Nasrallah Says Will Win Battle against U.S., Israel and Takfiris: We Won't Allow Breaking Resistance's Backbone
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stated Saturday that the resistance will win the battle against the “United States, Israel and the Takfiris just like it emerged victorious in previous wars,” assuring that he will not allow the “breaking of its backbone.”
"I say to all the honourable people, to the mujahedeen, to the heroes: I have always promised you a victory and now I pledge to you a new one in Syria," he said in a speech he gave at a ceremony marking the 13th anniversary of Israel's military withdrawal from southern Lebanon.
Nasrallah considered that what is happening in the neighboring country is very crucial for Lebanon, explaining that through the stand his party is taking, it is defending Lebanon, Syria and Palestine.
The Shiite leader warned against the implementation of an American-lead project in the region through the war in Syria.
“The events in the last couple of years have proved that there is an axis lead by the United States while the rest are working under its orders. Everyone knows this axis is supported by Israel while al-Qaida and other Takfiri organizations from around the world were paid to take part in it,” he detailed.
Nasrallah remarked: “The Takfiris are the most prevailing group in the Syrian opposition.”
“If Syria falls in the hands of the Takfiris and the U.S., the resistance will become under a siege and Israel will enter Lebanon. If Syria falls, the Palestinian cause will be lost.”
The Hizbullah chief announced that many efforts were made to draw an end to Syria's war: “Several suggestions and settlements that were accepted by the Syrian regime were rejected by regional countries because they do not want (Syrian President Bashar) Assad's regime to stay in power.”
He pointed out: “Since the beginning of Syria's war we have said Assad's regime has its positives and negatives. Reform is required and the only way to reach this is through political dialogue.”
Nasrallah revealed getting in contact with both Assad and members of the opposition to reach a settlement.
“But I swear Assad said yes, whereas the opposition rejected the suggestion,” he stated. “Part of the Syrian opposition abroad has a vision and is ready for dialogue whereas others work under the Pentagon's orders.”
On his party's involvement in the battles alongside Assad's forces, he said: “A political and economic world war was launched against Syria and thousands of fighters were sent without anyone complaining.”
“Meanwhile, Hizbullah's involvement was considered a foreign interference,” he noted.
Nasrallah explained that Syria is the resistance's backbone: “We cannot stand still and let them break the resistance's main supporter.”
He said Hizbullah fighters joining the war in Syria “go willingly and aspire to take part in the resistance.”
“You will find tens of thousands of fighters that are ready to take all fronts and participate in the battles. No one is forced into the war,” he assured.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights announced on Thursday that 104 Hizbullah members had been killed in Syria since last autumn.
Hizbullah combatants have become increasingly involved in Syria's conflict, fighting alongside President Assad's forces.
Initially Hizbullah said it wanted only to defend 13 Syrian villages along the border where Lebanese Shiites live, and the Sayyeda Zeinab shrine, revered by Shiites around the world.
However its elite fighters later encircled the rebel-held central town of Qusayr with regime troops before the launch on Sunday of a withering assault on the strategic border town that is home to 25,000 people.
Hizbullah denied its involvement in Syria for some time, quietly burying fighters killed in the fighting there.
But the movement stopped hiding its dead when its leader Sayyed Nasrallah on April 30 paid homage to fighters killed across the border.
"Syria has true friends in the region who will not allow Syria to fall into the hands of the United States, Israel and Takfiri groups," he said in a televised address.
Before tackling the Syrian matter, Nasrallah began Saturday's speech by criticizing the Lebanese state's stance towards arming and strengthening the army to face Israel, saying that everything done in Lebanon to confront Israeli threats and attacks was established by the resistance.
“By the resistance, I do not mean Hizbullah only, but everyone who made an effort,” he clarified.
Nasrallah elaborated: “Since July 2006, Israel has been preparing and setting plans for wars. They realized their weaknesses and say they are ready for war.”
“Israel threatens Lebanon on a daily basis and has been mobilizing its forces on the border for months. It is bombing Syria and threatening it. Israel is ready for war,” he added.
He asked, however: “What did the Lebanese state do regarding being prepared to face what happens in the region?”
“We do not have shelters or safe accommodations in Lebanon. Is it also required from the resistance to take care of matters of civil aspects?”
