Aoun: I Won't Extend Term of Parliament that Has Usurped My Rights
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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun announced on Tuesday his rejection of the extension of parliament's tenure.
He said after the Change and Reform bloc's weekly meeting: “I will not vote for the extension of the term of parliament, which is populated by lawmakers who have usurped my rights.”
“There can be no such thing as constitutionality if justice is not ensured,” he added.
“We do not need lessons from children to warn us of the dangers of extending parliament's term and of the 1960 parliamentary electoral law,” he said in a reference to Phalange Party MP Sami Gemayel.
Gemayel had urged Aoun on Monday against holding the elections based on the 1960 law.
“We have no problem in extending parliament's mandate, but we have a problem in extending the term of the current lawmakers,” remarked Aoun.
The majority of the political blocs have voiced their rejection of the adoption of the amended version of the 1960 electoral law that was used in the 2009 elections.
This has not however prevented officials from submitting their candidacies to the elections based on this law in order to prevent uncontested victories.
The elections are set for June 16, but the failure to reach an agreement over a new electoral law is threatening their postponement and the extension of parliament's term.
Addressing the assault against the army in the Bekaa town of Arsal, Aoun said: “This bloodshed cannot continue without necessary measures to thwart attacks against the army.”
“We have repeatedly warned of the recurrence of such attacks,” he declared, while holding the Higher Defense Council and government responsible for the assault.
Three soldiers were killed overnight Monday in an attack on their checkpoint in the town of Wadi Hmeid in Arsal.
“A group of gunmen in a black jeep assaulted an army checkpoint and clashed with the soldiers at 3:30 a.m.,”said a communique issued by the army command.
The statement pointed out that the army is carrying out a wide search operation in the area to detain the armed men who fled to the nearby outskirts.
Two Lebanese soldiers were killed in February when members of an armed group ambushed their patrol that was in the area of Arsal to pursue a suspect wanted on terrorism charges.
28 May 2013, 17:13
Aoun: The experience of the past four years prevents me from approving the extension of parliament's term.
28 May 2013, 17:12
Aoun: I refuse to attend a session during which my rights will be usurped.
28 May 2013, 17:12
Aoun: Those who tampered with the electoral law will be held responsible for the failures.
28 May 2013, 17:11
Aoun: I hold all those boycotting parliament to vote on an electoral law responsible for the current political failures.
28 May 2013, 17:10
Aoun: There can be no such thing as constitutionality if justice is not ensured.
28 May 2013, 17:06
Aoun: It's true that we are present in the cabinet, but we have become a minority in decision-making.
28 May 2013, 17:04
Aoun: We have no problem in extending parliament's mandate, but we have a problem that these politicians remain in power for 18 more months.
28 May 2013, 17:03
Aoun: Qabbani's remarks best embody what is needed to preserve Lebanon.
28 May 2013, 17:02
Aoun: We thank Grand Mufti Qabbani who realized the cause of the political problems in Lebanon.
28 May 2013, 17:01
Aoun: We had previously warned of the recurrence of such assaults, but the Higher Defense Council and the government have failed to address our warnings.
28 May 2013, 17:00
FPM leader MP Michel Aoun after Change and Reform bloc's weekly meeting: We offer our condolences over the deaths in the Arsal attack.

Aoun is right ... The first order of business after the June elections should be the replacement of Mikati who has shown through criminal negligence he can not be allowed to continue as the prime Minister ...

Mikati and Suleiman have subverted the role of the security forces. Aoun's mistake was to have helped out them in power. Now the all of Lebanon knows the role of Mikati and Suleiman in the current troubles and the politicization of the security forces.

Only Qabbani sides with the best interest of his people. The M14 Muftis are nothing but political poseurs.

Only Qabbani sides with the best interest of his people. The M14 Muftis are nothing but political poseurs.
Qabbani follows the rules while the political muftis demand they be broken for their own interests ...

It is clear that the M8 government was sabotaged by Mikati and Suleiman for M14 agendas.
Aoun had hoped for the best but like all Lebanese betrayed for political and profit interests ...

Aoun insults MP Sami Gemayel. This a demonstration that we live in a third world nation. Disagreeing is normal, insulting is not! Yet, they're both MPs and none is above the other. Shame shame shame.

