Saudis Get Long Jail Terms for Plotting for Al-Qaida


A Saudi court sentenced eight citizens to jail terms of between 10 and 25 years on Wednesday after convicting them of plotting for al-Qaida, state news agency SPA reported.

The eight were convicted of "forming a group to eliminate police officers, among them Colonel Mubarak al-Sawat" -- killed in 2005, SPA said.

They were found guilty of "aiding al-Qaida" by searching for addresses of Saudi officers and sending threatening messages to them.

The court convicted them of plotting to kidnap or kill security personnel, as well as of burning cars of police officers and targeting non-Muslim foreigners, SPA said.

A wave of deadly al-Qaida attacks rocked Saudi Arabia between 2003 and 2006 prompting a massive crackdown by the authorities.

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