“If directions, political cover and armaments were granted to the army, it could fight against Israel similarly to the resistance,” he pointed out.
“Israel fears the resistance whereas many in Lebanon are wondering how to get rid of it.”
Commenting on the clashes in Tripoli, Nasrallah urged the end of the “absurd battle.”
“Those rooting for the victory of the Syrian regime or the opposition's rebels must go fight in Syria instead. Leave Tripoli neutral from Syria's conflict,” he stressed.
"We must agree that the only guarantee for civil peace and for our coexistence is the army and the state."
The Hizbullah chief explained that his party submitted its nominations for the parliamentary elections, even before the March 14 alliance, because it rejects vacuum.
“We are in front of two options that are either an elections based on the 1960's law or extending the parliament's term, or a miracle that would lead to reaching consensus over a new law,” he elaborated.
“But we are against vacuum.”
Several officials submitted on Friday their candidacies to the upcoming parliamentary polls, including the Free Patriotic Movement, the AMAL movement, the March 14 Independent MPs, the Lebanese Forces and Hizbullah, despite strong objections over the adoption of the 1960 electoral law at the polls to avoid uncontested victories.
In its eighth round of talks, the parliamentary electoral subcommittee failed again on Monday to reach an agreement over a new electoral law as Speaker Nabih Berri did not set a date for a new session.
This failure has raised fears of a political vacuum in Lebanon or that the parliamentary elections will be held according to the 1960 law or that the term of the current parliament will be extended.
Monday is the deadline for candidates to file their requests to run for the elections according to the 1960 law.
25 May 2013, 19:16
Nasrallah: I say to all the honourable people, to the mujahedeen, to the heroes, I have always promised you a victory and now I pledge to you a new one.
25 May 2013, 19:14
Nasrallah: We do not force anyone to go to the battle. They all go willingly and aspire to take part in the resistance. You will find tens of thousands of fighters that are ready to take all fronts.
25 May 2013, 19:11
Nasrallah: No one can accuse us of being sectarian and attempts to weaken our morale and will power will not succeed. There a media campaign of defamation against us.
25 May 2013, 19:10
Nasrallah: Considering Hizbullah a terrorist organization is old news.
25 May 2013, 19:08
Nasrallah: We have lost thousands of martyrs and we consider that through our stand we are defending Lebanon, Palestine and Syria.
25 May 2013, 19:05
Nasrallah: If Syria fell in the hands of the Takfiris and the Americans, this will place the resistance under a siege and Israel will enter Lebanon. If Syria falls, the Palestinian cause will be lost.
25 May 2013, 19:03
Nasrallah: The Syrian situation is an implementation of the American-Israeli project in the region.
25 May 2013, 19:01
Nasrallah: We are not evaluating the matter from a Sunni or Shiite perspective, but from a perspective joining all Muslims and Christians together because they are all threatened by this Takfiri project that is financed by the U.S.
25 May 2013, 19:01
Nasrallah: What future do you expect in Lebanon, Syria and Palestine taking into consideration the presence of the Takfiris?
25 May 2013, 18:59
Nasarllah: This Takfiri mind has killed much more Sunnis than members of other Muslim sects.
25 May 2013, 18:57
Nasrallah: What is happening on the Syrian border is dangerous to Lebanon and to coexistence in the country and will become a danger to Sunnis if Takfiris were able to take control of border regions.
25 May 2013, 18:53
Nasrallah: The Takfiris are the most prevailing group on the Syrian opposition's scene.
25 May 2013, 18:53
Nasrallah: Part of the Syrian opposition abroad has a vision and is ready for dialogue whereas others work under the Pentagon's orders.
25 May 2013, 18:52
Nasrallah: There are many suggestions and settlements that were accepted by the Syrian regime, but that did not go public, but regional countries have rejected them because they do not want Assad's regime.
25 May 2013, 18:51
Nasrallah: A political and economic world war was launched on Syria and thousands of fighters were sent without anyone complaining while Hizbullah's involvement was considered a foreign interference.
25 May 2013, 18:50
Nasrallah: The events in the last couple of years have proved that there is an axis lead by the U.S. while the rest are working under its orders. Everyone knows this axis is supported by Israel while al-Qaida and other Takfiri organizations from around the world were paid to take part in it.
25 May 2013, 18:48
Nasrallah: I have contacted Assad and members of the opposition to reach a settlement but I swear Assad said yes, whereas the opposition rejected the suggestion.
25 May 2013, 18:47