Mikati and Suleiman have high-jacked the agenda by hand cuffing the security forces so that now violence trumps a cabinet majority.

lol never aoun s fault... always the other ones... typical whimsical child attitude. LOL

"“We have no problem in extending parliament's mandate, but we have a problem in extending the term of the current lawmakers,” "
He said he could agree in principle to the extension but not to extending the terms of many of the incumbents ...

The issue is not extension but certain members of the government ...
Indeed ... like Mikati and Suleiman who subvert Lebanon for their own interests,

@ peace
The current government has been betrayed by Mikati and Suleiman ... Aoun's mistake was to trust them in the first place. These were Jumby's picks to establish the government in the first place.

@ banima3roof.
"mckinl who made the prediction that orta-dox law was going to be adopted the next day"
Wrong ... my position was always conditional. I never said it was assured ... lol
Jumblat was the deal maker for this M8 government bringing in Mikati so that M8 would have a majority ...
That is why we need June elections. Otherwise it is the same old business as usual ... Why should Aoun/FPM take the blame?

this Syrian agent that has done the worst harm to the Christian community that anyone else should be hung by his b...s, if ever he has some.

just for clarification:
qabani is the worst thief ever, as he and his son have stolen the awkafs.
he is just an employee appointed by the sunni leadership, and no one wants him anymore.

the only ones subverting Lebanon are hizbushaitan ( for the interest of their Iranian masters) and aoun for his 30 pieces of gold.

the ones creating strife have been hizbushaitan through their actions and aoun through his sectarian inflammatory comments for long months.

Mikati was jumbys pick? Didn't HA send out the black shirts to change jumbys mind when the first session was postponed because jumby was going to re-nominate Hariri? How they twist.

Haha. When he was still pro m14 you despised him. Now that he is m8 he is the ONLY one who works for his people. Lame. At best.

So he will agree to extend parliaments term if he can choose who is IN parliament? Wow. Shoo mitwadi3.

They lauded mikati. Now they blame everything on him. Please. Don't blame Aoun or HA. That would be crazy.

Ft I'm not asking for your opinion of what happened. Even HA leadership admitted that black shirts appeared in an "uncoordinated" move. So your opinion means absolute crap. But thanks for sharing.

Well thank you for replying in your own years of training. Well don't stop. Enlighten us. What did he mean he is with extending parliament but not "some" of the members.

And please I make no mention of anyone being in the paid service of anyone. If you can't answer 3alla 2ad il post spare us your mildly witty comments.

Sure. I've been in sports. And noticed that every "team" Aoun and HA were in have performed poorly. Winning no games and barely scoring the entire season. So maybe the bad players are them. Or no. To you it's everyone but them. You'll blame it on the tooth fairy before them.

of course they performed nil.... when the parliament is blocked as well as the gvt by your M8 thugs, how can they work? LOL funny FT always forgetting something worth mentioning to try and prove he is right... pityful...

Mon General I think its enough for you to play polotics!! your a bit old why dont you resign and let Bassilio take over??

It's Tuesday, I want to get my translated poem. Please Mr Mouallek. You may post it in Spanish if you wish to.

Quite simple really ... Keeping Mikati and Suleiman are not worth saving the M8 government ... They will keep undermining M8 indefinitely.

what rights of his were usurped exactly?
"There can be no such thing as constitutionality if justice is not ensured"--now this statement is interesting. In order for there to be justice, there has to be a strong central government and state whose laws are respected and ENFORCED. The state should do more to enforce the laws and discourage bad behavior from ALL parties whether they be salafi, HA, or any other random group.
So there lies a conundrum for him, can he call out HA and other groups to turn in the people wanted on warrants or does he go around just accusing the other side of breaking the law and expose himself to even more charges of hypocrisy.

Shou, not a single comment on HA's public declaration to go all out in Syria? Shou ya general? Laysh séket?

Nasrallah sliped a couple of extra rial's into Aoun's pocket, the pajama general will say no more against the Iranian party's declaration of war.

"I Won't Extend Term of Parliament that Has Usurped My Rights" this old Lunatic is always whining. Well at least his found his true calling as an entertaining clown.

I always admire your posts ... a mark of dignity and wisdom ... I salute you!