Qahwaji on Liberation Day: We Will Not Remain Silent against those who Target us
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Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji announced on Wednesday that the Lebanese army will not be the scapegoat of Lebanese and regional disputes.
He said: “We will not remain silent against those who target us.”
He made his remarks on the 13th anniversary of the liberation of the South, which lands on May 25.
“As part of the army, we took it upon ourselves to rise up to the challenges facing us, such as the repeated Israeli threats, interval political tensions, and threats to attack the army,” he added.
Since Monday, the army has come under attack by gunmen as its soldiers attempted to contain clashes that broke out in the northern city of Tripoli between the rival neighborhoods of Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen on Sunday.
Qahwaji added: “We are facing a dangerous situation where the army and Lebanon have become targets.”
He stressed: “We are facing these threats through dialogue and at other instances through our right to defend ourselves.”
“Some sides have viewed our silence and dialogue as a form of weakness and therefore attempted to harm our unity through launching sectarian accusations,” added the army commander.
“Inasmuch as we are ready to present sacrifices, we will refuse to have the army turn into the scapegoat of Lebanese and regional disputes,” he declared.
“We hold these sides responsible for the recent developments in Lebanon and attempts to create strife on the internal scene through putting the army in confrontation with the Lebanese people,” Qahwaji stated.

The one institution that unites us all. This is why we need to allow the army to have a monopoly on weapons: we all agree that it is legitimate.

He said: “We will not remain silent against those who target us.”
hope you ll do so and towards everyone.... no double standards please!

Please our dear army, destroy hezballah before someone else enters lebanon and does it for us, shaming us all. If your worried about the shiites in the army, then you can create a plan to give them a couple of days off during the campaign to clean lebanon.

Good morning general,
you just want to say anything though you know such words are meaningless. What about the gangsters named hizbillat who move freely with heavy weapons not only inside the country but also to Syria to kill its innocent people. I hope you don't mind when the victims come to Lebanon and make them pay very very much...

Be a man and name all the sides, not just one side. Militants loyal to M14 have threatened the army before.

"Liberation" , "Resistance" and other fallacies that some of the Lebanese who are blinded mentally and drunk emotionally have gobbled mindlessly.
All Lebanon is paying today for the creation of the Monster of Hezbollah who was bred supposedly to devour Israel and now it is devouring all those who stand in its way.

Dear General Kahwaji,
with all due respect, I would like to thank all the martyrs of the lebanese army, and pray for their families, because they sacrified a lot for Lebanon. Off course you should not remain silent against those who target the army, but you should also not remain silent againat those who are targeting the lebanese people, the state by selling keptagon, assassinating, killing in Syria, you should not remain silent to those who assassinated 2 presidents. Oh sorry, you're speaking on their anniversary... The anniversary of liberation of south from it's christians to Israel... Kahwaji you are Kahwaj... Keep targeting us and say we're 3omala.. But you are the biggest 3omala !! We are proud of our past, and god will judge you !!! All maronites leaders let us down !!! All you care about is Baabda chair...