FPM Submits Challenge against Parliament's Term Extension
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A delegation from the Free Patriotic Movement submitted on Monday before the Constitutional Council a challenge against the parliament''s term extension.
“We consider this moment crucial,” FPM lawmaker Ibrahim Kanaan told reporters, expressing hope that justice and the constitution would prevail.
He pointed out that the challenge is justified and comprehensive, pointing out that the “delicate security situation must not be determined by anyone.”
“The constitutional council is the guardian of democracy,” the MP said.
He rejected accusations that the challenge is based on “political grounds.”
The parliament's decision to postpone the upcoming elections and extend its term 17 months because of deteriorating security conditions related to Syria's turmoil was officially announced and published in the official gazette on Saturday.
Friday's extension decision comes after rival blocs in the legislature failed to agree on a new elections law.
Both pro- and anti-Syrian blocs in parliament agreed on the extension, with one exception being the Free Patriotic Movement of MP Michel Aoun, which has the second largest bloc in parliament.
President Michel Suleiman also submitted on Saturday an appeal to challenge the parliament's decision to extend its mandate, calling on the Constitutional Council to “legally and neutrally” study this file.
Aoun and Suleiman have previously said they will challenge the extension, although that is unlikely to affect Friday's decision given the size of the majority.
Ninety-seven legislators in the 128-seat body voted to extend parliament's term until November 20, 2014, in a session that lasted only 10 minutes.
The decision, which had been expected, marks the first time that parliament has had to extend its term since the country's own 15-year civil war ended in 1990, and underlines the growing turmoil in the country spilling over from the conflict in its neighbor.
It is widely seen as a blow to Lebanon's tradition of free elections, but it may help lower tensions at a critical time for the fragile and deeply divided country.

Oddly enough, first time ever that I find myself agreeing with aoun and co. on something.

FPM are only trying to score political points with there illiterate followers ..the general would never go against his ally the hizb who voted for the extension.

But Sidon93, this is not the point. Put all political games aside, all interpretations and guesses regarding intentions aside. The fact is the Parliament had no business extending their own term (heck if I am a PM I will keep on voting for extensions.... why bother campaign spend money and risk losing). It is not constitutional or even ethical and I wish the M-14 PMs did not go that way.

As you all know, I am not with Aoun, at all. But on this subject of the extenstion of the mandate of Parliament, he is correct, though for the wrong reason. The elections should proceed as an affirmation of Lebanese democracy even under stressful times. But this is not the motivating reason for Aoun's position.
He sees the 1960 law as favoring his party. Thus an opportunity to place more Aouni in Parliament in 2013 so as to vote for Aoun as next president in 2014. Without elections, Suliman's mandate ends next year and the current Parliament will elect the new President and that new president will not be Aoun. Six more years in the wilderness; six more years of mental deterioration with Aoun's demensia condition.

the1, are you seriously trusting that this man is taking a stance without a personal motive that has nothing to do with what's best for the country? Ya man, I know you to be more analytical than this. You are being deceived and you are going along for the ride.

Lebanonforever, you are one of those guys that if Aoun said the sky is blue, you will say it is pink.
Whether you agree with Aoun or not, does not matter. Whether Aoun is doing this for personal gain or not, is not our business.
The truth is that, the parliament should not have extended its term. It is not constitutional. We the people have the right to vote who gets in or not.
So what is next, extended the president's term and soon have a dictatorship?

It's simple, if almost 100 of 128 members of parliament vote to extend their own positions for almost two years without elections which are due now, then most of the members are corrupt and can't see clearly and don't know what democracy is. They should all be removed from their positions.

Taqiya Thrower, I remember the day when you denied FPM was a part of M8, and you denied being pro Bashar Assad. At least now those lies have been cast aside and discredited.

aoun must explain us something... he said to alakhbar that only M14 had interests in elections not being held.... then why has his main allies joined M14 in the extension? what are THEIR interests?

No elections, No reconciliations, continued disruptions, resistance and assassinations, . This is the status quo, This is the only atmosphere in which HA can survive and function freely. This state of affairs will be maintained until a clear picture emerges from the Syrian crisis.
Although I do not agree with the extension, I do believe that Aoun has been tasked with the sinister role of opposition to any unified agreement of any sort. HA playing the role of conformity with the majority to regain some ground lost with their involvement in Syria, has given this disruptive role to the master of lies and disruption.

Batal lkarate kan bado eydo2 mesmar bi ras Hafez sar aham 7alif ebno bashar wel jadir zekro bashar bi 3ed aoun bi makam weldo yali kan bado eydo2lmesmar bi raso sar 3ala raso. Hala2 bi 3ezzo jeneral bye7termo lawfi ya3ml. Baba share2 mabyetakhar 7alif stratiji sar aoun sho mhem e ya7ayef 3ala rejjal kan ka2ed la jayesh eysir 3askari bi sofof jaysho la bashar ya 7ayef 3arjal