Army Warns against Embroiling Lebanon in Syria War
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
The Army Command pointed on Friday to a series of strict security measures carried out in all Lebanese regions, and urged the Lebanese to be vigilant against any schemes that aim to drag the country into another civil war, or embroil it in the Syria conflict.
The army's leadership said in a communique that it strongly sought in the last past months to deter the transformation of Lebanon into an arena for regional conflicts and prevent the spillover of the Syrian crisis to its territories,”
It “kicked off a series of pivotal and deterring measures in Tripoli, Sidon, Beirut, Beqaa and Mount Lebanon.”
“The army is determined, and at all costs, to implement its plan not only in Tripoli but also in any spot intended to be a focus for fighting between sons of the same city. Armed action will be fought with armed response," it said.
“We urge the Lebanese to be vigilant against any scheme that plans to drag Lebanon into an illogical war. They must be aware of fabrications made by some political and religious figures,” it said, urging them to express their stances with peaceful democratic means away from provocations.
The statement concluded by calling on the Lebanese to cooperate with the army to reach the peaceful goals for the interest of the nation and the Lebanese.
Fierce clashes have been lingering in Tripoli since May between Bab al-Tabbaneh, which supports the Syrian uprising, and Jabal Mohsen, which supports the Syrian regime.
But reports said the fighting seemed to subside on Friday after army deployment and patrols in the inflamed spots.
The fighting has flared sporadically in the city since the beginning of the Syria conflict in March 2011, recording scores of casualties including Lebanese soldiers.
The state-run National News Agency said on Friday that there was cautious calm after the military took control of some bases.

A bit of military rule would help. Since democracy doesn't seem to work properly.

The first responsibility of a country is the protection of its' citizens from harm whether it comes from within or without.
In that regard the Army must be tasked with that mandate, the protection of the citizenry. There can be no higher priority.
To protect the public the Army must be allowed to use all of the resources at its disposal to maintain law and order.
To restrain the Army from their mandate for political gain is nothing less than sedition for it eats at the very core of a nations duty to its people.

mckini, well said but I want to change it a bit. The responsibility for Internal Security is the ISF and the army's first responsibility is to protect the borders. But in our failed status as a nation, the resistancce has overpowered the State and the Army and assumed responsibility for the border (choose our enemy and decide when to start wars) while the resistance delegated to the army the ISF job within its dictate. So to join the rows of successful nations, HA and Qaeda and Palestinian camps must be disarmed and the army must be built up to assume its responsibility of defending the country against any and all enemies (an enemy is anyone that attacks your borders be it Jew or Arab, pro-US or pro Iran.

@ helicopter
As you well know the Army is too politicized to be effective as of yet. They will have to prove they can operate without political bias or interference.
And, as you well know the current state of sectarian affairs is too volatile to merge Hezbollah with the Army. Why would Hezbollah defer in this situation?
The confluence of Hezbollah and Lebanese interests can only occur when there is trust on both sides. This can only occur after a long period of peace and reconciliation.
The Syrian situation has only exacerbated differences taken advantage of by outside interests bent on fomenting Salafist violence against Sunni sects and Shia.

The army needs to disarm the Al Qaeda terrorists in Tripoli, as that is the major source of instability in Lebanon. The country must also arrest the Mustaqbal MPs like Kabbara for instigating strife and encouraging FSA-Al Qaeda terrorists to attack the army. Justice must be served. Enough is enough.

And between armed men, which one is a "terrorist" and which one is a "resistance fighter"? Since we've got both and they are all armed to the teeth!

Karim_m2 I agree with you. But you can't just tell half the story. Hizbullah has to be disarmed u not hear that on your orange propaganda outlets? If not then why dont you try be objective. We need everyone to be objective to save what remains of this shitty country called Lebanon!

Karim_m2 I agree with you. But you can't just tell half the story. Hizbullah has to be disarmed u not hear that on your orange propaganda outlets? If not then why dont you try be objective. We need everyone to be objective to save what remains of this shitty country called Lebanon!

Karim_m2 I agree with you. But you can't just tell half the story. Hizbullah has to be disarmed u not hear that on your orange propaganda outlets? If not then why dont you try be objective. We need everyone to be objective to save what remains of this shitty country called Lebanon!

I think the Army should have went to the lebanese side of Qaseer at the borders with Syria in order to defuse the reasons for the involvement of HA in Syria; unfortunately it didn;t do that because HA didn;t allow it to do so. If the Army counts application of the laws in different yardsticks, then we are all doomed as a nation. All of Lebanon should be away from Syrian war. HA acting on its own is a flagrant violation of Lebanon's sovreignty and should have been confronted before it's too late. Lebanon in essense has already entered the civil war mode and from now on the situation is only going to be worse. This comes to underline the fact that HA highjacked lebanon and its institutions.

"The Army urged the Lebanese to be vigilant against any schemes that aim to drag the country into another civil war, or embroil it in the Syria conflict."
There is only one side to this conflict that is trying to destabilize Lebanon ... the Salafists sponsored by Wahhabi Future party members namely Saad Hariri and KSA surrogates ...

That is only in your "not so objective" opinion. Meddling in Syria's affair is destabilizing Lebanon. Taking over the borders away from Government control is destabilizing Lebanon, having Qaeda and Shiite extremists that are armed to the teeth is destabilizing Lebanon. I wish you would drop the yellow flag and raise the Lebanese flag in its place (at least lower the yellow flag so it is below that of Lebanon).

@ helicopter
You have not addressed my point:
There is only one side to this conflict that is trying to destabilize Lebanon ... the Salafists sponsored by Wahhabi Future party members namely Saad Hariri and KSA surrogates ...
I can only assume that you have no difference with my argument but prefer to engage a debate on a different subject ...

'strict security measures carried out in all Lebanese regions'
except Dahie, they have their Militia their tribunals, and they are super-citizens and the most clean honest humble God-like people!
and if u disagree with GOD makes u SATAN! maheik?

I like our army. But with their warnings and ultimatums becoming nothing more than propagating sound waves that fade shortly after they are emitted, we ask ourselves: do we really need an army that is taken as seriously as March 14 or Lebanon First Some Twenty-Four Damn Years Late and Still?

The "Army" is only as good as the politicians asses they kiss so they don't have to engage any external enemies...and that includes Hizthrowup. I have lost so much respect for the President and the "Army" over the last few weeks. Your government has no control over a good portion of the country or it's borders. Let's use them to establish orders in cities. As much as I love Lebanon...I wish the worst for it now. The "Army" is a worthless used instrument that might as well be riding bicycles and carrying water pistols. I will keep reading the news because I am looking forward to the civil war and destruction the politicians and "Army" deserve. I feel sorry for those who want a country of their own but won't possibly see it in their lifetime. May peace be with Israel and "Lebanon".