Syria Opposition in Urgent Appeal for Qusayr Wounded
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Syria's opposition National Coalition launched an urgent appeal on Thursday to rescue 1,000 wounded civilians from the town of Qusayr, which government troops and Hizbullah fighters are battling to retake from rebels.
"Qusayr has been under constant bombardment," a statement said, and a "large number of civilians living in the area have been injured due to the assault launched over two weeks ago on the city."
The Coalition cited an "acute shortage of doctors, paramedics and first aid kits" and said this "must trigger international relief organizations to respond immediately and save the wounded civilians.
"These civilians must be moved out of the city, as soon as possible, in order to secure treatment in safe areas.
"Moral and humanitarian obligations make it necessary for the Red Cross and Red Crescent, as independent and impartial organizations, to take urgent action. They must enter the city, rescue the innocent civilians and provide them with the necessary protection."
Hundreds of civilians have reportedly been killed in Qusayr and thousands could be trapped.
Control of Qusayr is essential for the rebels as it is their principal transit point for weapons and fighters from Lebanon, while it would help the army consolidate its grip on a key road from Damascus to the Mediterranean coast.

Mowaten...your statement suggests that you are young enough to never have lived through the lebanese war. If you had you would know that not all civilians can leave their homes for countless reasons. If you have lived the civil war and still dont know that then that's worse.
The Israeli army warns the civilians before their major offensive almost every time yet they are responsible for every civilian death despite that and we call their action war is ur bashar any different? some impartiality would help this stupid country Lebnein!

Question from FT and mowtan because March 14, they are mere tools for Saudi Arabia so they can’t answer this ??. According to UN report there are 40,000 foreign fighters fighting inside Syria but the actual figure is much higher, as some suggests more than 120,000.As for Hezbollah, according Turkish intelligence not more than 1200 (can be checked on Turkish web sites i.e. hurriyet and todayszaman), According to Aljazeera and al arabiya figure is not more than 3000- 4000 .Just look at the comparison ratio then tell me, are they really worried about Hezbollah giving them tough time in battle field or they are crying to play sectarian card, means to encourage more uneducated thugs to fight their lost war in the name of sectarianism ???

Sajad - please provide credible sources to support your numbers regarding foreign fighters. I suspect that there is none except regime sources and your own fantasies.

The regime is the biggest terrorist and criminal. The Hizb chose to support a criminal regime that butchers its people.

The Hezb men are not dying to defend lebanon. The only ones attacking lebanese villages the last couple of years were regime forces. The Hezb men are fighting and dying to protect a criminal regime under direct orders from Iran. If you believe otherwise, you are a fool.

Call me what you want ... I suspect that I spent far more time defending the hezb than you ever did and have been attacked venemousely by zionists in vancouver. The problem is the hizb and what has become and its takeover of the state in lebanon. What do you call a militia that storms Beirut and unseat a government, bullies other parties, threaten chaos if a government is formed without its consent, drag lebanon into a war without consulting the government? Those supporting what this organization has become should be ashamed.