Nasrallah: Since the beginning of Syria's war we have said Assad's regime has its positives and negatives. Reform is required and the only way to reach this is through political dialogue.
25 May 2013, 18:46
Nasrallah on the war in Syria: What is happening in the neighboring country is very crucial for Lebanon, for our present and future.
25 May 2013, 18:45
Nasrallah: We must agree that the only guarantee for civil peace and for our coexistence is the army and the state.
25 May 2013, 18:44
Nasrallah commenting on the clashes in Tripoli: This absurd battle must stop and those rooting for the victory of the Syrian regime or the opposition's rebels must go fight in Syria instead. Leave Tripoli neutral from Syria's conflict.
25 May 2013, 18:43
Nasrallah: We are in front of two options that are either an elections based on the 1960's law or extending the parliament's term, or a miracle that would lead to reaching consensus over a new law. But we are against vacuum.
25 May 2013, 18:42
Nasrallah: Parliamentary blocs failed to agree on an electoral law. We took the decision to submit our candidacies before the March 14 alliance did because we reject vacuum, even if the elections were held based on the 1960's law.
25 May 2013, 18:41
Nasrallah on listing Hizbullah on the lists of terror organizations: This is old news and it is just ink on paper.
25 May 2013, 18:40
Nasrallah: The existence of the state is better than chaos.
25 May 2013, 18:38
Nasrallah: Israel is ready and we do not know what the enemy is going to do.
25 May 2013, 18:37
Nasrallah: If we accepted to put the resistance's army under the direction of the state, these weapons will lose their importance as the state cannot even control what is happening in Tripoli or prevent clashes in a funeral in Sidon, or adopt an electoral law.
25 May 2013, 18:36
Nasrallah: The resistance that defeated Israel cannot be disarmed as this cannot protect a country or deter its enemy.
25 May 2013, 18:35
Nasrallah: The resistance, who defeated Israel in July 2006, has been training and Israel fears the resistance whereas many in Lebanon are wondering how to get rid of it.
25 May 2013, 18:34
Nasrallah: Everything done in Lebanon to confront Israeli threats and attacks was established by the resistance, and I do not mean Hizbullah only, but everyone who made an effort.
25 May 2013, 18:32
Nasrallah: What is only required from the state of Lebanon is to adopt and apply programs that would keep people in their villages.
25 May 2013, 18:31
Nasrallah: Israel is building settlements on its border with Syria, Lebanon and Jordan and is recruiting Jews from all over the world and offering them salaries and job opportunities, and is giving them military training and weapons... These settlements are a part of the Israeli military plan.
25 May 2013, 18:29
Nasrallah: We do not have shelters or safe accommodations in Lebanon. Is it also required from the resistance to take care of matters of civil aspects?
25 May 2013, 18:27
Nasrallah: If directions, political cover and armaments were granted to the army, it could fight against Israel similarly to the resistance.
25 May 2013, 18:27
Nasrallah: Any Arab military is forbidden from getting more arms if they will be used in a confrontation against Israel. Syria cannot own rockets but at the same time, other Arab countries have such weapons because there is an awareness that they will not use it against Israel.
25 May 2013, 18:26
Nasrallah: We used to hear the excuses like the Syrian presence in Lebanon, but what did the state in Lebanon do since 2005 regarding arming and training the military institution? Excuses given are related to financing these projects.
25 May 2013, 18:24
Nasrallah: What did the Lebanese state do regarding being prepared to face what happens in the region?
25 May 2013, 18:22
Nasrallah: Israel threatens Lebanon on a daily basis and has been mobilizing its forces on the border for months. It is bombing Syria and threatening it. Israel is ready for war.
25 May 2013, 18:22
Nasrallah: Israel has a special ministry, the Ministry of Home Front Defense and it is responsible for dealing with anything that hits Israel.
25 May 2013, 18:21
Nasrallah: Since July 2006 Israel has been preparing and setting plans for wars. They realized their weaknesses and say they are ready for war.
25 May 2013, 18:19
Nasrallah: Israel is continuing the implementation of its project in the Palestinian Occupied Territories without any criticism from the international community.
25 May 2013, 18:17
Nasrallah: The 1948's Nakba was a catastrophe to all Arabs, not to a particular nation only. All Arabs are bearing its consequences, similarly to the 1967's setback.
25 May 2013, 18:16
Nasrallah: The importance of the Liberation Day is similar to the day the U.S. army withdrew from Iraq and all the region's great days that are targeted by the American-Zionist project.
25 May 2013, 18:14
Nasrallah: This day should be forever remembered and this memory must be transmitted from one generation to another. It represents a meaningful national experience and is a passage towards the future.

