Aoun Says Hizbullah Intervened in Syria after Gunmen Infiltrated Lebanon
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun on Tuesday said Hizbullah intervened militarily in Syria after “gunmen” were brought into Lebanon, putting the blame on the March 14 camp and accusing it of creating a “vacuum” in Lebanon.
"We discussed the 'carnival of speeches' that is taking place today about Syria and Hizbullah, as if we have no other problems and as if we forgot the epoch that led us here," Aoun said, referring to the memo submitted by March 14 to President Michel Suleiman.
“Certain parties should have defended Lebanon, but they rather created a vacuum and brought in gunmen, which required another force to stand in their face,” Aoun told reporters after the weekly meeting of the Change and Reform bloc.
Addressing the March 14 forces in an indirect manner, the FPM leader added: "Sovereignty is indivisible and vacuum at state institutions brought in the gunmen and the gunmen brought Hizbullah."
"They are not mentioning their own duties and memos cannot achieve anything because they are not seeking Lebanon's interest," he said.
"They comment on a small detail and forget their own deeds, as the former opposition is to blame for everything happening on the border and we didn't hear any of them requesting the deployment of the army," Aoun went on to say.
"What do they want after Hizbullah withdraws from Syria? They don't want an electoral law, they don't want legitimate institutions and they don't want a government and they have been postponing developmental projects amid administrative paralysis," he charged.
Aoun said "a lot of people are taking impotence as an excuse and waiting for others and today the clash escalated in Abra due to these things."
"Who sent the gunmen to Nahr al-Bared? Why did they remain silent over Fatah al-Islam in the judiciary? Who helped the detainees escape (from Roumieh)? Who neglected their responsibilities for years? This manipulation by Internal Security Forces officials led us to this situation," Aoun added.
He called on "those who don't have foreign connections" to "agree with us on rescuing the country through the solidarity of its people, not through the U.S., Russia or the Arab League."
Asked about the extension of parliament's term, Aoun said: "Everyone stabbed us in the issue of extending parliament's term and even had we convinced Hizbullah to vote on our side, extension would not have been avoided, as the extension was approved by both March 14 and March 8."
"Certain parties provided cover for what happened at parliament and others covered what happened in the Constitutional Council," he added.
18 June 2013, 17:21
Aoun: Hizbullah will confront any threat it may face and its stances are clear and don't ask me about my opinion.
18 June 2013, 17:20
Aoun: Certain parties provided cover for what happened at parliament and others covered what happened in the Constitutional Council.
18 June 2013, 17:18
Aoun: Everyone stabbed us in the issue of extending parliament's term and even had we convinced Hizbullah to vote on our side, extension would not have been avoided, as the extension was approved by both March 14 and March 8.
18 June 2013, 17:15
Aoun: We are the only ones who are voicing our own stances. Let those who don't have foreign connections agree with us on rescuing the country through the solidarity of its people, not through the U.S., Russia or the Arab League.
18 June 2013, 17:14
Aoun: Who sent the gunmen to Nahr al-Bared? Why did they remain silent over Fatah al-Islam in the judiciary? Who helped the detainees escape? Who neglected their responsibilities for years? This manipulation by ISF officials led us to this situation.
18 June 2013, 17:13
Aoun: A lot of people are taking impotence as an excuse and waiting for others and today the clash escalated in Abra due to these things.
18 June 2013, 17:12
Aoun: Thank God we still have the strength of the army.
18 June 2013, 17:12
Aoun: They comment on a small detail and forget their own deeds, as the former opposition is to blame for everything happening on the border and we didn't hear any of them requesting the deployment of the army.
18 June 2013, 17:11
Aoun: What do they want after Hizbullah withdraws from Syria? They don't want an electoral law, they don't want legitimate institutions and they don't want a government and they have been postponing developmental projects amid administrative paralysis.
18 June 2013, 17:10
Aoun: They are not mentioning their own duties and memos cannot achieve anything because they are not seeking Lebanon's interest.
18 June 2013, 17:09
Aoun: Sovereignty is indivisible and vacuum at state institutions brought the gunmen and the gunmen brought Hizbullah.
18 June 2013, 17:09
Aoun: We discussed the "carnival of speeches" that is taking place today about Syria and Hizbullah, as if we have no other problems, and we forgot the epoch that led us here. Certain parties should have defended Lebanon, but they rather created a vacuum and called in gunmen, which required another force to stand in their face.
18 June 2013, 17:08
Aoun: We committed ourselves to calm after filing the challenge and we did not discuss the issue in politics like others did and this is regrettable.
18 June 2013, 17:08
FPM leader MP Michel Aoun after weekly meeting of Change and Reform bloc: Discussions tackled the issue of the Constitutional Council and it seems that there is a session on Friday and a final decision, but lack of quorum is expected.

It is like Iran took Aouns body, sucked out his brain, & planted a shia taqqiya iranian mouthpiece in its place that they control via a play station 4

Yeah ex-general..... who sent Fateh Islam who ya hilou who? Ah, yes Israel .... They came to the north through Israel mahek ya hilou ya general? and which government took the decision to eradicate them? who ya general? who who? and who said it was a red line who who? Now, go STFUP and take your medicine!

