Franjieh: Suleiman Making Promises to West, Resistance Has Right to Intervene in Syria
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Marada Movement leader MP Suleiman Franjieh on Thursday accused President Michel Suleiman of “making promises to the West,” stressing that Hizbullah “has the right to intervene in Syria” militarily.
“The president turned against the March 8 camp and when we reached a juncture, he made his choices, and here we raise a question: why did all these countries cling to him? Is he the 'Bismarck of Lebanon' or did he make promises to the West and endorsed their policies?” Franjieh said during an interview with LBCI television.
“The president wants to turn himself into a hero over the (Syrian) shelling (of Lebanese territory). When Syria makes a violation, he directly condemns it, but when Israel makes a violation, Baabda remains silent,” Franjieh added.
The northern leader rejected any attack on any region in Lebanon, saying “we're against these violations, especially those committed by the Free Syrian Army.”
Criticizing the Suleiman-sponsored Baabda Declaration -- which calls for Lebanon to disassociate itself from regional crises, most notably the one in Syria – Franjieh said the declaration “was one of the tools that are aimed at bringing down Hizbullah after bringing down the Syrian regime.”
“They wanted Hizbullah to hand over its weapons and as the regime did not fall, a new round of pressure started, and it can be war or other means,” he added.
The MP also described the Baabda Declaration as a “Sunni-Shiite settlement at the expense of Christians, even if the Syrian regime fell.”
When asked what he was betting on, Franjieh said: “On the strength of our allies and on this entire camp that comprises political figures, parties, countries and axes that are built on firmness, not evanescent interests."
Asked about Hizbullah's military involvement in the Syrian crisis, the Marada leader said: “The resistance has the right to intervene in Syria – ideologically, religiously and politically – and it is an ideological organization that fights at the orders of one side, and there is a major axis in the region – an Arabist axis that is resisting and fighting.”
Franjieh added: “The target has always been the anti-Israel resistance axis and the weakening of the Syrian regime, and this plan actually started with (U.N. Security Council) Resolution 1559,” which was adopted in 2004 and calls upon "all remaining foreign forces" to withdraw from Lebanon" and "for the disbanding and disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias."
"We cannot neutralize Lebanon when there is a (new) Sykes–Picot (Agreement) in the region and major players are involved,” he went on to say.
Franjieh stressed that “Syria is not being targeted for the sake of freedom and democracy or human rights, but rather because of its political choices.”
“I don't believe that Arabs can be pro-Israel, but they have succeeded in creating Sunni-Shiite sectarian tensions,” he added.

If Hizballa has the right to intervene, we have the right hang you for your crimes.

what do you mean by WE ??? you mean you, your father and uncle living in Tel Aviv and Riyadh hahahaa

frangieh's grand father was sentenced to death and fled the country to syria during chamoun's regime for the infamous miziara church massacre, then came back few years later to wipe clean his criminal record and later become president. this man can teach the sicilian mafia a lot of lessons, but the weirdest part he is pretending to know about politics.
a christian "leader" from north lebanon siding with bloody assad regime and iran and making you believe he is after christians' interests is beyond any comprehension!!!!!!!!!

You are so right. All the Frangieh clan are Mafia. This guy is a moron and I really do not understand how any lebanese with his sound mind would even consider him as a leader. Frangieh the next Lebanese President???? What a joke that would be. Remember, his grand father was "sniffed"by dogs when he went to the US..... They knew then that he was a mafiosi. His grandson is a mafiosi as well...

if you are asking this question being stupid and ignorent, well let me tell you brainwashed burrito (responding to your pendejo) i forgive you and alla yechfik but if you are asking "supposedly" a smart question you are forging history and trying to fool some gullible people some of the time.

Mr. Frangieh, "has the right" under what agreement/convention? "fear of being assassinated" agreement?

A traitor by any definition. He is a marionette of Assad's regime who previously promissed to make him president as Aoun is the dummy of Hizbollah who promissed to make him president. Both are guilty of supporting a criminal regima and a criminal organization created, funded and indoctrinated by a foreign country. Both are guilty of Grand Treason and any respected government would have locked them in prison for life as the damage they have caused lebanon's democracy, independence, freedom and justice are beyong measure. Pitty those single minded who still support them despite them taking Lebanon to the abyss and economic ruin!