i thought he said that shjooting in the air was bad... but just listen to beirut right now and how they gone mad like robots....

Palestine is the last thing on Hizbullah's minds and agenda...please spare us your brainwashing idiocracy..

2000 pound bunker buster has that lowlifes name on it and is coming soon. Lebanon back to the Lebanese.

Yes, lebanon liberated from Israel only to fall toe the Persians.
S. Lebanon--still under occupation, just a different landlord.

Exactly what part of S. Lebanon are you referring to? The UN states categorically that Israel doesn't occupy a single centimeter of Lebanese territory.

All of S. Lebanon is now controlled by Persia vis a vis their proxy in lebanon Hizb Iran. The Shabaa farms thing is was ruse by HI for a raison d'être for their weapons--since then, they have morphed to other reasons like the so called Palestinian cause

Nasrallah: We used to hear the excuses like the Syrian presence in Lebanon, but what did the state in Lebanon do since 2005 regarding arming and training the military institution?............
NOTHING, because the Syrian occupation never endded, it just morphed from direct occupation to occupation by proxy via the likes of you and SSNP, and dozen other thug organizations funded and trained by Syria (and Iran). You thanked them for their occupation on daily basis since 2005.

Nasrallah: Israel is building settlements on its border with Syria, Lebanon and Jordan and is recruiting Jews from all over the world and offering them salaries and job opportunities, and is giving them military training and weapons... These settlements are a part of the Israeli military plan..................
Meanwhile you are busy remaking Lebanon in the image of Iran, blowing up liqour stores, kidnapping priests who baptize Shiite women, Ensuring superiority over the Lebanese Government and its institutions, hijacking the Democratic process all in the name of resisting the boogy State of Israerl.

This thug is the number ONE Takfiri: a snake, a devil, a manipulative lying criminal.

Nasrallah: Any Arab military is forbidden from getting more arms if they will be used in a confrontation against Israel. Syria cannot own rockets but at the same time, other Arab countries have such weapons because there is an awareness that they will not use it against Israel...................... Oh how right you were. Syria used all its rockets to destroy Israel and not a single one against its Civilians.

Nasrallah: What did the Lebanese state do regarding being prepared to face what happens in the region?...................
You mean the State you ensured it remains weak? The army that was reduced to dealing with kidnappers and separating armed thugs while your glorious resistance handles the decision of peace and war. The State and army you undermined on daily basis?

