Syrian Air Raid Targets Arsal, Suleiman Urges Respect of Lebanon's Sovereignty
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Syrian regime forces carried out an air raid on the northeastern town of Arsal on Wednesday, with a report saying that helicopters targeted a house owned by a man from al-Hujairi family.
The attack drew the condemnation of President Michel Suleiman, who urged Syria to “respect Lebanon's sovereignty and not to endanger its citizens."
Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3) said that two rockets targeted the house but only one exploded. The raid did not cause casualties.
The state-run National News Agency said three other rockets landed in the town's outskirts, causing material damage only.
Other border areas in the north and east have also been struck by frequent cross-border shelling and clashes, while the Syrian regime has told Lebanon to better control its porous border to prevent the smuggling of fighters and arms.
Lebanon is sharply divided over the war in Syria and Arsal is a particular flashpoint as refugees from the uprising and fighters and smugglers hostile to the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad traverse the border.

difference with an Israeli raid ?
One of the two rockets didn't explode (50% failure)
No causalities (100% failure)

what you said makes no sense and no i don't "got it"! Both are using our country as a battle field and you are hypocrite to think otherwise!

Enough with weapons and hatred Flamethrower, we've had enough! We should just unite against both Syria and Israel and unite against ALL our lying and hate spreading politicians! All our politicians have managed to do in decades is make us hate each other more and more and make us believe, like josh here and many others too, that one back stabber is better then the other...

what are the Resistance 60000 rockets for ..for killing innocent civilians?

but FT c'mon, if u responded then u would be supporting the FSA,..just like israel bombing syria was meant to give FSA an edge... whats wrong with ya lol? :p
but yes if it was up to me, at least throw a rock back at syria..and at least throw a rock up to the israeli jets.

you pretend to want the lebanese sovereignty then why don't you denounce as the president the violations of the lebanese territory by the syrian army

kanaan, dont be silly. Israel has bombed and attacked before there ever was a hezballah, plo or any other group.

Where are the patriots to defend lebanon? where is the golden equation? Where is the Army? Where is the resistance? where is the people?
Oh sorry, I forgot this was Syria el Assad hitting us. Thats ok. darb el habib zbib :)

What's new? That's normal these days. Open borders, no state and no law. Everything goes both ways

Where are the patriots to defend lebanon? where is the golden equation? where is the Army? where is the people? where is the resistance?
Oh sorry I forgot it was Syria el Assad hitting us. its ok then I guess darb el habib zbib :)

as i have always said ..those who support Syria are no different to those who support Israel ..Both are traitors ..

FT so you support Syria bombing Lebanon..i have always said that your kind are traitors .when you don't have an argument you always refer to al nusra or al qaeda,where they have nothing to do with the topic been debated.

no FT ..M14 dont support anyone bombing Lebanon..only people like you are traitors.

Yes Flamethrower, we are all traitors! And not because one supports Israel and one supports Syria but because hundreds of thousands of Lebanese lost their lives in the past and we learned NOTHING! We just got up and each one of us followed the same hypocrit politician we were following before...we are traitors to our land!

The "ASSad" regime seems to have begun to pray their... well... umm... duh... unexpected??? "Hail Mary" to the warriors on the Lebanese side of the border. The coming days and weeks might be full of grace, amen.

These people have killed several Lebanese soldiers within the past months. Syria is doing what the Lebanese army doesn't dare, cleaning house for them.

LOL! i thought hezbi were here to defend lebanon's sovereignty? seems it is double stardards as usual!!!!! oh! syria never destroyed any lebanese villages nor tortured lebanese nor kidnapped or murdered any lebanese... so it is OK if they bomb us....
FPM defend these agressions? they are then accomplices of the violation of lebanon's sovereignty.... they do not care about lebanaon as long as it goes against THEIR interests.... filthy hypocrits and zionist traitors...

I'm not sure any of you noticed but whomever is filling in for FT is not well versed in English. Improper grammar, wrong terms, etc,... I demand the return of the original FT!!! This is no fun.

Lebanese are participating in destroying syria and inciting hate and civil war there therefor nobody should complain when syrians do the same in lebanon = this is what people will say when the war moves to lebanon.
Are we ready for another civil war? If not then why isent anyone doing anything about lebanese shiite takfiris and lebanese salafie takfiris fueling things in syria? It will backfire in lebanons face, we blamed syrians for our civil war instead of blaming ourselfs. Syrians as well will blame lebanese for their war sooner or later.