Report: March 14 Completes Memo for Suleiman on Hizbullah's Fighting in Syria
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The March 14 forces have completed a memorandum on their position on Hizbullah's fighting in Syria, reported the daily An Nahar Saturday.
It said that the memorandum will likely be submitted to President Michel Suleiman soon.
“The memo is currently being circulated among the March 14 lawmakers to garner their signatures ahead of presenting it to the president mid next week,” it revealed.
A large March 14 delegation will be tasked with handing the statement to Suleiman, added the daily.
An Nahar had reported on Friday that a number of March 14 leaders had met on Thursday night in order to review the memorandum, saying that it was backed by all members of the alliance.
Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah had declared during a speech on Friday that the party will stay involved in the conflict, after having helped Syrian regime forces recapture the key town of Qusayr from rebels.
"Where we need to be, we will be. Where we began to assume our responsibilities, we will continue to assume our responsibilities," he added.
"To defeat this very, very dangerous conspiracy (against Syria) we will bear any sacrifices and all the consequences,” he stated.
Hizbullah fighters spearheaded a devastating 17-day regime assault on the Syrian town of Qusayr near the Lebanese border which culminated on June 5 with its recapture from the rebels.
Nasrallah had previously justified the group's involvement in Syria by saying they were defending Lebanese-inhabited border villages inside Syria and Shiite holy sites in the Damascus province.
But during a May 25 speech marking the 13th anniversary of Israel's military withdrawal from Lebanon, Nasrallah said "if Syria falls in the hands of the Takfiris and the United States, the resistance will become under a siege and Israel will enter Lebanon. If Syria falls, the Palestinian cause will be lost.”

Unfortunately this will mean nothing to Hizbullah, if the memorandum does not come from Iran, Nasarallah will not read it.

Where's the memo for stopping the violence inside of Lebanon, for fixing the roads, the electricity, the lack of jobs ... ?????

Mcknil- even though u raise a valid point, how can there be daily life improvements if there is a war knocking your day every few days ?
And I refer you to this
"To defeat this very, very dangerous conspiracy (against Syria) we will bear any sacrifices and all the consequences,” he stated.
Key words here , "any sacrifices" !!!! ... Any idea what he means by that ?... Perhaps sacrificing Lebanon for his sectarian interests

It is apparent that Hariri and most of M14 are willing to make "any sacrifices" by tearing Lebanon apart over what is now a war that Assad has won.
Day after day, week after week all we hear is M14 waging a public relations campaign against the HA while Lebanon succumbs to violence, sectarian hatred, tattered infrastructure and failing economy.
It has been Hariri that has sacrificed Lebanon for his KSA patrons. It is he that has crippled governance while he supplies fighters and
munitions to Qaeda in Syria through Tripoli.

To my compatriots of March 14 nobodies I say this: the longer it takes you to present this memo to our good-for-nothing corrupt president-by-parachute who has become the magnet of hopeless hopefuls and losers, the longer it will take to have the no action that can possibly be taken to be taken. So please expedite it in order to see nothing happen sooner rather than later.

glad to see that you support hezbis to drag lebanon into this conflict despite their fake agreement of the disassociation policy... no need to answer back with your lame excuse that future was involved way before because it cannot be compared... hezbis are the most influential militia in lebanon and they rule the country, if they want they could apply this disassociation policy to keep lebanon out but orders from tehran are more important than respecting their own state! and your party are accomplices if war falls on lebanon.
you are just an antilebanese and proud of it... you did your "devoir de vacances" even more better because you obey your teacher like a real little dog....