2 Gunmen Dead after Attacking Army in Arsal
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
The army command said Thursday that two gunmen, a Lebanese and a Syrian, have been killed during a clash with soldiers in a border town in northeastern Lebanon.
The military said in a communique that on Wednesday night a group of armed men riding a pickup truck clashed with the troops after attacking their checkpoint in the area of Wadi Hmeid in the outskirts of Arsal.
Two of the assailants were killed while the rest were able to escape, it said.
Another armed group attacked the same members of the checkpoint at 2:30 am but the assault caused no casualties, the communique said.
The soldiers were able to seize the pickup truck along with the weapons and ammunition that the gunmen were transporting, it added.
On Wednesday, State Commissioner to the Military Court Judge Saqr Saqr charged three people for killing Lebanese soldiers at the same checkpoint last month.
Saqr charged in absentia Mashhour Abdul Mawla al-Rifahi al-Wazir, a Syrian, for the premeditated killing of three soldiers on May 28.
The judge also charged two Lebanese, Ahmed Hussein Mohammed and Iman Shmaytiyeh, who are in detention, for taking part in the assault.
The suspects face the death penalty if convicted.

The Syrian Opposition is getting more desperate by the day. One by one their supply routes are being destroyed. Now that the Lebanese Army is taking the gloves off the Lebanese side of the border will prove difficult to do business in as well.

That is exactly what should happen to anyone who dares open fire on the army.

Philipo.. you are israeli. Why do you care about the lebanese army?

1. where do you get the idea that I am Israeli, I am British in Manchester. It just happens that every since my days at University I have taken a deep interest in affairs in all parts of the Middle East.
2. It makes no difference which army. If people shoot at them, then the result should be dead shooters, as happened in this case.

My bad. I didn't know you were british. In that case, I agree with you. Plus you probably like Man. United... so...

Too bad Jumblatt and his friends accused the army of "demonizing" Arsal. We now see that they were right.

Lebanese army is best trained army in Middle East. They don't like to shoot their fellow citizens but if they are attracted they know what to do.

Because people are morons...they don't deserve to be treated as humans but as worms

Dont insult the army you fool. The army is a heroic army. It just is not permitted to manoeuver as much as it should because of reasons we all know.

What is really interesting is that the army is taking a de facto side in the Syrian conflict. It does nothing to disturb the flow of weapons and fighters originating the the Shiites regions, but it clashing with Sunnis to prevent them from doing the same thing.
The Lebanese government should have never put the army in this position.

" 2 Gunmen Dead after Attacking Army in Arsal "
this is the way I like to read the news and not
" 3 Lebanese soldiers where killed on a checkpoint" and assailant dissapeared ...