11 Nations Call for Hizbullah's 'Immediate' Pullout from Syria
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
World powers denounced on Thursday the "flagrant intervention" in Syria by Hizbullah and Iranian fighters, urging their immediate withdrawal from the war-torn country.
In a joint statement, the Friends of Syria group "called for the immediate withdrawal of Hizbullah, fighters from Iran, and other regime allied foreign fighters from Syrian territory."
It described their armed presence in the country as a threat to regional stability.
The group held talks in Amman to try to agree the contours of a peace conference to end the war.
A key battle has been waged since Sunday over control of the town of al-Qusayr, which had been in rebel hands for more than a year.
Qusayr is located along a land corridor that links two Assad strongholds, the capital Damascus and the heartland of President Bashar Assad's Alawite sect along the Mediterranean coast.
Syrian troops backed by fighters from Hizbullah have pushed into the town since the start of the offensive. Underlining its importance, Syria's main opposition alliance, the Syrian National Coalition, on Wednesday urged rebel fighters from across Syria to converge on Qusayr to help defend it.
Opposition fighters were holding out Wednesday, but appeared to be under increasing strain as government tanks and artillery pounded the town and warplanes bombed it from the sky.
The meeting of 11 Western and Arab foreign ministers, as well as Turkey, in Amman urged Assad to commit to peace, but warned that if he fails to negotiate a political transition they would boost their backing of the opposition.
The joint statement warned of "severe consequences" if use of chemical weapons by Assad's forces is confirmed.
It also accused government troops of committing “ethnic cleansing" this month in the city of Banias.

hizbushaitan and Lebanon will pay a dear price for these acts.
the worst thing that happened to Lebanon is hizbushaitan....

Everybody is paying a dear price for US Zionist Petrodollar Imperialism ... Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and now Syria. Lebanon was always going to be in the US cross hairs because of its' rejection of Zionism. Hezbollah is just another excuse to persecute Lebanon.
Since 1990 this Imperialism is responsible for the premature deaths of over 5 million, sick and injured tens of millions and hundreds of millions hurt economically in Arab and Central Asian countries, the vast majority Muslims ...

thank you but no thanks. we prefer to align with the western world than to align with extremists like iran.

@ geha
Align with the West ... or be subjugated by the West? Just look at Southern Europe ... Spain, Italy, Cypress or Greece ... This is what alignment will do for Lebanon ... mass umemployment and a bleak future. The West is only interested in taking the cream off the top not the everyday business of people actual lives ...

mckinl.....lets allign with baby killers like syria china and russia instead.

@ ihatepersia
Lebanon should align with countries that will let Lebanon be Lebanon. As far as aligning with the West you of course know Israel's interests will always come first ... and that Lebanon will become just another colony for multi-nationals to bleed.
Let's take a look at what the West has done ...
Since 1990 the Imperialism of the West is responsible for the premature deaths of over 5 million, displaced, sick and injured tens of millions and hundreds of millions hurt economically in Arab and Central Asian countries, almost all Muslims ...

You have no sense of history. Hezb is trying to change Lebanon's culture, fabric and historical ties. And these are not aligned with Iran. Israel is a non-factor. Lebanon can prosper and co-exist with Israel as it's not going anywhere, but we can't prosper with Hezb in control as they have hijacked Lebanon.

Did these concerned 11 nations also call for the foriegn salafist jihadis from Tunisia, Chechnya, Saudi Arabia and Lebanese crazies to pull out of syria?
Hypocrites, not even trying to be believable! This is why the "western world's" public will not accept their governments sidling with the same animals that are responsible for 9/11, the same people that beheaded a British soldier in the middle of the street. You can't even describe these people as animals! They are demons!

"if you ask "peace" he'll tell you all about it: there are no salafis and foreign fighters in syria. "
really? waw, you are sicker than i thought since your hezbi friends are in difficulty you are getting nervous....

to mckinl and all the 8th of march obvious and not so obvious supporters including amal and hezballa party members and followers i would like to ask this question:
1- where do you or your family members go to study work or build a future or a carreer to escape the harsh economic conditions in lebanon?
for the overwhelming majority of you it is not syria , certainly not iran nor russia. it is usa, europe, australia and the west in general; the same countries you criticize and curse night and day but deep down in your schizo brain you know where to find freedom and better life and you know you never used and probably will never use anything but the mighty dollar throughout your life.
when all of you including your general and his wonder kid gebran start turning towards iran syria and russia, go study, make a living there and use their currencies then i might reconsider my thinking.

i anit no Fan of Syria or Hizbullah but cut the BS , stop the jihadis as well.
You cant let one rubbish in and stop the other junk following.
Long Live The Syrian Civil War!

How can those blatant liars ever be trusted in gov or elsewhere? Sending pilgrims, then defending lebanese villages bordering Syria, then responding to incoming fire, then approving the presence of ' voluntary' individual fighters in Syria called by jihad duty, then declaring its backing to the Assad regime , then acknowledging their full military presence as a matter of strategy... Only Lavrov and Mansour tried to outspeak Nasrallah, the first by saying the Hizbollah is defending strategic shrines, the second by stating they are helping lebanese citizens living around Qussair and elsewhere in Syria! What a doormat thir Mansour !

Good on you mansour , long live the Syrian civil war , spring cleaning is required after what we witnessed a FSA foot soldier eating another human beings' heart & liver! Tfeh !! Assad should do more to clean out these psychopaths' from his country & ours , including some of our politicians!!!!!

first you pull out from all arab nations n move ur hands from our oil..second stop smuggling terrorists into syria n paying them to go to war..ur only concern is israel n oil so stop ur fake concern abt our freedom n how we take it.