Whenever I think of Israel retreating from Lebanon on the 26th of May 2000, I always remember that 15 days later, the previous Syrian president Hafez Al Assad was announced dead in the news...
Two huge events in the History of Lebanon happening within two weeks of time.
Talk about a coincidence!!!
I wonder if the Syrian president had actually died two weeks earlier and it was not published in the media until the transition of power was possible...
That would explain a lot.
An Israel-Syria deal that ended with the death of the president and led to his retreat?
Conspiracy theory alert!

Nasrallah: Israel threatens Lebanon on a daily basis and has been mobilizing its forces on the border for months. It is bombing Syria and threatening it................
Are you sure you meant to say just Israel and not Israel/Iran/Hezb axis?

The collaboration of HezbIran with the Assad regime in Qusayr removes all doubt that they also collaborated in killing Hariri, Gemayel, Tueni, Kassir, Eid, Al Hassan, and others.

....... OK enough. Sorry guys this is a first for me, I never posted more than one comment per article (on rare occasions two). Have a good Saturday my fellow Lebanese on both sides of March.

" Part of the Syrian opposition abroad has a vision and is ready for dialogue"
M8ers should read that... they ve been assuring that all the rebels were just bloody salafists....

"The only garantee for civil peace is the army and the state"!!!!! He actually said that! Hypocrit!
But he is right in 3 points.- I have to admit it.
1- The US is not allowing us to build up the army. Instead we use the money to do country clubs for officers.
2- HA is not the only foreign force in Syria.
3- HA is doing a fight in syria while the takfiris are getting their fight to lebanon, to tripoli.

yella! here they come again with their firing in the air like stupid children.... they have forgotten what iranman asked long ago about that.... poor people...

Nasrallah ~ "this Takfiri project that is financed by the U.S."
Actually it is well known and documented that the Takfiri project in Syria is financed by Qatar and the KSA ...

I'm not so sure ... Lot of wealthy Rambo princes in the KSA that like to dabble in terrorism ...
Then of course you have Bandar Bush who is running this project for the KSA who is in alliance with the Israelis.
I believe most people are overestimating the influence of the US anymore ... they are damaged merchandise after the Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan failures ...

today nasrallah showed his true face, while saying what was predicted: we do what we do and you do what you can do.
but at the first time, he shows us how much he is starting to be nervous and scared about the period we are in.
he is preparing to take over Lebanon, especially after this whole expose about the non existence of a government, which they did everything for years to discredit.
so as a summary, we reached the culminating point of the start of the real Lebanese civil war which hizbushaitan and iran are dragging us to.

good point slash.
the whole speech is actually to point out how weak the army is, and how it cannot take the responsiblity of handling their "resistance" weapons, since it cannot even handle saida or trablos.
But he neglected to say that HA is the main reason why the army is weak...

but the gvt is M8.... so they have all latitude to do what they want, no? LOL

" the resistance cannot stand still and let them break its backbone" LOL a few weeks ago you denied that assad needed your help and that you were there only to defend border villages...
seems bashar s regime is getting weak as now you openly say that you cannot let your backbone break after assuring lebanese that vbashar had everything under control... LOL i guess the situation is more desperate than you thought then....

" If Syria falls, the Palestinian cause will be lost." LOL again...
you should say if bashar falls the hezbi palestinian cause will be lost as hamas the main palestinian party supports the rebellion no? so how could hamas let his cause get lost in syria? LOL....

Nice...we get an introduction into the Hezbollah narrative of history. No relevant matter whatsoever.
Seems there is only one way, blast them into oblivion.

