Gemayel Slams Aoun, Says Adoption of 1960 Law 'Defeat for Christians'
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Phalange Party MP Sami Gemayel lashed out at politicians on Saturday for submitting their candidacy based on the 1960 law, considering it as a “defeat for the Christians.”
“If we continue in this path then within 48-hours we will have to adopt the 1960 law, which will be a real defeat for all Christians,” Gemayel said in a press conference.
He lashed out at Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun, who filed on Wednesday his candidacy to the upcoming elections, despite his strong objections over the adoption of the 1960 law.
Aoun argues that he wants to prevent any uncontested victories.
Gemayel described discussion over the adoption of a new electoral law as a “charade,” saying: “We are committing a crime. We should correct this historical mistake that we are all responsible for it.”
During a meeting held under Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi in Bkirki last month, Maronite leaders pledged that they would not run for elections under the law that was used in the 2009 polls.
The meeting was attended by Aoun, Marada movement chief Suleiman Franjieh, Phalange MP Sami Gemayel and LF MP George Adwan.
Although the Phalange was not part of the 403 candidates that have so far registered to run for the June polls, the other Christian parties made on Friday their registrations at the interior ministry in addition to al-Mustaqbal.
The Phalange seemed to be the only party standing out of the March 14 alliance.
He noted that the situation will remain the same in the country during the upcoming four years if the elections took place based on the 1960 law.
“We will bring the same faces to parliament through the adoption of the 1960 law, in fact we are extending the term of the current parliament by adopting this law,” the MP said.
Gemayel called on President Michel Suleiman, Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqat, Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn and Interior Minister Marwan Charbel to assume their national responsibilities and restore calm in the northern city of Tripoli.
“Why haven't officials imposed a curfew in the city... The government can't protect Tripoli.” the MP wondered.
He called on officials to dispute the lingering disputes before holding the elections, noting that the country is on the “edge of a civil war.”
At least 26 people were killed and around 204 others have been wounded in the fighting that erupted in Tripoli on Sunday.
The violence is tied to the conflict in Syria, where a Sunni-led uprising is fighting to overthrow the regime of President Bashar Assad, an Alawite.
The fighting in Tripoli, which has flared sporadically since the beginning of the Syria conflict in March 2011, has been largely confined to the two neighborhoods of Alawite Jabal Mohsen neighborhood against those in the adjacent Sunni Muslim Bab el-Tebbaneh district.

it is not about "defeat of christians"... it is about defeat of lebanon if you politicians continue arguing like little kids... respect the people but i do not think you know what that means....

" bought into HA promises for him of the presidency."
just like he bought the promise of hafez el assad on the presidency but when he finally said no aoun took revenge in the "liberation war"!

"Gemayel called on President Michel Suleiman, Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqat, Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn and Interior Minister Marwan Charbel to assume their national responsibilities and restore calm in the northern city of Tripoli."
“Why haven't officials imposed a curfew in the city... The government can't protect Tripoli.” the MP wondered."
Great question! ... Is it because they want the unrest to postpone the elections? It would seem so ... Mikati and Suleiman have said it should be the NEXT government to deal with Tripoli! Wow! Talk about abandoning ones' responsibilities!

Actually they are hoping for an extension of Parliament ... the quickest way to get a new government ... thought you would have known that ...

sidon93... a new parliament means new government. the new parliament consults with the president who appoints the new pm, who then presents a new government cabinet for parliament to approve!
so miqati will remain as caretaker pm with the same government until the next elections.

@ Sidon93
It would be the same government if they had voted the extension before they became a "caretaker" government ...

@ Sidon93
What I said was they could be neglecting Tripoli so that the escalating violence forces a postponement of elections which is what Jumblatt is already saying ...

I made no such prediction ... The response I gave was purely conditional.
Hariri is done ... a two year extension leaves him out in the cold ... the 1960s law leaves him with less than he has now ...
Jumblatt is praying for an extension as the 1960 Law would much diminish his influence.

“We will bring the same faces to parliament through the adoption of the 1960 law, in fact we are extending the term of the current parliament by adopting this law,” et toi tu ne fais pas partie d'une famille dont les membres sont au pouvoir de génération en génération? tu ne fais pas partie du "same faces" and same families?
"Defeat for christians" sans déconner!! Putin ce langage confessionnel en permanence! Mais merde, le "chrétien" est il mieux que le musulman ou de l'athée ou du bouddhiste?
mais votre présence vous et toute la classe politique est une catastrophe, et un obstacle à la construction d'un État nation!

Blame Aoun Why? He wanted the the Law that GaGa and Harari blocked. What is the alternative> Lebanon's Democracy is hopeless. You as a nation are governed by outside interests more than by internal politics. Harari has to go.GaGa too. Permanently. Aoun at least lives in Lebanon. As leader of the nations largest block he must be frustrated to be subverted by smaller blocks who would rather sleep with Satan than do the right thing

Free Spirit
I guess you hate Aoun, but my question for you is that, If you believe in LF and Kataab how come infront of the cardinal they agreed to the orth. gath. law.
Why did LF changed their mind, because of Hariri money,
Too bad none of these parties and their leaders have a nationalism.
They know Lebanese economy thrives on turism, every year they come up with something

give us the name of ONE politician that is working for lebanon and not his interests? i ll vote for him! but so far they are all crooks, so i will not give my vote to people that i know are not working for the benefits of citizens...

sheik sami didnt "slam Aoun" as the title of this article suggests. the kataeb has refused to approve geagea and mustaqbul election law and has reminded the fpm that they agreed not to allow the 1960 law.
not as scandalous as the media hopes to portray.

What a brainwashed bunch of ppl all of you are.
You're with M14 against M8 or vis versa, and you don't realize that none of them care about you little ppl.
You're just pions (or more like pee-ons).
You bash aoun, geagea, kataeb, etc , but if you stop, clear your head and think correctly you will realize that ALL of them are doing things to %$^$& you. WAKE UP PPL

Perfectly stated. I don't get why this Nazi is still babbling about electoral laws when he has no real power or influence at all.

I think this is silly. Sami Gemayel saying that the 1960 law will be a defeat for Christians, why? Because you will be able to vote for only 50 of your 64 allotted Christians seats in Parliament? Look around boy, what does it matter how many seats you have in Parliament if King Rat Nasrallah is running awary with your country anyway making war and peace decisions by fiat and at the direction of Iran. Is that not a defeat for Christians and for Lebanon? Put out the fire in your house before arguing about the dimensions of your room. Ignore the fire and you will not have a room.

The problem is that Nasralah is not going anywhere, and neither are all the corrupt politicians
the best way is to elect new and young people

What do you expect from Aoun he has zero principles. He allied with the Hizb that he wanted disarmed for years and he follows the Assad regime that hunted him down.