1 Dead, 4 Hurt as Asir Supporters, Resistance Brigades Clash in Abra
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةClashes erupted on Tuesday afternoon between supporters of Islamist cleric Sheikh Ahmed al-Asir and members of the Hizbullah-affiliated Resistance Brigades in the Sidon neighborhood of Abra, leaving at least one person dead and four others wounded.
Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3) said the fighting broke out between Asir supporters and “Mahmoud al-Sous' group, which belongs to the Resistance Brigades.”
"Several people were killed and wounded in the clash that erupted in the town of Abra, east of Sidon. One of the dead was identified as Mohammed Hashisho and four other people were wounded," state-run National News agency reported.
Media reports said rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) were used in the clashes as Voice of Lebanon (93.3) said a mortar shell was fired.
Meanwhile, al-Jadeed television said “masked gunmen deployed across Abra as residents fled the area,” adding that “gunmen loyal to Sheikh al-Asir are trying to storm apartments belonging to Hizbullah in Sidon's Abra.”
MTV also said masked gunmen and snipers deployed heavily on the rooftops of buildings in Abra and that the army was shooting back at the sources of gunfire.
"Things have returned to normal and traffic resumed in Sidon as the army deployed in the streets," al-Manar television reported in the evening.
The Army Command had issued an ultimatum to "all gunmen in Sidon to immediately withdraw from the streets," warning that troops "will open fire on any gunman and will shoot back at the sources of gunfire."
Sources told Future TV that "an agreement on a ceasefire in Abra has been reached and the army started deploying in the region."
"Reports said an agreement sponsored by Sidon's mufti Sheikh Salim Sousan was reached with Sheikh al-Asir to withdraw gunmen from Abra," al-Jadeed said.
Later, Asir told LBCI: "We give a deadline until Monday to evacuate Hizbullah's apartments in Abra."
OTV had reported earlier that "Hizbullah has committed itself not to advance towards the rival positions in Sidon until the moment and any other claims are untrue."
"Hizbullah is keen on pacification but will not allow any change on the ground in Sidon and the neighboring villages," sources told OTV.
Earlier on Tuesday, LBCI television said unknown individuals intercepted a van belonging to a water supply company owned by Asir's brother in al-Qayaa in northern Sidon.
“As the driver and his assistant were distributing water in the al-Qayaa area, a group assaulted them, forcing them to escape from the car which collided into a wall,” LBCI added.
Asir's supporters said the attackers belong to the Resistance Brigades.
Voice of Lebanon said Asir had vowed not to stay silent over the "criminal act" against his brother.

As expected Saida is starting, next Tripoli and bekaa, then Beirut.
hizbushaitan wants to silence all opposition.

do not mix on purpose for your sectarian FPM propaganda chiaas with hezbis! HA rent those apartments filled with guns not simple chia citizens stop your BS here ok?
... very peaceful residency indeed....

It's like reading the same damn news over and over again every day...and the same comments too...

"... i wish HA had responded firmly, getting tired of assir's provocations"
Spoken like a true thug! People like you don't even think of the state and its institutions but rather fall back on their sectarian protector. Did it occur to you there is police, there is army, there are courts or said institutions don't exist in the vocabulary of thugs?? I guess not....

so what you are saying is that hizb iran does its people in those apartments...

The most extremist people of saïda live in Ayè3a.... I get shivers whenever I pass by. Abra is however for middle class Sidonians... A mixture of Christians and Muslims live there.
This ain't no good for Lebanon, you know how they respect the law of the Talion. Sheikh Assir lost my support the day he wandered around with armed men.... Hizballa and other crap lost my support when they assassinated Hariri and further more when they abducted Israeli soldiers in Israel to create a clash that would later devastate Lebanon.
Allahû Akbar ;-)

I do wonder mowaten
I mean lets say i found a nice place with a nice view somewhere in dahyeh.
Then you know, one day geagea has a speech, so i go out the window, hang an lf flag, and start shooting in the air.
How do you see that scenario progressing from there :)

Did anyone think that the Asir phenomena in Sidon would not eventually turn into a shooting conflict. This is what happens when government credibility falls to the levels that the Lebanese Government's credibility has fallen. Caretaker ministries and a Parliament whose mandate has lapsed headed by a president whose powers have been clipped to the point of creating an irrelevant office.
The cure for Sidon, Tripoli and Arsal is not to postpone elections and to further cripple credibility and legitimacy of the government. No. It is to have elections and renew and restore legitimacy. And who is it that is blocking this from happening?? Berri, Hezbollah and Jumblatt. Bas.

Pacification by Hizballa's definition is to leave no one alive. That's what they did in Qusayr.

And I add, after exterminating the local populacion, they colonize their territories with their Shiites evil people.

go go shia go..go sunni go...go bajam go go....inchallah bita'abborou baadkon

Lets build a wall like Israel/Palestine.... Soit Africa apartheid, or Berlin.... Shoo ra2yak? It won't stop rockets from falling though.... Norse we purchase the iron dome from our southern neighbours.

if they aren't forbidden, then they should stop denying the allegations.
of course, they are used to denying everything......

yes anonymetexas.. HA and FPM can do what they want but if their opponents do the same, waw! what a scandal!!!
no more hypocrits than them.....

Hahaha I like the pic gunmen right in front of the army and they're not doing anything to stop Em!! Watta joke

Siddo ya mustool. Nothing but trash out of you Motormouth. Quite sickening to see you jump up & down like a monkey when you there is violence & friction. Typical of HA conditioned sheep to get thrills from blood and clashes.

Damn Motormouth you sure know how to make friends with all those DOWN votes. You love the abuse I see. Pathetic! Then again this is your typical response we see from BSThrower FT....thus....one the same!

All of you make comment but somebody see what I see in this picture that our military watching this movie !!this picture win oscar in hollywood !! t

I heard it about saudi arabia and saudis. As for lebanon, the first part doesnt suit lebanon with all its sinful places but the second part fits like a glove. Truly anjas cha3b. I have never seen such a hateful dirty people in my life. Its as if lebanese were born with arrogance instead of a heart. I used to be proud over being lebanese when i was a young ignorant kid, but now? I have changed my mind.

Lebanese are all about mazeher only. Cant build a country, cant unite in anything except hate and racism and love for plastic surgery and pretending to be rich.

How many armies does lebanon have? We have the state army, hezballa army, amal army, assir army, jabal me7sen army, kate2eb army, bab el tebbeneh army, pflp-gc syrian army, tariq jdideh army, psp army, LF army, wahhab army, mustakbal army, ssnp army, marada army and many more. Anyone can gather a group of angry males in lebanon, hand them weapons and hate against another sect, religion, area, ideology or political party and voila = an army. Welcome to the lebanese jungle.

Until their is a true Lebanese government with a true Lebanese army, there will be more and more gunmen taking to the streets.

Yes Prime, the Glorious militia is famous for its Pacification technics... usually done by individual assassinations or group car bombs.

We do not need to be informed as much as we need to be reminded

What is funny the1phoenix is that even though your posts ooz with concern for Lebanon and compassion for the civilians, yet their are dark hearts and souls there that disagree with your love for the country and give you thumbs down. We have so many Lebanon haters on this forum and in Lebanon.

And the good guys have their Lebanon and would like to see it sovereign, civil, prosperous and just.

Humility is man's biggest virtue, I wish you will discover it someday.

Thank you for that honest answer. From now on, just adk yourself these questions before talking and looking like a child.
Based on what you just said, assir is completely justified doing what he is doing

The phoenix,
I see the army in the picture watching militia men walking before them as if nothing is happeneing !
anyone other than me see what's wrong in this picture ?