LOL still in that zionist thingy? you are hilarious... it is not because some are denouncing this hypocrisy that they are zionist or israeli!!!
you know that way of behaving is typical of the fascist regimes all over the world , nothing new my friend:
(take USSR, Cuba, north korea china hitlers germany and so on...) all these dictatorships have that in common!
=> "if you are not with us means you are sold to the enemy!!!" or you are jew! or you are an imperialist... LOL
typical binary mind, remind me of george bush who has the same binary way of thinking... does that make you an american? LOL
so please accept that lots of lebanese are against the "resistance"... is it too difficult to admit? LOL
and regarding 70% with the resistance seems you invented that figure for your own propaganda.... (any objective surveys? studies?)

i am saying that the current gvt is M8... so why didn t they do anything concerning reinforcing the army, training them and so on?

yes M14 has already asked that HA reinforces the army by giving his weapons and expertise to it....

asrallah: If Syria falls in the hands of the Takfiris and the U.S., the resistance will be trapped and Israel will enter Lebanon. If Syria falls, the Palestinian cause will be lost
I'm sorry but he just blurts out a lie and we have people who just go along. When has Syria been a resisting country? When has Syria done anything ( after it had its behind whooped after all the Israeli -Arab wars). Nothing except keep Lebanon at the forefront of said resistance. We have basically been designated to fight for all the countries that still want to fight Israel. Read: Iran; Syria. So please sayed. Don't expect me to believe everything you just make up.

arzak-ya-libnan..his next speech will have another reason to keep his sheep interested.

"Hamas is now confused. Their home is now Qatar. Qatar gives them a lot of money but will never arm them because Qatar takes orders from Zionist America"
isn t it to the people of palestine to decide their fate? if they elected massively hamas it means they support its policy... why would nasrallah decide for palestinains? ROFL....
see how lame nasrallah excuses are? he just wants to keep his weapons and be the armed hand of iran nothing more and palestinians are his new excuse of fighting LOL!!!!

Nasrallah: We must agree that the only guarantee for civil peace and for our coexistence is the army and the state
Absolutely. I'm with you 100%. As long as its including you.

Nasrallah: We used to hear the excuses like the Syrian presence in Lebanon, but what did the state in Lebanon do since 2005 regarding arming and training the military institution? Excuses given are related to financing these projects.
Umm. Did you give anyone a shot? Why do you always want the blocking third? Maybe it's you and yours vetoing that changed nothing? Just a possibility.

Nasrallah: I say to all the honourable people, to the mujahedeen, to the heroes, I have always promised you a victory and now I pledge to you a new one. 1 hour ago
We are not looking for victory against Arabs.

it hilarious to see you not reading the majority of the posts here denouncing your master's hypocrisy... take a look before coming and puke your stupidities....

Nasrallah: We do not force anyone to go to the battle. They all go willingly and aspire to take part in the resistance. You will find tens of thousands of fighters that are ready to take all fronts.
Well if that's the case. The Sunnis from Lebanon who decide to go as well. Can't be blamed. Lets have everyone at the party. By you admitting that you are there on official business you dragged us into a war. You can't drag us into a war and then say it HAS to stay there. There are repercussions.

Nasrallah: No one can accuse us of being sectarian and attempts to weaken our morale and will power will not succeed. There a media campaign of defamation against us
Actions speak louder than words ya Sayed.

Nasrallah: Everything done in Lebanon to confront Israeli threats and attacks was established by the resistance, and I do not mean Hizbullah only, but everyone who made an effort
Haha. Then why'd you eliminate all the other resistance groups? What is there a resistance bible that says there can only be one?

If you don't know about the elimination of all other resistance groups by HA I suggest you invest in some time to read about history.

of course you would get bored... we know that nasrallah is your god and oun his prophet so they can never be wrong... so people saying the contray necessarily bores you. sorry then!
i suggest you go to a more exciting site then!

of course you would get bored... we know that nasrallah is your god and aoun his prophet so they can never be wrong... so people saying the contray necessarily bores you. sorry then!
i suggest you go to a more exciting site then!

Nasrallah: The events in the last couple of years have proved that their is an axis lead by the U.S. while the rest are working under its orders. Everyone knows this axis is supported by Israel while al-Qaida and other Takfiri organizations from around the world were paid to take part in it
Yes. Here we go again. EVERY Arab spring prior to Syria was genuine in your eyes. But when it got to your overlords lets bring america. Israel. The west. Satan. Etc. etc. why?

