Hariri Warns against 'Conspiracy' in Tripoli: Battles Aim at Covering Hizbullah's Involvement in Syria's War
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Al-Mustaqbal Movement leader MP Saad Hariri on Thursday warned against the “conspiracy” targeting the northern city of Tripoli, considering that the battles aim at diverting the attention from Hizbullah's participation in the Syrian war alongside President Bashar Assad's forces.
“The ongoing killing in Tripoli aims at providing a cover for the war of Hizbullah and the Syrian regime against (Syria's border town of) al-Qusayr,” Hariri said in a released statement.
He added: “These battles, that are causing destruction and the fall of many victims, only serve in keeping Lebanon under the mercy of Hizbullah's arms, which is being distributed in Tripoli and in other cities.”
"The killing machine plans to change Tripoli's national and Arab identities and to weaken its position in the political equation in Lebanon.”
Hariri confirmed, however, that the Syrian regime's attempts “will not succeed in transforming Tripoli into a submissive city.”
Addressing the residence of the northern city, Hariri urged them “not to confront arms with the use of arms”.
"Illegal weapons that are used to serve foreign projects will never triumph over the people,” he stressed.
"Al-Mustaqbal Movement is still betting on the State of Lebanon.”
Hariri also called on Tripoli's residence to cooperate with the army and the security forces in the city to enable them to perform their tasks in preventing security collapse and the attacks on citizens.
"The role of these forces should not be doubted or interrupted. There is no alternative for the State no matter how much militias tried to obstruct its efforts.”
He called on the military institution to bear the responsibility of “preventing sedition in Tripoli, and fight the transfer of weapons to factions working under Assad's orders.”
The latest violence in Tripoli began as Assad's regime launched a withering assault on the rebel stronghold of Qusayr, near the border with Lebanon.
Hizbullah has been sending fighters across the border to help Syrian regime forces attack Qusayr.
At least six people were killed in Tripoli overnight on Thursday, as rival neighborhoods clashed using for the first time different caliber mortars in addition to flares.

Time to disarm all militias including Hizbollah. Those opposed do not want s real state in lebanon. Let us not kid ourself here and in the next election keep that in mind. Do we want a strong democratic and civil state? One that has a monopoly over arms? Or do we want to live hostage of militias and foreign agendas?

Disarming the militias is going to have to wait a minute or two dear rafehh. There is quite a bit of "other business" that will have to be attended to before anyone is parting with their arms ...

I wonder what these are? What agenda take precedence over Lebanon and the safety of its people? We must all remember this the next election? Lebanon or some external agenda. What is more important?

It's nothing we didn't already know.... Bashar wants us to fall in his trap and his right hand in Lebanon is implementing his will.

while fighting in qousayr elmanar showed a report on hezbis distributing gifts to the palestinian camps today... seems they are afraid that the palestinians rise up against them esp. after that hamas sided with the rebels so they want to give a nice clean image of them lol

Oh dear ... Hariri can't even control his Qaeda operatives anymore. The only conspiracy here is the confusion between Hariri's ears.

Sure ... tell that to the kids on the short bus. Meanwhile just how is Hariri going to get organized once more. It sure looks like he will be framed the scapegoat by the KSA, namely Bandar Bush.

Hakka badri! Get your head out of the sand M. Like rafhh and many civilized people would say...all must disarm except for the institutions armed forces that is democratically put there by the people. At this point, there is only one militia that insists on running it's own rules and show and that the scums HA! They are not above the law and should follow protocol. So take you hariri brainwashed conspiracy theory to someone who cares. It's about Lebanon and it's sovereignty - period! Ha is not here for us Lebanese but a proxy for Iran and religious fanatics!

So cheikh Saad al-Haribi Telteyn al-Marajil is capable of identifying conspiracies! Who ever thought the son was going to be smarter than the father? We all recall the father who successfully identified one conspiracy by calling it darouri, char3i wa mou2aqat, not once, not twice but innumerable times over the VERY SHORT period of 15 years. God bless Lebanon First Some Twenty-Two Damn Years Late and Still.

Mr Hariri u being out of Lebanon means you r out of the game! if u fear for your life then leave politics and continue with your father's business. Your father didnt flea the country and died on its soil! and therefore he left a legacy which u r living on! Learn from your father and learn from Dr.Geagea who was jailed more than a decade and didnt accept to take the plane that Hraoui offered at the time.
So far you have the profile of Geneghazel Aoun (marajel ou 3al safara)