March 14: Hizbullah's War in Syria Part of its Agenda to Empty Lebanese State of its Institutions
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The March 14 General Secretariat condemned on Wednesday Hizbullah's fighting Syria, linking its involvement to the eruption of clashes in the northern city of Tripoli.
It said in a statement after its weekly meeting: “Hizbullah's unjustified war is part of its agenda to empty the Lebanese state of its institutions.”
“The war is targeted against the state and the will of the people,” it declared.
On the Tripoli clashes, the general secretariat remarked: “The residents of the city should not ignore the fact that the infighting between civil groups has long been a plan of the Syrian regime.”
The clashes in Tripoli broke out over the weekend.
They have taken place mainly between the rival neighborhoods of Bab al-Tabbaneh, which backs the Syrian revolt, and Jabal Mohsen, which supports the Syrian regime.
Twelve people were killed and at least 100 were wounded since the clashes erupted on Sunday.
Commenting on the ongoing dispute over the parliamentary electoral law, the March 14 general secretariat urged lawmakers, especially those of the alliance, to pressure Speaker Nabih Berri to call parliament to session in order for them to vote on a law that will help achieve the interests of the people.
“Respecting constitutional deadlines and electoral requirements will remain at the heart of our political practices and it would therefore be unacceptable to abandon them” given the democratic changes in the region, it added.
The political powers have so far failed to agree on a new electoral law, which is threatening to postpone the elections that are set for June 16.
Speaker Nabih Berri is holding consultations with political foes away from media spotlight as a last attempt for reaching common ground over a new electoral law before resorting to the extension of the parliament's mandate.
Addressing the efforts to form a new government, the general secretariat encouraged Premier-designate Tammam Salam to go ahead and form a capable cabinet that would be able to separate the developments in Syria from the local Lebanese scene.
“We are in need of a national government that would put an end to the use of Lebanon as a base to support the Syrian regime,” it demanded.
On this note, it urged President Michel Suleiman to send a clear message to parliament to demand that all lawmakers, without exception, keep Lebanon away from the Syrian conflict.
In addition, it renewed its demand to the caretaker government to order to the deployment of the Lebanese army along the Lebanese-Syrian border with the support of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon in accordance with U.N. Security Council resolution 1701.
It also demanded that a message be sent to the Arab League and U.N., explaining that Lebanon is “the victim of regional Iranian policies.”
These powers should therefore assume their responsibilities and protect Lebanon against these policies, it said.
“The Arab and international circles' ignoring of Lebanon is tantamount to the abandonment of a country that gave the world numerous examples of coexistence,” continued the statement.

"March 14: Hizbullah's War in Syria Part of its Agenda to Empty Lebanese State of its Institutions." It is the other way around. The Hizb is emptying the lebanese state of its institution to enable it to embark on adventures such as the war in syria.

It was M14 that boycotted the Parliament that lead to the vacuum. This was always the plan of Hariri and Geagea to weaken Lebanon so that it would be susceptible to their machinations of plunder and power with the help of the US, Israel and the GCC.

@ rafehh
I am sure I remember M14 boycotting the Parliament because of the assassination of Wissam al Hassan ... I also remember the vicious rhetoric directed at M8 by 14 over the assassination ...
But you say it was a coup by Hezbollah stopping evidence that caused the boycott even before the investigations had even begun?
Sorry doesn't pass the smell test unless you can prove M14 knew what Hezz would do before the investigations began. But don't go there ...

FT and MC - you are both forgetting key facts. The coup did happen. What do you call when hundreds of men are deployed on the street across Beirut? We all know this happened so please let us not lie to each other. Even now we hear threats if a government is formed without the consent of the hizb. As for the aftermath of the killing of wissam Hassan, the government denied the data from investigators and miqati had to threaten to resign before it was released to investigators.

M14, specifically Future has armed, supplied and sponsored the Salafists in Tripoli and now they blame Hezbollah for the troubles?
Saad Hariri ran the northern rebel supply route out of Tripoli leaving a trail of arms and jihadists all the way through Akkar to Syria.
It has been Future leadership that has been behind the boycott of governance, the troubles in Akkar, Sidon and Tripoli.
Anyone who still believes M14 anymore is a fool or on their payroll ... like Geagea ...

Mc - you are living in dreamworld. Saad Hariri running supply routes from Paris! Why would al-mustaqbal arm the saslafists and make trouble in Tripoli, Sidon and Akkar? To shoot itself in the foot? In case of trouble, the mustaqbal whose cadres do not know how to shoot a gun if their lives depended on it will be the biggest loser. I am from a town near tripoli who is over 99 percent sunni. The mustaqal main messasge: calm, we only have the state and its army. And yes - the hizb does arm groups in north lebanon.

Oqab Saqr was running the office while Saad was arraigning the finances ... but this is all well known ...
The Future leadership message to its constituents is calm. It's orders to the Salafists come from the KSA ...
rafehh you are not the first to be lied to ... look at the evidence and what you will see is rampant corruption of M14 and all parties.
It is just that M14 has leadership that is especially damaging to Lebanon itself ...

FT - assir is not mustaqbal and he has been criticized by many in mustaqbal. Where do you come with those fantasies from? Merehbi - that is a weired dude I admit.

Mc - oqab does not operate out of lebanon. He does so out of Turkey. I am under no illusion that oqab MAY be involved in more than milk and blankets. However that is not proven, that is not the al-mustqbal and that is not saad hariri. If qatar and ksa wants to supply the rebels with weapons, they do not need someone sitting in paris.

Mc - oqab does not operate out of lebanon. He does so out of Turkey. I am under no illusion that oqab MAY be involved in more than milk and blankets. However that is not proven, that is not the al-mustqbal and that is not saad hariri. If qatar and ksa wants to supply the rebels with weapons, they do not need someone sitting in paris.

rafehh useless to talk to FPMers they ll deny everything even if you give them proofs they are wrong... FT insulted me for saying that in the constitution it was specified that one of the basic goal of the state was to implement secularism...
FT denied (as usual) insulted me (as usual) but i never read a comment from him when i gave him the REAL facts that cannot be denied
he just fled the page (as usual when he knows he is wrong!)
so let them live in their propaganda and be happy like simple minded people they are....