Nasrallah: Israel is building settlements on its border with Syria, Lebanon and Jordan and is recruiting Jews from all over the world and offering them salaries and job opportunities, and is giving them military training and weapons... These settlements are a part of the Israeli military plan. 2 hours ago
FEAR. The best way to capture and convince the masses. Someone else did that. Hold on. Let me think. Ahh yes. BUSH.

Ahh so he is trying the same tactic. Gotcha. Except he has been doing it waaaay before 2009.

Nasrallah: What future do you expect in Lebanon, Syria and Palestine taking into consideration the presence of the Takfiris
What future do we have with any extremist party? Including a party who prides itself on being a follower of an extremist theological order being wilayet al faqih?

Nasrallah: We do not have shelters or safe accomodations in Lebanon. Is it also required from the resistance to take care of matters of civil aspects? 2 hours ago
If its you that wants to wage war. Then yeah. You build the damn shelters.

"The Syrian situation is an implementation of the American-Israeli project in the region."
Lol! that is why till now USA and the west did not react nor sent any armed troops to get him out...
the USA are pragmatic. they are waiting to have a credible and serious interlocutor to replace assad but till now the opposition is too divided. if assad remaining in place is better for them they ll help assad stay in power...
so nasrallah's conspiracy theory as usual is just to feed his gullible followers who want to hear that and is also part of the soup he sells....

Israel is pro-Assad and therefore not against Hezbollah in Syria. The red line is that no weapons can cross over the border to Lebanon from Iran. Apart from that, Israel has given Assad and the Hezbos cart blanche to commit as many war crimes as they want. And yet you still have idiots that think that the rebels are a Zionist plot. lolz

Nasrallah: The resistance that defeated Israel cannot be disarmed as this cannot protect a country or deter its enemy. 2
Oh ok. Yes sir. I wonder. Would you be singing the same tune if you were not the resistance? And someone else was the big cajoles?

Every time i see a picture of this man he aggravates me!!! what liberation is he talking out ... if he didnt tie our fate to Syria we would of been liberated a very long time ago

Muwaten. With all due respect. You spew the same hatred on Hariri. Geagea. Etc. so what does that make you?

The most comforting news is one that the Lebanese NostraDam..sels such as NostraGeha, NostraAlouchti, NostraBenzona, NostraGabbyMarch14 and all of the other Nostras shall confirm: "Hizbushaitan" shall collapse immediately when the "ASSad" regime collapses for the 12,735th time next Wednesday. I can't wait to witness many more collapses. Really, I cannot wait. Actually, to be precise, I am not sure how much longer I shall be around. I cannot say the same about the Nostras because based on their... well... umm... duh... childishness??? they have a better chance of living much longer than me. Many happy bithdays, Damsels.

Why is everyone so against nasrallah's speech. At least he's the only one who is truthful in his speeches even though you may not agree with what he's saying. All others bs you in public and so things behind closed doors. But I do agree with him that if Syria falls to the radicals in Syria we are all in trouble. I also agree that all the riff raff of tripoli should go to Syria and fight there against and for bashar instead of doing it in Lebanon.

Sorry Hassoun,
the palestinians don't see you as a 'resistance', but rather persian pawns. your aren't saviors.
move on to your next raison d'être for your weapons.

I disagree with Hezbollah's intervention in Syria and them not protecting our border towns from BOTH sides of the conflict. The resistance is no longer a resistance. I also think that the conspiracy against them by the American-Zionist alliance (although it certainly does exist), is not as extreme as they think. However, Sayyed Hassan made some very good points in this speech, particularly on Tripoli and the electoral deadlock. Maybe some people in March 14 should try listening to what he's saying before immediately and blindly labeling him as a 'farsi terrorist slave' or making prejudiced comments against our Shia brothers.

