Syria Calls U.S. Claims on Chemical Weapons Use 'Lies'
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Syria on Friday slammed Washington's claims that it had used chemical weapons in its fight against rebels, accusing the United States of "lies" based on "fabricated information.”
"The White House published a statement full of lies about the use of chemical weapons in Syria, based on fabricated information, through which it is trying to hold the Syrian government responsible for such use," state news agency SANA quoted a foreign ministry official as saying.
The official said the U.S. claims came "after reports affirming that armed terrorist groups active in Syria are in possession of deadly chemical weapons and the technology necessary to make them.”
Washington said on Thursday there was evidence that the Syrian government had used chemical weapons including sarin nerve gas in attacks that killed up to 150 people.
The U.S. administration also said it would now provide "military support" to rebels, a decision condemned by Damascus.
"The American decision to arm armed terrorist groups demonstrates... the direct involvement of the United States in the Syrian bloodbath," the official said.
"This raises serious questions about their good faith when it comes to finding a political solution in Syria," the official added.
Washington and Moscow -- which is allied with the Syrian regime -- have been spearheading efforts to organize a conference in Geneva to find a political solution to the Syrian conflict.

What's funny is that the UN specifically documented FSA-Al Qaeda using chemical weapons, but no one else seems to care.

it was announced by one Brazilian official but was recanted on lack of evidence.

this was recanted the very same day:

MOOwate del Porte (Swiss) was a member of the committee the head was Brazilian. who doesn't know what they're talking about now?

It is funny that when there were claims that the rebels used chemical weapons the us denied the UN report and said that it had to be assad. The only reason the US has made these claims is because the rebels have started to lose ground and need US backing since the rebels plans are starting to fall apart

Agree, they were giving peace a chance. But (because Arabs do not know how to be humble and compromise when winning, they become more arrogant and vicious) seeing the madness and arrogance sweeping the regime and Hezb, they made the decision. Nothing wrong with that....

The US is looking for another Iraq, Afghanistan military adventure in the Middle East by fabricating accusations to support her adventures in Syria. I cannot give myself any logical and convincing reasons why this barbarian country the USA should interfere and stick her nose in other countries internal affairs, by supporting gangsters,Islamic fanatics. Whether the Syrian Government is good or bad, it is none of the USA business.

The innocent victims of gangsters/Islamic fanatics (whether Salafists or Hezb) will disagree with you john marina. Civilized nations need to step in and help the victims. You can not let armed gangsters (whether they are in power or seeking power) ruin the lives of everyone else.

It's hard to say what the US stands to gain by arming or attacking Assad and his terrorist militias. On one hand, they have waited so long that the FSA has been weakened and foreign extremists are starting to marginalize them, and on the other, Assad has clearly crossed all red lines.
I hope they drop a precision missile on his palace and end this. Maybe a bunker buster up Hassan Ns hole as well.

Like ANYONE believes what the Syrian regime claims/states. Just look who is on their side....HA & Iran. Have these two scums ever told the truth? GO USA & allies. Clean the world from this disease!

If you want a clean record you murderous nazis, you allow the international press to cover the uprise, you allow the UN inspectors to check on soil and human remains ! Time for accountability is drwaing nearer you scumbags!

Wow I can't believe anyone is disputing or criticising the fact that Assad used chemical weapons. It's like when reports came out that hizbulla was fighting in Syria, all of them here jumped saying BLASPHEMY! Than later oh well they are there to protect a shrine, than their leader comes on TV and declares it a holy war and the mouse is out.
Yes, it's a known FACT chemical weapons have been used by Assad, regarding the UN report whomever idiot said the UN report recorded that the rebel used them is DEAD wrong, there was a single investigator out of over 50 that said she saw pissibilty of such. No one agreed with her and she has since been relieved of her duty. Most likely fell in the traps of the Assad propaganda machine

If this murderous nazi regime wants to come out clean , it will allow the international press to come to Syria , cover the uprising , and not shoot down reporters. It would also allow the UN inspectors to conduct a proper investigation into chemical weapons use ! They have indicted themselves, the same way the Iranian have in the pursuit of an arms nuclear program, and Hizbollah in the STL political murders file !

One more things with all due respect everyone rooting for Assad but go f yourselves. The rebels are fighting against all odds for their lives against Syrian army + Iranian army + hizbullah army + Russia weapons daily shipment.
The rebels are getting nothing for support barely some non lethal aid and some light weapons. Let's make this conflict a bit more on the fair side and allow them to fight for their rights.

Gabby Russia said the evidence is not enough people dying on camera from sarin gas it was orchestrated, their bodies taken to turkey for autopsy, it was planted in them, video of Syrian army using chemical weapons while two French journalists were there, these journalists were lying.... You can't convince someone who doesn't want to be convinced.

"Russia Says Evidence of Syrian Chemical Weapons Is 'Not Convincing'"
You al Qaeda sympathizers should really check a source or 2 before barking.

I will not attack your person since really its a waste of brain resources. So you are telling me ONE person out of 50 saying X happened for you proves your point is right?
Does that mean in your head that if 98% of the people tell you that the sky is blue but one or two people that in theory they could be color blind or blind or high on mushrooms tell you it's pink you'll believe them? Wow Whois the idiot now?