This spot is reserved for Banim3roof:) Awaiting the dismantling of this historic speech:)

and it is also well documented that their leader was released from syria then spent 2 weeks in ... dahiye before going to nahr el bared!
and your iranian master drew red lines not for civilians which he does not care for but rather from attacking the camp... forgot that? short and distorted memory as usual....FPM propaganda well paid for from iran...

foreign connection are fine yes, but your hezbi friends have no foreign connection as they PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE to a foreign country meaning they are taking their orders directly from them which is far worse and you are allied to them and do not forget that the syrians let aoun come back on special conditions: to never ally with hariri and geagea otherwise...
see the difference stupid FPMer?....

if true why didn't your gvt ever tried to sue them as they had the power? LOL... STFU it s better rather than ridiculizing yourself baby boy by trying to play in the adult's league....
oh! forgot that aoun said and repeated that after syria would leave lebanon they would send islamists groups to destabilize the country? yes, i m sure you forgot, bad for your FPM propaganda business....

waw! you really have a THICK head FT... is he part of M14? is he allied with hariri or geagea? NO.... STFU then instead of trying to distort the truth....

getting nervous baby boy? you hate it when one reminds you of what aoun said before that he denies now.... so you just try and turn around the subject to try and look smarter and it is ok for you to remind the past when it comes to M14 saying it is still true but for aoun? no! it is pragmatism if he changes! aoun has the right to change but M14? no way! very convenient for your populist talks isn't it? and very easy too so that all weak minded people like you can use!
if saad and bahia funded islamists groups that killed our soldiers don't you think they would be sued for treason? who asked for a trial? no one! you had the gvt for a few years: did aoun try to sue them? no... strange no? if it is soooooo well documented i do not understand why NO tribunal ever sued them with the hard evidence FPM seems to have!!!
so baby boy don't try to look smart coz you will always lose as facts speak against your BS...

"you can sue for treason when you have proof."
LOL... so you speak out of FPM assumptions... very funny FT.
then why are you saying this? as for you one needs proof to accuse: you always keep reminding us of this! even to shut up if we cannot bring you evidence!!!
LOL! but you? oh! no problem FPM is the truth! hahahaha! very demented indeed you are....

"wow attributing berri's deeds to aoun is a new low for parasite peace!"
no better argument? no wonder, twisting facts is your specialty: so let me remind you: wasn't aoun preventing the parliament from working by his sit in? didn't he back the resignation of the hezbis ministers? didn't he cry out that the gvt was illegal then saying he would not respect it even if the constitution said it was NOT illegal....YES...
if he were a politician putting his country first he wouldn't have accepted this but he prefered tp paralyze the country when more than ever reforms needed to be made and now look at the stae of the country he created with your friends!!! LOL
so stop making a fool of yourself because facts again deny all your BS.... rouh tnem ahsanlak ya sghrir....

Give it to them General , turn the M14s stomach & make them vomit all the Jins than posses them . You can tell by their putrid post , long live the General - the next President of Lebanon ! Now that will send all you M14s to a Mental Institution .

Aoun talking about Hezbollah this way, they may reward that with a car bomb.
All of what he said describes Hezbollah, does it not??

For your "logical" conclusions, I recommend another medal of honor to pin on your chest....
Le chant du cor.
O rage, O désespoir, O destin ennemi,
N’ai-je donc espéré que pour cette infamie ?
J’avais pourtant cru à tes belles promesses
Et je récolte aujourd’hui le fruit de ta bassesse.
Tu m’as abandonné, toi, Hassan mon soutien
Et je me retrouve seul, isolé et sans liens !
J’avais pourtant donné ma caution sans limite
A ton gouvernement et au pouvoir chiite !
Qu’arrivera-t-il à mon gendre, le virulent bacille ?
Adieu plans d’opulence et autres rêves imbéciles.
Que dirai-je à Chantal et à mes petits enfants,
Moi qui me voyais Président Triomphant !
Devrais-je donc recourir à l’abri du linceul
Pour ne plus souffrir la torture d’être seul !

actionman you can add... God bless the general also for all the tens millions of dollars that he and his wife have pocketed and stolen since the civil war and to this day

wow--aoun going out on a limb with with his accusations, NOT
of course, he neglected the ASSad army shelling lebanon....

Perhaps because there is no such thing as "Lebanese"?
Where I live in my small crappy European country, most immigrants aren't integrated.... They brought their cultures are traditions and don't mix.
In Lebanon, plenty of people originate from Iraq, Palestine, etc... They never were integrated because of us and because of themselves..... There's no longer a Lebanese identity.

God bless General Aoun for his staunch patriotism, defense of Lebanon's democracy, and opposition to February 14-sponsored terrorism.

"Aoun: Hizbullah will confront any threat it may face and its stances are clear and don't ask me about my opinion."
meaning he is ready to kill lebanese to keep is promise of never using his weapons inside lebanon! LOL!

poor FT... i am just opposing your stupid propaganda and as it annoys you look at you pityful answer... a real 5 year old girl would do etter... out of meaningful things to say? oh! it angers you when one challenges you with facts to which you cannot answer so you get nervous like a little girl on her first date... poor thingy, i do not need attention as much as you need therapy.... ya haram anta...

In the end Lebanon will prevail after Aoun enters Dayr El Salib, being allied with a militia that does not pay Electricity or Water or Tax tells a lot about who your color along with the 27 thieves that are supposed to represent the citizens in Parliament.

Aoun: Hizbullah will confront any threat it may face and its stances are clear and don't ask me about my opinion" ... the Lunatic General at his best.
He called on "those who don't have foreign connections" to "agree with us on rescuing the country through the solidarity of its people, not through the U.S., Russia or the Arab League." As usual Aoun does not mention Iran or his new paymaster Assad, he must not consider them foreign.

We2e7 ou kherfen! ou mfakkar halou general! Houweh haribeh 3ala safara!
akbar jaben bas law el ness 3enda zekra bi hal balad!
Aoun attacked LF in 89 becoz he wanted only the gun of the army to rule and forgot all other armed factions, now he is defending Hizbo who is illegal! u know why? ma bya3ref yetmarjal ella 3al masihiyeh hawdik zalmeton! GeneMou3ak3a2leh!