Report: GCC, Lebanon Ties Heading to Further Deterioration
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
The Gulf Cooperation Council states are expected to take further measures to confront Hizbullah's involvement in the war raging in the neighboring country Syria, which will have a negative impact on the ties with the Lebanese state.
A diplomatic source told al-Liwaa newspaper published on Monday that the GCC's travel restriction advisory to Lebanon is a first step in a series of measure the Gulf states will adopt.
Last week, the GCC urged their citizens to avoid traveling to Lebanon and called on their nationals, who are already in the country, to leave it.
Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates took the decision based on the current unstable situation in Lebanon.
The source told the newspaper that the economic ties between Lebanon and the GCC countries will reach a "critical stage" if Hizbullah continue to interfere in Syria.
“The Gulf states hope that the Lebanese understand the dangers that their country will be undergoing,” the source said, hoping that “the Lebanese wisdom would prevail.”
Asked if the Gulf countries measures would negatively impact the conditions of the Lebanese expats on their territories, the source said that the matter is “delicate.”
He described the issue as “complicated.”
Although Lebanon has officially adopted a position of neutrality in Syria's war, its people are sharply divided with Hizbullah and its allies backing President Bashar Assad's regime and the March 14 coalition supports the rebellion.
Syria's civil war has exacerbated sectarian tensions in Lebanon and its security situation has deteriorated due to various groups intervention in battles in the neighboring country.

hizbushaitan is reaching their goal of severing ties between Lebanon and the Arab world.
all they want is their ties with iran.
I wonder what kind of country we are becoming.....

Geha - rather than punishing Lebanon, they should develop a coherent and long term strategy to confront the iranian threat. Lebanon, for all practical purposes, is occuppied by Iran through hizbollah. Large part of this has to do the lack of support from GCC to march 14 forces. The disarray in the Syrian opposition is also largely due to the incompetence of the GCC. Even today, they do not supply weapons to fulfill the minimal requirements of the FSA to defend itself. In almost every encounter where the opposition had to withdraw, it is because of lack of amunition. So rather than punish the lebanese people, they should start having a coherent strategy.

agree on the medium support to fsa and that much more should be done.
on the other hand, hizbushaitan being in control of Lebanon, it is normal we will suffer the consequences.

The less ties Lebanon has with the GCC, the less common Al Qaeda ideology and terrorism will be in Lebanon.
Dont get upset by the truth.

no I am not an al Qaeda sympathizer :)
actually I am against all extremists whether sunni or shia, which means that I reject both Al Qaeda and iran/hizbushaitan.
terrorism is terrorism.

To all you GCC States ( Especially Saudi Arabia ) to the hell with you & your black oily dirty money ! The less you associate with us Lebanese the better fo us . At least we won't have to deal with your Salafists / Wahibist idealism , good . We don't want you nor your children or even yor grandchildren stepping a foot inside Lebanon just like your toy boy (Saoudi Al Harrouri) . Stage 1 : We will clean all the scums you have sent to Syria ; Stage 2: we shall endeavor to clean you scums from Lebanon ; Stage 3 : We will bury you in deep sea with your Idol UBL! Get the frigging hell out of our Homeland you Sons of Witches ...... Once this goal has been achieved then it will be full time . Bloody pedophiles .....

loooooooool..ya much money they lost ..yalla a dog never stops barking

dandoun, wait until all their business is gone out of Lebanon lets see who will hire you and to do what.

hahahahahahah u think i work for them LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl..7ayete inta its seems u do work for them ...ani mani bi7ajefor them looool

No you idiot you don't work for them but I assume you work, and if you do than your job is influenced by tourism or international business one way or another and if the world put sanctions against Lebanon let me know how is that not going to effect your employment.
Do me a favor think before you assume idiotic things.

This move by the GCC was completely expected. Their strategy has always been to destabilize Lebanon since their puppets no longer control the government. This has been the US plan since at least 2007.
Did you also notice they are kicking out all their illegal workers to try and give their own people jobs? There was a huge demonstration in Jeddah today where at least one person was killed.
The GCC are reaping what they are sowing, hatred and violence. The whole world is now privy to the extent of their backing of Qaeda and other terrorist groups all over MENA.

Lo misdirection at its best.
First of all the people who left, 180.000, were illlegal workers who were given the option to get their papers in order or leave the country (without consequences within a time frame)
Second, the person who died was accidentally set on fire by the protestors while they were trying to burn down the gate.
I dont give a shit about what is going on there but at leas get your facts straight

Lo misdirection at its best.
First of all the people who left, 180.000, were illlegal workers who were given the option to get their papers in order or leave the country (without consequences within a time frame)
Second, the person who died was accidentally set on fire by the protestors while they were trying to burn down the gate.
I dont give a shit about what is going on there but at leas get your facts straight

Hell with FSA or regular bashar or whatever.. we don't give darn about either and our idiot polical figure should understand. Leave Leb alone for GOD sake.,.

I think they will kick all the Lebanese Shia mostly, from the Gulf, I heard this story several times and it look like it s happening.

Lebanon should have been leaving the arab league long time ago.
It is a useless organisation made for frustrated arabs and that allowed them to live syria occupying lebanon through a pseudo "arab army" in 1976!

well this is a long struggle btw russia/usa n their puppets over oil in the either join them or canada :pp

Since Lebanon to GCC is nothing more than a summertime refuge, GCC needs to make sure it's safe by having its people in power. That isn't happening for some time though, kind of frustrating!

M8ers like it or not but a lot of the lebanese economy depends on the GCC countries... unless you want lebanon to sink and become a true 3rd world country then continue to support the iranian agenda and discard what is best for the country... but has M8 ever cared about the lebanese economy? LOL!

If the khaliji terrorists mean so much to you, go and stick your head in their ass and leave the dignified Lebanese to do as they please.

We have the utter care that m14 and their predecessors have taken of our economy, especially with regards to our national debt.

lebanese GDP:
-2006: -6.4%
-2007: + 3.4%
-2008: +6.3%
-209: +6.9%
2010: + 7.5%
2011: +1.5%
source: index mundi
in one year M8 made the GDP fall by 6 points....
purchasing power parity has risen from 22.02% to 59.37% from 2006 till 2010
public debt has fallen from 209% of the GDP to 150% of the GDP from 2006 till 2010...
inflation rate has fallen from 4.8% to 3.7% from 2006 till 2010 and risen to 5.1 in 2011....

This is empty threats. What can they do? They know that HA is holding Lebanon hostage and the solution is in iran not in beirut, and however much they punish lebanese, they will not be solving the issue. They are issuing these rumors merely to pressure HA...
So I dont think they will carry on retaliation measures against Lebanese at large except if HA does terrorist acts on their soils.

They're sadists and bad people in general.
If Lebanon had 5% of the amount of oil they do, we'd all be far better off than they are.

Why do we even bother with these people? Can't we shift our interests to Europe/Turkey/Armenia/Russia/Uzbekistan/etc. ? We all know none of them respect Lebanon and only see it as their doormat.

The turbaned Rat continues to destroy Lebanon, now no longer even hiding behind the phony mask of 'resistance'.