Aoun to Challenge Extension: They Realized 1960 Law Won't Secure Victory
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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun said on Friday that his political rivals “realized they will not win the polls even if the 1960's electoral law was adopted,” announcing also that he has prepared “a thorough file” to challenge the extension of the parliament's mandate.
"They do not want to hold the elections maybe because even the 1960's electoral law does not secure their victory,” Aoun stated after an exceptional meeting of the Change and Reform bloc at his residence in al-Metn's Rabieh neighborhood.
The FPM lawmakers in Aoun's bloc boycotted Friday's parliamentary session dedicated solely to discuss extending the parliament's mandate.
Around 100 MPs from all blocs, except the Change and Reform bloc, voted to extend parliament's term until November 20, 2014, in a session that lasted only 10 minutes.
The Christian leader vowed to challenge the extension before the Constitutional Council: “We have prepared a thorough file for this purpose and we hope the council does not commit a historical mistake taking into consideration the current political and security situation.”
"The extension does not respect the constitution, the compelling reasons or the norms."
“Even (Maronite) Patriarch Bashara al-Rahi and President Michel Suleiman condemned it in their speeches,” Aoun noted.
The FPM leader went on to describe the parliament as “paralyzed since the assassination of former General Security chief Brigadier General Wissam al-Hasan.”
"All kinds of electoral law drafts were submitted. We have suggested dividing Lebanon into medium-sized electoral districts to improve representation but it was rejected, so was the Orthodox proposal.”
Aoun added: “We suggested a hybrid draft similar to Speaker Nabih Berri's proposal but it was also turned down.”
“They instead came up with a law designed to suit their interests,” he remarked.
Rival parties have failed to agree on an electoral law to govern the June 16 parliamentary elections and the majority of them opposed the 1960 law that was used in the 2009 polls.
The lack of consensus compelled them to agree on an extension despite differences on the duration.
The extension of the 128-seat legislature's term by up to 17 months marks the first time that parliament has had to extend its term since Lebanon's civil war ended in 1975-90.
The decision by Berri to call for a plenary session followed an agreement between most political factions that the worsening security situation has made campaigning and voting impossible, and that postponing it may ease soaring tensions.
Parliament's current term ends June 20.

once more trying to cash in for electoral purposes :) unbelievable this guy!

According to the law, the parliament can be extended for a period of 6month, not 17. I oppose this extension like many of you, and the best way to show it would be for FPM and anyone opposing this hijacking to resign for the seat of MP, resign completely. Talking is not enough, walking is better.

Seriousely, we should have a new political force in this country that emphasize loyalty to the nation and to human rights. Aoun is a serve serving clowns, the future is the past led by feeble clowns, the Kataeb and marada are family businesses, the LF is trying to shake off past image, amal is a non-entity beholden to the hizb. The Hizb is the only party that is organized, well funded, armed to the teeth, knows what it wants and doing what it wants regardless what anyone else says.

I've been very critical of Aoun as of late, but have to agree with him here. Absolutely ridiculous that our MPs voted for this extension, against the widespread condemnation of the public and the laws stipulated in our Constitution.

They could have at least had a ballot to consider the opinion of the PEOPLE THAT ELECTED THEM. They'd rather ignore it and commit atrocities such as this against the country and the rule of law! This, I think, is the most lucid example of their being no respect for any law if it contradicts the interest of politicians! They should all resign, for shame.

But this isn't the fault of the politicians, it's the people's fault. The politicians know they can do this and get away with it, because people will vote them in either way. No matter how bad Hezbollah, Mustaqbal, PSP, LF and FPM behave, each sect will continue to vote for their representative party. The result is politicians who act in reckless ways knowing they can get away with it.

Ditto gcb1,
As you know from my comments on this forum I am not Aoun or M8 supporter. But I evaluate every speech/stand for its content, and its own merit,s and in this case I am with Aoun regarding the unconstitutionality of extending the Parliament term. PMs should not be able to extend their own terms, if they can do it once what keeps them fom dong the same whenever the choose to. This time Aoun and President Sleiman are on the same page and I am disappointed by the M-14 PMs who supported the extension.

Ditto gcb1,
As you know from my comments on this forum I am not Aoun or M8 supporter. But I evaluate every speech/stand for its content, and its own merit,s and in this case I am with Aoun regarding the unconstitutionality of extending the Parliament term. PMs should not be able to extend their own terms, if they can do it once what keeps them fom dong the same whenever the choose to. This time Aoun and President Sleiman are on the same page and I am disappointed by the M-14 PMs who supported the extension.

Sorry dagger. My beef is with the M-14 MPs who always sing the song of the constitution, Laws and so on. They are as guilty of violating our democracy as Hezb and others. They could have easily expose Aoun by siding with him and then the extension of the Parliament would not have been possible. I am less interested in Aoun's real intentions and more into his position and that of my M-14 (Lebanon and Constitution first imposters).

I am less about speculative intentions and more about actions. It is illogical that one of the least effective Parliaments in our history somehow deserves an extension.

"President Michel Suleiman has signed the law extending parliament's term"
I hope they challenge the extension and reduce it to something like November of THIS year.

I would think that if a "civilized" society (and one may argue that it is lacking in Lebanon) wanted tyranny to prevail, then the constitution would have given the President, Prime Minister, Parliament members arbitrary and unrestrained exercise of powers with impunity which would obviously result into abuse of authority. Having said that elected members and representatives may carefully go outside the four corners of the constitution during time of war or other extraordinary circumstances. So the question is do the present events in Lebanon, and a group of "so called" Lebanese who operate an army and a State within a State under the direct control of foreign interests warrant skewing the constitution for the survival of the Country?

That's if the presidential elections in Syria aren't postponed due to "regional turmoil".

Elections are a time when the people in a democratic state can best express their voices. It is ironic that in a time of crisis, a time where the public needs to speak out the most, our politicians resort to shutting down the most efficient mechanism for the public to speak out.
Why you people keep fighting and arguing for M14/M8 is beyond me. By now we should all realize they're a joke.

While I agree with Aoun about the extensions, he and his party are just responsible for the current mess as they and the rest of the MP's had 4 years to work on a new election law and he tried to jam in the orthodox gathering (you know, to increase sectarianism) at the last second and was thwarted. I think he is trying to save face with his followers and keep the discussion away from HA and Syria and that is becoming a political hot potato for he and his followers.

Les partisans et adhérents du CPL ne sont rien d'autre que des demeurés.... Ils sont à côté de la plaque, naïfs comme des américains.... Que Dieu les aide, parcequ'en ce qui me concerne, je m'en lave les mains ^^.