Hariri Slams Official Silence over Hizbullah Fighting in Syria, Urges Agreement on Vote Law to Avoid Vacuum
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Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri criticized on Monday President Michel Suleiman, Speaker Nabih Berri, caretaker Premier Najib Miqati, and the Lebanese army command's silence over Hizbullah fighting in Syria alongside the country's regime forces, while urging officials to reach an agreement over a parliamentary electoral law.
He wondered in a statement: “Where is the national, constitutional, and moral responsibility towards the crime being committed by a major Lebanese faction through meddling in the internal Syrian war?”
He compared Hizbullah's fighting to Israeli assaults on Lebanese towns in the South and Syria's invasion of Lebanon in the 1970s, adding: “Hizbullah has chosen to replicate the Israeli crimes in Lebanon and its people in the Syrian town of al-Qusayr and the villages of Reef Homs.”
“The greatest tragedy in Hizbullah's involvement in Syria is the fact that no one in the Lebanese state considers himself responsible for the Lebanese-Syrian border or of the daily violations by hundreds of fighters who have chosen to usurp the role of the state and ignore the wishes of the Lebanese people,” he remarked.
On this note, Hariri slammed the official silence on Hizbullah's meddling, asking: “Was there a decision taken that the Lebanese people were not informed about and which entails the state's handing of its security, military, and constitutional institutions to Hizbullah?”
Have they “acknowledged that Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah is above the state and its institutions?” wondered the former prime minister.
“The party's war in al-Qusayr is part of a decision to eliminate the Lebanese state,” he declared.
“We are seeking responsible individuals who can stage the parliamentary elections, while Hizbullah is seeking all means to take Lebanon to the abyss,” he noted.
“The president, government, and all concerned officials must end the current charade that sees the state act as an employee working for Hizbullah and its regional sponsors,” Hariri continue.
At least 23 Hizbullah fighters were killed and 70 wounded in battles in the Syrian border town of al-Qusayr, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Monday.
A handful of Hizbullah fighters killed in Syria have been brought back for burial in Lebanon, with senior officials from the group occasionally paying condolences in person to the families of those killed.
The Observatory said that at least 55 people were killed in Qusayr on Sunday, most of them rebels, excluding those Hizbullah fighters and regime soldiers.
Nasrallah has acknowledged that members of his movement are fighting alongside Syrian troops against the rebels seeking Syrian President Bashar Assad's ouster.

Don't worry Hariri, when the FSA liberates Syria, they'll do whatever they feel is the right thing to do. Not helping or supporting FSA is ok, but killing them will not go unpunished. That day, I hope lebanese mowatinin will give the addresses of the Shiite murderers so they can take them to court.

hizbushaitan has brought only disaster on Lebanon. it is time they go.

36 fighters from the Shiite party had died in the recent round of clashes in the flashpoint Syrian town, listing them as follows: Radwan al-Attar, Ahmad Wael Raad, Hassan Shokr, Mohammad Qassem Abdel Sater, Hatem Hussein, Abbas Mohammad Osman, Mohammad Fouad Rabbah, Ali Mattar, Hussein Ammar Yaghy, Abdo Salman al-Qassas, Rida al-Shaer, Hassan Hariri, Hatem Hassan, Fadi al-Jazzar, Ibrahim Hussein, Mohammad Jawad Radi, Ali Mahmoud Moallem, Raef Mohammad Allayk, Naim Samer Zaher, Nader Hassan Tarheeni, Majed Ali al-Ali, Hassan Hussein al-Mahdi, Ali Ramzi Kawtharani, Waleed Mohammad Suleiman, Jawad Samer al-Ali, Saadeh Ali Mahmoud, Samir Mohammad al-Hijazi, Ali Hassan Badran, Hussein Mohammad Hadraj, Hassan Nayef al-Moqdad, Bilal Zekr, Assaad Zekr, Hussein Shamas, Hussein Barteeh, and Mohammad Khalil.

If I were in cheikh Saad al-Haribi Telteyn al-Marajil's shoes I, too, would be furious and in a hysteria about the not-so-good (more like terrible from his perspective if you want my opinion) news coming out of Syria as the chances of him coming back to Lebanon through Damascus Airport have all gone up in the air. His only remaining option to come back through there is to crawl on his belly all the way from Saudi Arabia to the said-airport. I bet you this is what he will have to do if ordered by Saudi Arabia. We miss you cheikh al-Haribi, and keep miscalculating like the idiot that you and your coward followers are!

Hizbala and their allies are traitors...once Assad is gone,judgement day will be soon begin...

Where was the Press conference held? What interest does Harari have in Lebanon? Why doesn't the coward come into Lebanon and live in a tunnel like Nasrallah? Hezbollah walks the walk. Harari talks the talk.

Oh shut up.
You send money and support, they send fighters. Stop sending money, they stop sending fighters.

Soon the rebells&FSA will free the country and clean it from those, Hizbillat will face the same destiny as Lahd&co

Why does this fool come out from under his shieks 3abeyi I never know????? Keep suckling on the Saudi tit that you have grown up on and tell your goons to stop terrorising normal peace loving Muslims in Lebanon and Syria.

"“Was there a decision taken that the Lebanese people were not informed about and which entails the state's handing of its security, military, and constitutional institutions to Hizbullah?”
could M8ers answer that question instead of deflecting as usual when they hear thing that don t please their ego?

Hariri is a hypocrite he does not even mention the Sunni fighters travelling to Syria.

Your logic gives an even greater reason to speak out against sunni terrorists

What about all the savages the Hariri family is sending to Syria and funding their war on the Syrian regime. The Syrian regime is terrible, but saints next to the salafist/ wahabist Animals that we're seeing in Syria and what we've already witnessed in Egypt under the so called umbrella of the brotherhood.