This lowlife did not pass Brevet. He come from a family of notorious criminals. He has a hand in most illegal endeavours in the christian region. (sort of a christian nabih berri)... It behoves me that northerners chose him as leader.

A little stupid kid... I can't beleive a stupid kid like this was trying to become a presdient by licking Bashar's behind... I must say he was a god licker.. that is why Bashar kept him.

Exactly my thoughts !! What a potato head that Franiyeh is..just barking for no reason ..
Ya rayto kheri w Ma 7eki

Honestly this guy pissed me off.. And even Aoun himself hasn't done that in a while, so I can guess how stupid this guys statements are to my ears... Ya ret I can see him face to face , what does he think the Lebanese people are? We have the brains of a goldfish?
.... Well maybe some ..

Lah lah lah we33ayto lbobo jibilo lbebroni ya Mara wa3 wa3 wa3 sakti hasabi ya Mara yala ynam yalaynam nedbahlo tayrel hamam ro7yahamam latsade2 nedhak 3aslayman taynam wa3 wa3

this plan actually started with (U.N. Security Council) Resolution 1559,”
which aoun helped to write, no mr franjie? LOL!

Well, at least one part of Resolution 1559 has been carried out. Israel does not occupy a single square centimetre of Lebanese territory.
"for the disbanding and disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias.". This part has not be carried out, Hizballah has no intention of disbanding, and the Lebanese Central Government doesn't show much interest in implementing this part of the Resolution.

isn't he supposed to defend HIS president more than the syrian one?

Nah, I believe the reasoning is akin to something of this sort:
Baabda declaration will prevent impressionable folk from going to Syria and fight the government. They then realized that fighters are crossing Syria anyway, and foreign jihadists proving to be worrisome. In a tit-for-tat sort of strategy, HA also sent fighters to Syria.
Syria's more like a proxy war between Lebanese political sects and various countries ( e.g. gulf ).

The president turned against the March 8 camp and when we reached a juncture, he made his choices, and here we raise a question: why did all these countries cling to him? Is he the 'Bismarck of Lebanon' or did he make promises to the West and endorsed their policies?” Franjieh said during an interview with LBCI television...............
It does not occur to him that there is something called Patriotic Lebanes option. To Mr. Franjieh, it is either the Iran/Syria option or the West option (why is he not in jail for just saying that - treason).

An unbelievable speech by Franjieh, one of the biggest Assad lackeys has the nerve to say the President is a sell out to the West. The President is standing up for the country and the people... do the Assad's have a divine right to bomb Lebanon... do the Iranian's have a divine right to declare war from Lebanon?

You forgot to mention a few Iranian muppets but everything else is too true to be good!

if helping siria military is the right thing to do, you should send your men to help. if preparing missiles to protect lebanon against israel is right , you should make the same thing. supporting siria and hezbollah in this way is pure hypocrisy.

Franjieh went too far in insulting the President. The President, Prime Minister, and Speaker are for all Lebanese and not just people from their sects. If the others are wrong, it does not make the President right to be only for the Christians. The problem in Lebanon is people like Nasrallah, Aoun, and Franjieh who sold their souls to Syria, each for his own reason.
Lebanon First!

And you call what he's practicing politics? Not, it is not. It is called the practice of nikeyet me2erfeh by one fashel m3a2ad marid la2im. Everything he achieved he achieved bel wasta!

this guy is a legal illeterate, standards must be set by the state for politicians to bear degrees and qualifications/experience and a clean past to be accepted to run to any position.

To all those criticizing MP Franjieh just one thing to remember: the dogs keep barking but the caravan keeps moving.

all of you spoke at this person but one of his leader or his master is better then him just somebody tell just one person .at last least this person he is honest he said he is with the syrien befor and after the revolution.but your masters was with the syrien befor the revolution and now all with the terrosist .

Kbiiiir ya Sleiman beik, alla yihmik min kill hal li 3emlin heln 3elam w wataniyi w henne byeswo frangeyn