in each country ,it has its own way of has to never forget the structural make up of Lebanon,and then by analyzing everything,its never a suprise.but I'll tell you what guys,there are no more curtains anymore to keep,as we move on all of us as humans in our evolution in consciousness ,the hiding of this game is not like how it used to be :).

As if anyone with a sound mind still believes him after he exposed his phoniness, stupidity and back-stabbing treason. amn al moujtama3 al massi7i tole3 art 7akeh bi art 7akeh. malla Dr. Arreet 7akeh.

Other than the losers George Adwan, Antoine Zahra, Wehbeh Qaticha (what an adisor!!! bala 7asideh) and a few other lonely paupers, I am not sure how few still take this freak seriously.