Al-Rahi Slams Officials over Failure to Agree on Vote Law, Considers it 'Shameful'
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi lamented on Saturday the crises in Lebanon that are threatening its stability and security, holding officials accountable for their failure to adopt a new electoral law that best suits the country.
“The irresponsible dealing with the crises in Lebanon tarnished its beautiful image,” al-Rahi, who is on a pastoral visit to Latin America, said.
He lashed out at politicians, saying: “They are not worth their posts and will disappoint us if they failed to agree in a new electoral law and form a new cabinet.”
“It is not allowed after six year of discussions and wasting time not to reach common ground over an electoral law... They don't deserve to return to power,” al-Rahi said.
The rival parties have failed so far to reach a consensual electoral law, after the March 14 forces endorsed a hybrid law that did not receive the approval of the Phalange Party and the March 8 camp, who have demanded several amendments.
The parliament's electoral subcommittee has been holding consecutive meetings since Wednesday under the auspices of Speaker Nabih Berri in an attempt to reach consensus over the matter.
An amended version of the 1960 law was adopted in the 2009 parliamentary elections, but the majority of the political blocs are refusing to adopt it for this year's polls.
The Orthodox Gathering law has meanwhile been rejected by President Michel Suleiman, caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati, the Mustaqbal bloc, MP Walid Jumblat's National Struggle Front, and independent Christian March 14 MPs.
The Orthodox draft law, which considers Lebanon a single electoral district and allows each sect to vote for its own MPs under a proportional representation system, is strongly backed by Hizbullah and the Free Patriotic Movement.
Concerning the crisis in Syria, al-Rahi urged the Lebanese not to interfere in the affairs of any foreign country.
“We have always demanded others not to meddle in our local affairs and it's not acceptable for us to interfere in the conflict in Syria,” the patriarch said, calling on the rival parties to abide by the Baabda Declaration.
The Baabda Declaration was unanimously adopted during a national dialogue session in June 2012. It calls for Lebanon to disassociate itself from regional crises, most notably the one in Syria.
Lebanese parties are sharply divided over the crisis in Syria as the March 8 alliance continuously expresses its support to Syrian president Bashar Assad, while the March 14 camp voices its support for the popular revolt.
The international community and analysts have expressed fears that the conflict in Syria may spill over into the Lebanon.

All hail the King, with his modest subdued black crown.
"After all, Jesus did not run for office, and how would it be if Catholics could elect their bishops?"
"Really, Lebanon under the Taef Accord is just the kind of state Jesus would have wanted, where each Christian has three Muslim brothers to look after, in proportion to their relative voting power."

Tell the illiterate, «la parole est d'argent, le silence est d'or».ma hek?

They forgot the Jews..... Without a single representative.... Or Hindus or Buddhists for our «slaves».

"“It is not allowed after six year of discussions and wasting time not to reach common ground over an electoral law... They don't deserve to return to power,” al-Rahi said."
LOL those "christian" leaders praise him, quote him, sanctify him when it is in their political interests but here? will they comment this or even listen to him?
i doubt it!!! it shows how HYPOCRIT those would-be "christian leaders" are....

Rahi should leave Latin America and end his long holiday season and move to Hermes for a week in order to live what the less fortunate Lebanese is going thru everyday. Perhaps he's think twice before cautioning Assad and their Lebanese shabi7a counterparts.

Do we have a choice for independent, honest candidates? That would be nice.