Bla bla bla israel israel ya monafek kafak dajal wanifaq eza enta 3adowwa la amrika wa esrail ma 3adow 3adowak lezem eykon sa7bak kif haydi mozabta ma3ak fataysak bel qosayer ajdar lezem yoskrlto shohada bi mazere3 shab3a ya anjas nas

Kezbew nifa2 wdajal maba2 yenfa3ak leqsayer mahiyi lqodes tanuoaf ma3ak we2fo ktir sh3obha ma3 mokawimin bas halla2 maba2fihada waef ma3ak

There's an old saying, "beware the enemy you choose, because you shall become your enemy". The Nazi's threatened the world with nuclear holocaust, and the Americans defeated them, only to become a great nuclear power.
The Jews hated the German Nazis, and look at how they run their country.
Nasrallah is fixated on Israel. To him the whole world turns around Israel because without Israel, Nasrallah is a mosquito, bas. And so Nasrallah has made Hezbollah into Israel. It walks like Israel, talks like Israel and acts like Israel.

All of Lebanon should take note of how Nasrallah has treated the Shiites of Lebanon. Does any other political party among the Shiites have any air to breath life? No, Nasrallah has taken it all for himself. Will he do any less with Lebanon?
He has paralyzed the Lebanese State and then complains that the State is powerless to act. He creates the conditions for his own arguments, such as they are.
He cannot turn his weapons over to the State because the State is powerless and the State is powerless because Hezbollah has made it so. It is all quite circular.

Now he has embarked on a war in Syria, not on his own, but under orders from his master in Tehran, yet he acts as if he is a principal and not an agent. He has totally disregarded the Lebanese State, her people, institutions, government and laws, because he alone thinks it is proper to do so (after having been ordered by the Supreme Leader Khomeini, who of course is greater than any Lebanese law or constitution).
The Lebanese are indeed fools to stand back and be intimidated by this guy. While you are standing back, he is eating your country.

this animal is the biggest sectarian and racist in Lebanon.he would say anything to justify his action ,he is using the same excuses the Syrian regime been using for the last 40 years to keep us divided..

I admit sometimes i dont agree with Hezbollah actions, but when i read these comments so full of blind hatred and BS, I'm just glad we have them and I realize we'd better hold on really tight to them.
May Allah preserve you and grant you victory ya Sayyed.

I hate Israel and I hate Hibala and Assad...yes we can hate them all @ the same time..Surprise..M8 idots..

go and do your jehadist duty and get killed for the Syrian regime and Iran loosed.

Add Pakistan and Japan and Mozambique to the list of countries that you're supposedly fighting in Qusayr a town with the population of one Beirut neighborhood...

Oooooof ooooooof oooooof so many angry people. I guess that the truth and the reality of the situation does hurt!

He condemns the Gulf military intervention in Bahrain but he and his thugs intervene militarily in Syria. He has always been logical.....!

Right on. The end of Hizzob Kezzob is in sight thanks to the Brave FSA fighters.

This maniac is self-immolating! Great, he wants to defeat 15 million Syrians?!! This is the beginning of the end for him and his filthy criminal party.

He is a disgrace to Lebanon. How dare he attack the State after he keeps weakening it for years.
He is so delusional & out of touch with reality.

This is really bad. When Nasrallah made claims of winning back in 2006, the Israeli government was too busy winning votes for a full-scale war (which, as you all know, did not pass...which is why they left Lebanon), and trying to prepare the Labour party for the next round of elections. There was no indication at the time that Israel would leave. The only evidence we had at the time is that Hizbullah was not expecting a full scale war, but still managed to surprise the Israelis with defensive tactics that are not typical to a guerilla force. The precision of guerilla warfare and the blunt of fortified or natural boundaries didn't help the thousands of HA that died, billions of dollars in infrastructure damage, and that's not including the losses on the end of Hizbullah's and last but not least, the thousand Lebanese civilians that perished for nothing. This horrible man has no insight. A bear only growls his loudest when he has decided to risk it all.

Nasrallah needs to realize that they only won in 2000. In 2006, they just held their grounds. Their victory is that they did not lose. In Syria, the equation is different. They are the invaders facing a national resistance. They will not win.