What about kicking out all the rebels from Syria who aren't Syrian?? I applaud the Syrian people for wanting to oust Assad from power but other filth coming in from all other Islamic nations to fight is unacceptable. Same thing happened in the Lebanese civil war.

11 Nations ... The Usual Suspects goosestepping to US-Israel orders.
I guess Naharnet is too embarrassed to list these countries ...

The countries supporting FSA-Al Qaeda, their suicide bombs, and their mass slaughter of civilians, are asking other countries to stop sending foreign fighters?

Let's be honest here.Hizzob allah is just another terrorist organisation in an already complicated world .They have demostrated over the last 2 years that they do not have the mental capacity or maturity to govern a country.Just look around there towns and suburbs.All you will see is pile of rubbles and filth.

If you look at the weather report you'll see that it is very similar to Beirut.

You guys & Allah ! Fatso , when you type of animals want to kill innocent humans such as what just happened in London hacking an innocent 20 year old soldier these Sunni fanatics called out "Allah Akbar ".... When the Sunni Rebel fanatic cut up a human's heart , lungs & liver he called out " Allah Akbar " before he took a bite , & now you when you wish upon a circumstance to happen you call out for " Allah" !! Who the hell is your Allah ! Certainly not the same as ours ! The " devil" has more remorse than you people !!!!!!!

it seems that qusair is not falling after 200 hizb fighters killed and 300 wounded,70pct of the wounded are already vegetables,shou ya hassan?

We don't want sunni extremists.... Nor shia extremists. We don't want to be part of this struggle. Who allowed Hezb to drag our cointry single-handedly intothis war? Did they receivetheir ordersfrom elected lebanese institutions (parliament) or from outside Lebanon?

WTF - the West is ok with Al Qaeda, Qatar, Turkey, Saudi wreaking havoc in Syria but the Hezb should get out?
I didnt know francois hollande liked the salafis so much. Maybe someone should tell him they don't support gay marriage?
What a joke these politicians...they got no shame.

well maybe mckini, but who cares? all we want is to work, to live in peace and to progress. All HA has brought so far is more destruction, more division and it is pulling us backwards. I really don't give a toss about the iranian islamic revolution and its supreme leader, as far as I am concerned they can all go to hell.

What about the flagrant interference of terrorists from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, etc. Anyway..keep barking you toothless tigers. You are all a bunch of corporate terrorists.

could those hezbi supporters tell us what hezbis are doing in syria as their beloved bashar said he did not need their help or the help of iran?

wahahaha! mowaten!!!
i thought that bashar didn t need hezbis? he said and repeated it.. then you admit that bashar is weak if he needs hezbis to defend shrines prevent rocket launching....and so on... his army cannot defeat some rebels so he needs some hezbis to back him!
and so good for the baabda declaration of dissassociation.. but we are used to hezbis that never respect anything called agreements or laws in lebanon...that hezbis arms were only to defend lebanon not syrian shrines or villages! LOL what hypocrits you and your hezbis friends are!
i guess you are proud now? good for you and let s wait for the "divine victory" in syria...
anyway a good admittance that bashar is weak.... LOL!

Peace... Assad or Syria don't need hezballah but welcome them while they face every Muslim country's crazy fanatical extremist jihadis! People condem hezballah involvement but stay quite at the obvious salafist craizies that are pouring in from around the Sunni Muslim world to kill alawites and shiites. Any infidel christains in the way are fair game!
But Iran and hezballah involvement is wrong? This is a war... A war against extremists who hate and want to kill the infidel and modern civilization. What started as a Syrian civil, peacefull revoloution has been hijacked by al qiada loving crazies!
Like it or not, this is the options we must choose a side!

"but stay quite at the obvious salafist craizies that are pouring in from around the Sunni Muslim world to kill alawites and shiites. Any infidel christains in the way are fair game!"
1/ since when what is happening in syria is our business to meddle with?
2/ who has given the right for a lebanese party to go in syria despite the agreement they have signed?
3/ we are criticizing hezb because they pretend to be a lebanese party and as such they have nothing to do there...as for the foreign salafis it is bashar s problem not the lebanese one!!!!
stop looking for excuses for the iranian militia: its actions speak for themselves....

Peace... What is happening in syria shouldn't be our buisness! But how has it started?
Hezballah is involved in Syria because the rebels against Assad and Syria are racist, heart eating fanatical racists, that are eating the hearts of the Shiites and alawites! They are attacking Shiite villages near the Lebanese border and we have idiotic clerics from sidon calling for jihad against Shiites! 10 years ago, the Shiites and sunning Lebanon were best of friends under rafic hariri. Post hariri assination and they are now enemies thanks to his smart son saadadine!
I am a Maronite that is hoping my Muslim Lebanese brothers can wake up and join forces around the watan Lebanese army and not be dragged into the Muslim civil war being played in syria by Iran, saudi arabia, Russia and the USA!

sure all your posts just prove how desperate you are in defending hezbi to try and convince people they are not in trouble...

In the gulf, they have a monarch. In Syria, a dictator elected with 99,99% of voters.... Acting like an absolute monarch.

"Where was the outcry when the Gulf dictators armies invaded Bahrain to put down a peaceful rebellion?"
sure the bahreini regime killed thousands like bashar...
M14 condemns the lebanese sunni fighting in syria...