More Syrian Rockets Land on Hermel, Several Wounded
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Several people were injured on Tuesday in two cross-border rocket attacks in the northeastern town of Hermel, the state-run National News Agency reported.
NNA said seven rockets landed in Hermel and its outskirts a day after a girl was killed in a similar incident.
In the first attack, three rockets hit the Hermel area.
"One of them hit a residential neighborhood in the center of the town while the other hit the hills facing the town," NNA said.
Later, the agency said a third rocket hit the Hermel region, leaving several people lightly wounded.
And at 4:15 p.m., two rockets hit the region, with one of them hitting a house and wounding three people. The second rocket landed in a neighboring grove.
"Fifteen minutes later, two other rockets landed in the area, causing no injuries," NNA said.
On Monday, Loulou Awwad, 17, died and another woman from the same family was wounded by rockets that targeted residential neighborhoods in Hermel.
The rockets also caused major material damage, NNA said.
The area lies just across from the Syrian town of al-Qusayr where regime troops backed by Hizbullah fighters have been engaged in heavy clashes with rebels seeking to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad.
Hermel residents occasionally hear the heavy thud of artillery and airstrikes in al-Qusayr.

enogh of this nonsense....if the lebanese army wont deal with this...then....its time for collecting all fsa members in lebanon and turning them over to bashar

do you have any idea why rockets are falling on hemel before you open your stinky mouth?

Iit is irrelavent why you think they are falling. As for opening my mouth, please take your takfiri b.s...somewhere ellse. In lebanon we can talk...and what i meant is that IM ready for the resistance to begin collecting the foriegn trash and deposit it ellsewere.

this is the direct result to the involvement of hizbushaitan in the war in Syria.
more to come..... retaliations will increase from now on....

hisbushaitan undermined the state, and when they are attacked, they cry foul and ask for the support of the state... how ridicule is that?
hizbushaitan knows their days are counted and not a single Lebanese will harbor shia from the south or the bekaa when the next war will start: they aggressed the whole of Lebanon, and no one will support them now....

breaking news:
Salim Idriss, the commander of the Syrian rebel forces, gave Lebanon’s president, the U.N. and Arab League 24 hours to force Hezbollah to withdraw its fighters from Syria, threatening that rebels would reach Hezbollah’s “militia” wherever they are.

" there has been claims by rebels that HA was involved, when HA wasnt. "
how do you know that? because iranman said it? and people coming from syria were testifying of the presence of hezbis at the veeeery begining, but they all lied?
come on mowaten... hezbollah at first said syria does not need them, then they were only protecting lebanese border villages, now as they are getting more and more casualties had to admit they were deeeeeeply involved in syria.... how many more lies are you going to support just because hezbollah are your idols?

you are wrong on this one. we will never unite with hizbushaitan for its actions are bringing disaster on us.
they are on their own, and there is more to come for sure.
hizbushaitan is going to pay dearly for all the bad they are doing to Lebanon.

what I wish for is the total annihilation of hizbushaitan for being an Iranian entity dragging Lebanon into the abbys for the pleasure of their masters.
hizbushaitan did the best they could do to make all Lebanese hate them, thus I am not the only one who does.
nobody forgets except you guys, what hizbushaitan has done in Lebanon.
actually, correction, what they are still doing..... glad the resistance finaly is 4 when they got involved, that is easy...look at when the tide turned....